

  • More information on Final Fantasy XIV's crafters and harvesters

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    With the beta testing in full swing and the release date just around the corner, you might think that Final Fantasy XIV fans would have all the information that they need. Of course, anyone highly anticipating the game would be quick to point out the exact opposite, eagerly looking for any more details about the game, especially with so much left to know about the various Disciplines. A recent article on Famitsu (translated by the helpful team at FFXIVCore) sheds new light on some of the less flashy disciplines -- not those of War or Magic, but the Hand and the Land, gathering and crafting. The new article gives more details on Harvesters (which may be dubbed Botanists in the official translation), Goldsmiths, Armourers (possibly due to lose the British spelling), Woodworkers, and Fishermen. Each class has a small writeup explaining their tasks and talents, such as the rapport that Harvesters enjoy with plants or the equipment-enhancing talents of Goldsmiths. Take a look at the article for a clearer picture of the plethora of non-combat activities that come along with Final Fantasy XIV -- even if many of the noncombatants will be well served by having a few combat-ready escorts.

  • Cataclysm: Alchemy mount hinted at on EU forums

    Gregg Reece
    Gregg Reece

    European community manager Ancilorn posted in the Cataclysm forums that there might be an alchemy mount in the future. There are extremely little details for us to speculate on as this could mean something from a flying broomstick to a potion you drink in order to become a mount yourself. However, one thing that we can be sure of is that there is at least talk of doing this, but nothing is certain. We can probably also expect such perks to pop up in other places as all professions are getting a revamp in the coming expansion. And before your fire burns and cauldron bubbles, just remember that we're not even in beta yet and that a lot of things could change. Ancilorn Quote: Goblins should have a ogre as mount. If you have played WC3 the alchemist is riding on an ogre ( but it is the ogre who attacks and stuff ). You can always dream.blah blah blah You mention Alchemist and a unique mount, eh? ;) We may well have a surprise coming in the future for those who dabble in the Alchemy profession. Watch this space! I cannot promise it will be an ogre, though. :P source

  • Gold Capped: Casual auctioneering

    Basil Berntsen
    Basil Berntsen

    Want to get Gold Capped? This column shows you how. Basil "Euripides" Berntsen, also of, the Hunting Party podcast and the Call to Auction podcast will endeavor to fill your head with so much economic wisdom that you won't be able to see straight afterwards! Making money in game can seem complex. Well, it is. The real pros have addons and UI customizations most people would never bother developing, keen understanding of the chains of supply and demand in the in-game economy, as well as inordinate amounts of time to spend in the auction house. What if you're just out to fund your epic flyer, though? If you're reading my column to see whether there's a cap on the amount of gold you can stuff into a guild bank, chances are you've already carved out a niche for yourself. If, however, you don't plan on spending any more time in the AH than you absolutely need to, what can you do to make more money there than you make grinding dailies?

  • Breakfast Topic: An alternative to tailoring

    Gregg Reece
    Gregg Reece

    For people who are starting the game and looking at professions for the very first time, some of the professions are fairly obvious in how they should be combined. If you're going to take leatherworking, you'll likely also be taking skinning so that you have some leather to work with. Mining is matched up with blacksmithing, jewelcrafting, and engineering. You've got alchemy and inscription intended to be with herbalism. Lastly, you've got tailoring and enchanting. All you really need for enchanting is a profession that makes uncommon quality or better equipment. Enchanting doesn't really have to be matched with tailoring, but all of the other crafting professions need a gathering skill, and enchanting works better when you have another profession to disenchant from. The gathering skill for tailoring is just killing humanoids and undead over and over again, and thus it can be matched with any gathering profession just to fill a slot. If you're anything other than a warlock, priest or mage, then taking tailoring is fairly unintuitive if you want enchanting. You could just combine it with a gathering profession like mining or skinning, but that means you need to obtain your enchant materials via the auction house, get really lucky via the dungeon finder or use alts with other professions. What the game needs is an alternative, self-contained profession that could be matched with either. Could it be the woodworking profession idea that they announced had pretty much been scrapped during this past year's BlizzCon? How about merging leatherworking and skinning into a single profession? Or do you take a page out of Final Fantasy XI's book and go with bonecrafting (we just finished an expansion heavy on the bone armor theme)? What's your idea for a single slot crafting profession that would be useful to something other than cloth-wearers?

  • Gold Capped: Making gold with alchemy

    Basil Berntsen
    Basil Berntsen

    Want to get Gold Capped? This column shows you how. Join author Basil "Euripides" Berntsen, also of, the Hunting Party podcast and the Call to Auction podcast. Alchemy is an awesome way to make money in WoW. As we've said before, some businesses are proactive, requiring you to invest time and money in order to make profits. Some are reactive, allowing you to use a cooldown to craft something that's in demand for smallish volume of sales at high profit. Alchemy is unique in the sense that it allows you to both! You can craft and sell potions, flasks and elixirs, and you can transmute an epic gem once a day and Titanium Bars without a cooldown since patch 3.3.

