

  • Sony exec says PS3 games won't work on 360

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    While hilariously bragging about the PS3's groundbreaking online distribution plans, some Sony exec decided to talk trash about their first-party games:"Certainly being able to sell globally on-line makes it easier to reach international and remote markets," said John Hight, Director of External Production at SCEA Santa Monica. "On the business side, it also lowers our cost of sales and eliminates inventory risk. It should help curtail used game sales and piracy."He added a few more points, saying "This new form of distribution will lower the barriers of entry for new developers." "We can try out new ideas in a low risk, quick feedback environment."Sony is looking for fresh game ideas that will release the true power of the PS3."Our first party projects are all unique to PS3. Some of our games, by virtue of their design and hardware demands, simply couldn't work on Xbox 360." Plus they come in a PS3 box.

  • Flickr Find: Is that a MacBook Pro in the trash?

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    It seems like today is Apple portable pain day. Nathan Makan sent along this picture of his MacBook Pro that sadly died. I assume that Apple replaced it for him, but still his MacBook Pro was so young.

  • Toshiba goes WEEE in Europe

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    It may be a few days post-Earth Day, but it's still worth noting that yesterday, Toshiba TEC Europe became the first retail and industrial automation solutions provider to announce full compliance with Europe's Directive on Waste management of Electrical and Electronic Equipment -- or WEEE as people close to er, waste (and gaming) prefer. The WEEE Directive, while not (yet) law, does set targets related to waste production, management, and collection in the EU. From 1 July 2006, lead, mercury, cadmium and 6-chrome will no longer be found in new Toshiba products, nor will RoHS halogenated flame retardants by used in their polymers. We commend you Toshiba, on your dedication to WEEE.

  • Classic Mac Rubik's Cube sculptures

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    This is just fantastic. French artist Invader creates mosaic sculptures of images from pop culture using the Rubik's Cube as his medium. Called "Rubikscubism," his works include a classic Mac trash can and, my personal favorite, the pre- and post-representation of a defragmented hard drive (pictured at right). Other sculptures include Space Invaders characters, Nintendo's Mario and a very Nintendo-like explosion.Here is a Flickr site of a recent Rubikscubism gallery opening, and here is the artist's Flickr page. If only the Rubik's Cube had been given an aqua colored side...