

  • Todoist 2.1 for Android leverages Google Now for adding new reminders

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    As part of its effort to better leverage KitKat, version 2.1 of Todoist now uses the power of Google Now for adding new tasks to those lists of reminders. The update allows users to speak "OK Google" followed by "note to..." and the item to be completed. For example, you'd speak "note to make dinner reservations" or some such. This voice command will then add the task to a to-do list automatically without the need to access the app or enter it in manually with the keypad. If you're of the sort that likes motivation on your lockscreen, Todoist also plays nice with DashClock now -- a third-party widget for that particular tract of screen real estate. Here, the tally of tasks (with no details) that are overdue, for the day or for the entire week are displayed without unlocking device. Now if we could only get the app to order cupcakes when all our work is done, we'd really be in business.

  • Todoist, a web-based task manager available for iOS

    John-Michael Bond
    John-Michael Bond

    With the staggering amount of task-management apps out on the market, we shouldn't think in terms of which one is "best," but rather which one is "best for you." Todoist is a web-based task-management app that offers all of the basics you expect via to-do lists. However it has one killer feature that makes it incredibly useful for my specific needs. Namely: nested lists. Todoist separates your lists into projects and then tasks, which can be added on the website and accessed via their handily iOS app. You can even add subtasks for an extra layer of detail. For example to help with keeping track of chores around the house, I made a project called Chores. In that project each room is listed as a task, with sub-tasks for doing the dishes, sweeping and cleaning the cat box. What could be incredibly complicated is a breeze thanks to the clean design of the web and app interfaces. Using two arrows you can move tasks right or left to nest them with your projects. You can also drag and drop tasks for easy reordering. Todoist also has browser plugins so you can add projects on the fly without opening a new page or pulling out your phone. When you're done with a task, simply check it off your lists. You can leave items crossed out on your screen or move them to an archive. In addition, the handy settings allow you to easily color-code labels, set deadlines and edit tasks. If this all seems complicated, don't worry. It comes with a clear and helpful walkthrough. The service also has a premium option, though the apps and website are free to use. The iOS app allows you to work offline, meaning commuters can create lists on the fly. However the free program is missing some major features that could turn off budget users. Features like the ability to filter completed tasks, add notes to tasks, push notifications and integration with iCal are strictly for paying customers. In addition, premium users get SSL encryption for their tasks. My shopping lists don't need to be secured, but it's worth noting when considering Todoist. The premium version of Todoist is available for US$29 per year. Todoist doesn't revolutionize task management, but its easy-to-learn interface and nested lists make it ideal for people who want a simple, yet powerful tool for keeping their day organized.

  • Quicksilver Todoist plugin

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    Todoist is yet another online "task manager" / todo list that lends itself to the whole GTD craze. Now Jonathan Johnson has hacked together a Quicksilver plugin that integrates with Todoist so that you can easily add entries to your online Todoist Projects. Although it lacks a lot of the functionality of the Stikkit Quicksilver plugin we mentioned earlier (in particular it only allows you to add, not edit, entries), nonetheless it could be a handy thing for those who prefer the nicely streamlined Todoist interface.The Todoist Quicksilver plugin is a free download from NilObject.