  • Breakfast Topic: Disenchanting BoEs in dungeon runs

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    When you have an enchanter in your party, getting drops in a dungeon can be sort of an autopilot thing: you hit the disenchant button and move on. Reader Akwihahlo actually sort of has a beef we this. As he points out, the Dream Shards you get from disenchanting a blue BoE on most servers only go for around 5-10 gold a piece, assuming you can sell them at all. In the meantime, the blue might go for more on the auction house to a player still looking to gear up for dungeon runs, or it might just plain vendor for more than you could get from the dream shard. With the new functionality that automatically shows sell prices in the tool tips of all items, it's even easier to tell when an item is lucrative as "vendor trash." For my part, I tend to be the type to greed lucrative-looking BoEs (or even BoPs with very high vendor values), but I don't sweat it if others do. For some people, it's not so much stretching your gold as getting the run over with so you can get to those 2 extra emblems at the end. What's your method? Do you consider the pros and cons before you hit the disenchant button, or do you prefer to just hit it and get on with the run?

  • Patch 3.3.3 PTR: Frozo the Renowned takes your Frozen Orbs

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Frozen Orbs have been sort of a weird little problem since Patch 3.3 came out. Since they automatically drop off every heroic end boss, the dungeon finder has pretty much guaranteed that there's thousands of them created every single day. However, the Emblems of Triumph that come out of those same dungeons pretty much make most of the profession gear made with Frozen Orbs obsolete. As a result, many of us have at least a couple stacks rotting in our banks or backpacks, and I know I personally have started outright passing on them, having nothing better to do with them. Now I sort of wish I hadn't, if only because they're finally useful as currency in Patch 3.3.3.

  • Fallen Earth drops preview patch notes for new tradeskill, gambling and more

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Even though most Fallen Earth fans knew these features were coming, it's still great to see them in writing. In a patch note preview post in the forums yesterday, the Fallen Earth team announced that their much-anticipated Construction tradeskill and gambling taverns will be entering the game this Monday, December 14th. Construction will bring the ability for players to build camps in the wasteland, complete with their own vaults, merchant NPCs, mailboxes and more. The new gambling system will introduce slot machines, Blackjack tables and more to taverns throughout the Grand Canyon Province. In addition to these major features, the First Night preparations will be added, including special quests and rewards for the winter event celebrations. Pages of bug fixes also accompany this patch, so head on over to the forums to check out the preview of this Monday's patch notes and check out some extensive developer diaries and video on the update over at IGN for more information.

  • All the World's a Stage: The voices of every race and class speak in RP

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    All the World's a Stage, and all the orcs and humans merely players. They have their stories and their characters; and one player in his time plays many roles. All the World's a Stage has been a voice for roleplaying in WoW for over two years now. I didn't quite realize it at the time, but the article entitled "So you want to be a bad guy" was just about at the 2 year mark for this column! To celebrate belatedly, today we'll review some of the other websites about roleplaying in WoW out there. If you like All the World's a Stage, you'll probably enjoy these as well. In addition, you will find that some of these websites have similar, but unique pages with information about roleplaying the various races and classes of Azeroth. So for those of you who would like to have a reference to all these articles in a single place, I've collected them all together in one list at the end of the article. This list includes my own articles, as well as those of all the other websites I'm about to mention which follow on the same theme.

  • AddOn Spotlight: Advanced Trade Skill Window

    Gregg Reece
    Gregg Reece

    AddOn Spotlight takes a look at the little bits of Lua and XML that make our interfaces special. From bar mods to unit frames and beyond, if it goes in your AddOns folder, we'll cover it here. For anyone that has tried leveling up a profession, you know that it can be a bit of a grind. This can be especially true with things like engineering or jewelcrafting that have little parts that you have to make in order to make the actual items. Even leatherworking has the ability to upgrade leather from one grade to a better grade and still make something out of it. All of this can be confusing, especially with the categories that Blizzard has setup in the normal trade window. Advanced Trade Skill Window can help out with that problem.

  • Fishing revamp is "on the books"

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    While Blizzard's managed to do pretty well lately in adding quirks and surprises to make fishing more tolerable (or at least more desirable), the fact remains that it's still ultimately pretty boring to skill up and use altogether, and many people believe it's well overdue for a revamp. It looks like Blizzard agrees, as Zarhym recently revealed that they plan to revamp it. Of course, he had no details or time frame, but that's par for the course for Blizzard. As to how the revamp should go down, Insider Trader actually recently discussed some ideas. Myself, I'm in favor of the minigame approach. If Popcap can import Peggle, you have to figure it's possible to set up a pretty robust fishing mini-game in WoW. Of course, if all else fails, they could always just let us actually use a Goblin Fishing Pole.

  • Addon Spotlight: Ackis Recipe List

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Addon Spotlight takes a look at the little bits of Lua and XML that make our interfaces special. From bar mods to unit frames and beyond, if it goes in your Addons folder, we'll cover it here. Just a short one today, but an addon that I know will please a small number of very passionate folks out there. It's easy to see what recipes you know: just look at your tradeskill window. But what if you want to see a list of recipes you don't know? Ackis Recipe List. Completists rejoice. This mod is dedicated to listing all recipes in your tradeskills that you have not yet learned. But it doesn't stop there. It also tells you where to find them, even putting waypoints on your world map and minimap for vendors if you want it to. ARL also supports sophisticated filtering of recipes, so if I want to see all the Death Knight glyphs of skill level less than 400 that drop from mobs (although I don't think there are any), I can do that. The interface is also pretty nice, given the amount of complexity it contains. There's a button to scan your tradeskills on your tradeskill window, which also allows access to the ARL frame once you've scanned. /arl will bring up more, including in-game documentation, which I especially appreciate - I haven't seen that in many mods before. Overall, this mod does a great job at what it sets out to do. Highly recommended if you want to see what recipes you don't have. Thanks, Ackis! Download Ackis Recipe List at WoWInterface Addons are what we do on Addon Spotlight. Let Power Auras Classic show you what you need to know with pretty glowing pictures. Buff smart with SmartBuff. And remember, Addon Spotlight is fueled by viewers like you, so if you have a mod you think we should take a look at, drop us a line.

  • Lichborne: Outland leveling Supplemental: Professions and Dungeons

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Two major questions remain from our Outland Leveling advice column from last week: Is it worth it to run Dungeons, and is it worth it to level a Profession? In both cases, the answer is: It depends. I know that sounds like a bit of a copout, but it is true. You can pretty much level straight to 70 and even 80 without ever touching a dungeon or learning a profession and do just fine. That said, there are certainly advantages to delving into dungeons or putting your Gnomish Army Knife to actual use. Let's take a look.

  • March Guild of the Month: The Holy Crusade of Bleeding Hollow

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We are, unfortunately, late in awarding our first ever Guild of the Month winner, but we've got a good reason: when we contacted Nytrok, the guildmaster, he was away in France for the 60th anniversary of NATO, and as an Air Force Corporal in the Canadian Forces, was meeting with the Prime Minister and Chief of Defense Staff. Very impressive! But fortunately, he found the time to send us some information about the guild, and we're glad to award him and | The Holy Crusade | of Bleeding Hollow our first Guild of the Month.For winning, they'll recieve not only a profile right here in this post (check after the break to see why we chose them as winners this month), but also a raid pack from, which includes a big stack of custom-made guild apparel for them to distribute among their guildies and officers as they see fit. If you didn't win but still want to show some guild pride, Swagdog has hats and t-shirts that can be emblazoned with your guild's name and tabard, as well as your character's name and class logo. Huge thanks to them for sponsoring our content.And of course we're now opening up nominations for the April Guild of the Month. To enter, send us an email (no more than 200 words please) to stating why your guild deserves to win. Please note that you must be from the US or Canada (excluding Quebec) and age 18 or older, as them's the legal rules, and also note that even if you sent us an email last month, you must re-nominate your guild if you want to be considered again. You can send us the same message if you want (there were a lot of good guilds that we had to pass up because there was only one winner), but we've got to keep everything current, so please re-send. Official rules are still here, and this month's deadline will be midnight on May 7th.

  • Lichborne: Tradeskills for Death Knights

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Welcome to Lichborne, your weekly look at the world of the Death Knight, hosted by Daniel Whitcomb. So here you are, Death Knight. Maybe you've just stepped through the Portal on your way to the Throne of King Wrynn or Thrall, or maybe you've just uncovered the truth behind Loken as you dinged 80, but either way, you're looking at the profession section of your skills tab, and you can't help but notice that it looks pretty sparse. Of course, as a Death Knight, you're starting from zero with no shortcuts. You'll have to grind everything up from scratch, so you'll want to make sure it's worth it. Of course, you could go for the old standby: Skinning combined with Herbalism or Mining. That's not a bad idea these days, really. You get some buffs, and you can sell off the raw materials to pay for your motorcycle fund. Still, the production tradeskills have their own good bonuses. So today, we're going to look at those bonuses and see which ones just might be worth making the tradeskill grind on your Death Knight.

  • Quantifying Wrath's success

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The Egotistical Priest has a good series of posts up attempting to somehow quantify whether Wrath has been an overall success or not. Of course, it's definitely a financial success, but has the game's second expansion delivered what both players and Blizzard expected it to? Vonya sets out to find out in what has turned into a three part post: you can find parts one and two on the site now, and part three is set to come out tomorrow.So far, the answer is yes: while the area of Tradeskills is noted as less than a success (it seems to me, too, that tradeskills had more variety and options in Burning Crusade than their current state in Wrath, though that might be because we're only partway through the expansion cycle), everything else is noted as a win for Blizzard: they've really beefed up questing, balance has been intriguing since Wrath (and even if one class has rubbed you wrong, consider how many players came running back with the expansion patch to re-try their class), and of course, Achievements have (predictably) brought the game to new levels of addiction and given players of all kinds new things to do.Vonya still plans to tackle instancing and raiding as the other two criteria for Wrath's success (and there are probably a few other ways you could test it -- lore? setting?), but by the reasoning so far, Wrath is a win no matter how you slice it. Blizzard has outdone themselves with the second expansion -- the only question is where they'll go from here.

  • Mythic tweaks Talisman Making, Scavenging, and Salvaging tradeskills

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Mythic did a fairly major overhaul on their crafting system with the 1.2 patch and introduced us to Apothecary and its two gathering skills in a feature earlier this week. Part two of this feature just came out and it gives us some insight on the remaining crafting skills, namely Talisman Making, Salvaging, and Scavenging.Talisman Making is a crafting skill that produces trinkets and charms that can be placed into slots on certain pieces of your weapons and armor. You need several ingredients to make a talisman: a container, fragment, essence, gold dust, and curio. This is a difficult and expensive skill to train because it requires items from both gathering skills unlike Apothecary. The benefits can be amazing though since an expert talisman maker can create powerful and highly sought-after resist and stat gems.Salvaging is a gathering skill that lets you draw magical components from any new or old gear. Salvaging will get you everything you need except curios, which must be bought from the auction house or gained from a Scavenging alt/guildy. Scavenging lets you rifle through the pockets of fallen humanoid enemies and will get you everything you need except magical essences.

  • Mythic tweaks Apothecary, Cultivation, and Butchering tradeskills

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Patch 1.2 brought many changes to crafting in Warhammer Online. The biggest change is that it paired up two different gathering skills for each main crafting profession and introduced dozens of new items. Part one of Mythic's feature on the new crafting system gives us a look at Apothecary and its two supportive gathering skills, Cultivation and Butchering.Those with the Apothecary crafting skill can create potions and armour dyes. There are three basic parts to making a potion: a container, main ingredient (which comes from Cultivation or Butchering), and stabilizer. You can replace one or two of the stabilizers with a special ingredient that will augment your potions (stronger, longer durations, more quantities, etc.). However, not using enough stabilizers will make the potion volatile and potentially fail.Cultivation is a gathering skill for all the green thumbs out there. You basically need a seed, some soil, and water to create a plant. The nice part about this gathering skill is that it is self-sustaining since you can harvest new seeds from your own plants. Butchering will appeal to the hunter-gatherers. You kill an animal and sift through its entrails for all sorts of goodies that might enhance your potions. Stay tuned for part two, which will probably cover Talisman Making, Salvaging, and Scavenging.

  • WoW Rookie: Level 80 - now what?

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    New around here? WoW Rookie points WoW's newest players to the resources they need to get acclimated. Send us a note to suggest a WoW Rookie topic.Ding ... you're 80! So what are you going to be when you grow up? Don't get us wrong: levelling your first character to 80 (especially if this is your first massively multiplayer online game) is a not-insignificant accomplishment – but you're not quite ready for prime time yet. Hitting level 80 in WoW is less like being a graduating senior than it is being a new sophomore. You've finished WoW 101; now it's time to make sure you've covered all your core classes and start taking a stab at some electives and specialized coursework.If you've just hit level 80, consider this basic checklist a graduation gift of sorts from WoW Rookie. It'll help pointed you in the right direction for whatever type of game play you're interested in pursuing. Your game's just beginning. Dig in!

  • EverQuest II Producer's Letter lays out changes coming to the game

    James Egan
    James Egan

    The latest producer's letter for EverQuest II, from Senior Producer Bruce A. Ferguson (aka "Froech"), is a bit of a look back at how The Shadow Odyssey expansion was received by the players. More than that, it's a look ahead to the changes SOE wants to make with the Fighter classes. Ferguson writes, "Last summer, at Fan Faire, we discussed making some changes to the Fighter classes, in order to bring them back in line with our original vision, where all fighters manage their own aggro, instead of relying on other group members to channel them some hate. Making some of these changes will broaden the desirability of all Fighter classes, and help increase their role in groups, without altering others." Those changes aren't something SOE is simply rolling out, and they've been releasing the Fighter revamp in stages following some lengthy testing. To that end, they're still hoping to get the feedback of players trying out these changes on the Test server. Beyond class balancing, Ferguson drops some info about what EverQuest II players can expect in the short term: