

  • Treo Pro up and vanishes from Palm website

    Well, this was probably bound to happen someday, but we still can't not sniffle a bit... the Treo Pro seems to have disappeared from The site has of course been mainly trafficking Palm's webOS devices -- the Pre and Pixi -- as of late, but until very recently, it still listed its last non-webOS device, the Window Mobile Treo Pro, a much older phone first outed in August of 2008. If you're hell bent, of course, there are still plenty of places to get one of these bad boys, so we're not going to sound the death knell yet -- but it will be missed.

  • Palm Treo Pro relaxes out of the spotlight, sheds $150

    At $549, you might say that the Treo Pro is a tough pill to swallow in the face of ever-sexier competition from other WinMo devices and Palm's own Pre -- but at $399 fully unlocked, it becomes a more interesting proposition. For four bills, Palm's now offering a fully unlocked, Windows Mobile Professional device with a 320 x 320 display, US-spec HSDPA, and a new-look industrial design that -- in retrospect, anyway -- foretells the Pre's design more than it pays homage to the Treos that preceded it. For the record, that's $150 off, which undercuts some of the traditionally inexpensive resellers like Amazon -- pretty crazy for a first-party store. Any takers?[Via Brighthand]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Sprint doc implores reps not to sell Pre to the wrong people

    Are you a druggie? A hipster? A white-collar suburbanite? Good news: the Pre might be for you. If you're an "IT Centric business user," though, steer clear -- the Treo Pro might be a better fit. That's the takeaway (sort of, we've admittedly taken some liberties) of one of the pages out of Sprint's business playbook for the phone that reminds sales reps in big magenta text that they "can't afford to sell the Pre to the wrong customers." There aren't any big surprises in here, but the takeaway seems to be that Windows Mobile is more manageable as a fleet device (as is BlackBerry, coincidentally) than webOS -- a complaint frequently leveled against another buzzworthy, up-and-coming mobile platform, Android. That said, if we walked into a Sprint store expecting to buy a Pre and somehow ended up getting talked into a Treo Pro instead, we'd be feeling more than a little short-changed.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Telus picks up the Treo Pro, Bell says "so?"

    If you've got $150 worth of Canadian loonies and three years' worth of your life to spare, you're in a perfect position to pick up a brand spanking new Treo Pro from Telus, which launched this week hot on the heels of its sworn rival Bell. Of course, these guys have a similar challenge to Sprint right now -- it's hard to get people amped about any Palm product other than the Pre -- but seeing how Telus hasn't made any announcements about Pre availability, this could be the only Palm action subscribers are getting for a while for all we know. Could be worse, right?

    Chris Ziegler
  • Screen Grabs: Roman Nevikov makes final call on Palm Treo Pro

    Screen Grabs chronicles the uses (and misuses) of real-world gadgets in today's movies and TV. Send in your sightings (with screen grab!) to screengrabs at engadget dt com. Well, what do you know? Yet again, the tech-savvy bunch producing NBC's Life has managed to incorporate a relatively fresh piece of technology into the storyline. For those still waiting to check the season finale on DVR, you may want to skip ahead, but for those who either a) already watched or b) don't ever care to watch, here's the skinny. Roman Nevikov, Charlie's arch enemy, appeared to be tracking his every move on Palm's Treo Pro (minus the branding). 'Course, he also considered using it as a weapon upside Reese's skull, but thankfully no LCDs or QWERTY keyboards were harmed during filming. So sad he'll never get to upgrade to a Pre, ya know?

    Darren Murph
  • Sprint Treo Pro now finally available, for real this time

    After months of delays and at least one false start, the Sprint Treo Pro is finally on sale as promised -- and from what we can tell, Sprint reps are already confusing the Pre and the Pro. Ouch. Nevertheless, we're glad to see this thing make it out into the world -- anyone going to drop the $199?

    Nilay Patel
  • Motorola i9, others coming to Sprint this week?

    We've seen a number of launch date leaks for Sprint courtesy of partner Brightpoint in the past; generally, they tend to be pretty accurate, so we're going to go ahead and put some weight to this latest one. Looks like we can expect Nextel to pick up the Motorola i9 on Wednesday -- Boost got it a little over a month ago, you might recall -- along with the ancient i580 in yellow. Brightpoint also reels in the Palm Treo Pro a few days earlier than Sprint's official date, while the LG Rumor 2 launches a few days later on the 15th or the 29th; Brightpoint's wording is a little odd here, so it's hard to tell exactly how it'll shake out. Finally, we have a camera-free version of the BlackBerry 8350i in the works, a logical product for RIM to be taking on considering the phone's all-business roots.[Via phoneArena]

    Chris Ziegler
  • IE Mobile 6 situation on Sprint's Treo Pro explained: it's built on WinMo 6.1 AKU 1.4

    Not long ago, Microsoft had taken a stand that "existing devices" wouldn't be offered an upgrade to its significantly improved (read: actually usable) Internet Explorer Mobile 6, arguing that current hardware wasn't capable of supporting the new browser's heft. That ultimately proved to be poppycock as cooked ROMs started coming out of the oven with IE Mobile 6 goodness baked right in -- and now that Sprint's version of the Treo Pro has it even though the GSM version seemingly won't be offered an official upgrade, a whole new explanation is in order. Although it does require 128MB of RAM and a 400MHz core, we've now been told that it has more to do with IE Mobile 6's unwieldy footprint -- it's hard or impossible to bundle it into an easy-to-distribute CAB, apparently -- which makes it a better fit for an entire load of Windows Mobile than an update. Occasionally, Microsoft will freshen an existing version of WinMo with a so-called AKU, and going forward, all 6.1 devices to hit the market (including the Sprint Treo Pro, coincidentally) will use AKU 1.4, which includes IE Mobile 6. So there you have it: prior to 6.5, new devices should be rocking the updated browser, but otherwise, start scanning for a cooked ROM -- knowing the community, they shouldn't be that hard to find.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Sprint's Palm Treo Pro set to make its debut on March 15th

    Well, March 15th looks like launch day for Sprint's Palm Treo Pro, and it's about time, after all, we've seen it rumored, unboxed, reviewed, and now finally you'll get a chance to pick one up. If you hearken back to the glory days of early February, you'll remember -- or we'll help you -- we'd heard rumors of the Palm Pre launching on the 15th, seems the rumor was at least partially right as the Treo Pro is most definitely a Palm. The Price? Apparently it will fill your pocket whilst emptying your wallet for $199 as long as you're willing to sign on the dotted line for a couple years. We'll be back as soon we get more details on the plans and other contract / off contract pricing.[Via The Official Palm Blog ]

    Sean Cooper
  • Palm's Treo Pro hits Bell Mobility in Canada

    We're still waiting on a solid bit of subsidized US availability on Sprint, but Canada's got things all figured out -- how typical. Palm's Treo Pro is doing the EV-DO Rev. A thing on Bell Mobility up there, going for $99.95 on a three-year contract -- 1 and 2-year contracts are $0 and off contract is only $49, so we'll likely be updating when things settle down. That sounds like a silly amount of time to be tied to Windows Mobile 6.1, but we're temporal pessimists like that. Bell Mobility customers can pick up the phone as of today.

    Paul Miller
  • Palm "Pro" shows up in March Best Buy Mobile ad for $249

    The fate of the Sprint Treo Pro has been up in the air ever since the announcement of the Pre, with units sent to stores called back for testing and reports of endless delays, but it looks like we'll finally be getting the HTC-built handset next month, since it's in Best Buy Mobile's March circular as the "Palm Pro" for the expected $249 on contract. That's certainly better than the off-contract $699 price Big Blue posted last month, but what's up with calling it the Palm Pro? Considering the tips we've already gotten confusing the Treo Pro with the Pre, we'd say truncating it down to just "Pro" is a disaster waiting to happen -- might want to straighten this out, Palm.[Thanks, Mike]

    Nilay Patel
  • Palm's Treo Pro now available in Brazil on Claro

    While the future of the Treo Pro is somewhat murky when it comes to Sprint, there's no doubt that Palm's still pushing this WinMo powerhouse in every way it can. In order to accommodate demand in Brazil, the company has announced that locals can now acquire the handset trough Claro. Unfortunately, there's no mention of a price, but those in the area can certainly swing by a shop and check things out. Or, you could hold out for that international Pre, whichever works.[Via Palm InfoCenter]

    Darren Murph
  • Palm Treo Pro, RIM BlackBerry Flip 8230 coming to Bell

    Unless our eyes are badly deceived, that image above clearly indicates that Palm's latest smartphone (by release, not announcement) and RIM's first-ever flip phone BlackBerry are both coming to Bell in Canada. We're told that the Treo Pro will be available starting February 26th for $199.95 on a 3-year contract, while the black and pink Pearl Flip will hit the scene on March 6th for an unknown amount of Canadian fundage. Should make for a fun time deciding which of these will claim the next three years of your life, huh?

    Darren Murph
  • Engadget Podcast 133 - 02.13.2009: Pre-MWC edition

    You know it people. It's the Engadget Podcast, back on the most terrifying Friday in February (or any month for that matter) -- the 13th. This week you get to hear the dudes discuss the Kindle 2 / Stephen King encounters, new offerings from Garmin on the mobile front, predictions for Mobile World Congress (which starts next week), and so, so, so much more. Settle in and get ready to glide on the gentle sounds of Joshua Topolsky, Nilay Patel, and special guest host Chris Ziegler. We guarantee you'll love it. Hosts: Joshua Topolsky, Nilay Patel Special guest host: Chris Ziegler Producer: Trent Wolbe Song: Friday the 13th theme 00:02:00 - Kindle 2 first hands-on! 00:07:25 - Know Your Rights: Does the Kindle 2's text-to-speech infringe authors' copyrights? 00:16:33 - Palm's done with PalmOS, plans to get Pre on other carriers in 2010, speaks to patent issues 00:22:27 - Sprint Treo Pro getting delayed into a bleak, uncertain future? 00:31:45 - Data tethering is a go on Palm Pre 00:37:40 - Garmin-Asus announces Windows Mobile-based nuvifone M20 00:38:50 - Garmin slips out a few more nuvifone G60 details 00:50:15 - An Engadget adventure with TeleNav's G1 GPS software: hands-on, impressions, and video 01:00:30 - Samsung Acme i8910 gets caught flashing its S60 5th Edition 01:05:25 - MWC predictions Subscribe to the podcast [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes (enhanced AAC). [RSS MP3] Add the Engadget Podcast feed (in MP3) to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically. [RSS AAC] Add the Engadget Podcast feed (in enhanced AAC) to your RSS aggregator. [Zune] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in the Zune Marketplace Download the podcast LISTEN (MP3) LISTEN (AAC) LISTEN (OGG) Contact the podcast 1-888-ENGADGET or podcast (at) engadget (dot) com.

    Trent Wolbe
  • Sprint Treo Pro getting delayed into a bleak, uncertain future?

    Last we'd heard, that aborted Treo Pro launch on Sprint had been pushed back to mid-February, but according to some fresh dealer docs floating around, that launch is now "TBD" -- and more often than not, we find that "TBD" actually stands for "too little, too late." In the face of the impending Pre launch, it seems like it's getting harder by the second to justify sinking any significant marketing revenue into making folks aware of the Treo Pro's existence -- and while we totally buy Sprint's statement that it's the testing process holding up retail availability, we're wondering who's going to come rushing with cash (or plastic) in hand when this sucker is sitting next to its webOS-powered sib a few months down the road. Anyone?

    Chris Ziegler
  • Sprint's Treo Pro gets glorious unboxing

    Yeah, we've seen human hands grace the Sprint-branded Palm Treo Pro before, but we've never seen shots like this. Somehow, someway, the lucky souls over at WMExperts managed to grab hold of Palm's latest entry into Sprint stores, and rather than just gloating about it privately, they chose to host up a nice gallery of unboxing shots for all to enjoy. And really, they're super enjoyable. Head to the read link for more.

    Darren Murph
  • Sprint Treo Pro now on sale at Best Buy

    We already knew that the Sprint-branded Treo Pro was making guest appearances at the occasional Best Buy, but thanks to a hard working web admin, you're one step closer to owning one without having to step foot in the aforesaid store... if you're willing to wait, that is. Palm's CDMA Treo Pro has found itself a holding page on Best Buy's website, and while we're desperately hoping the $699.99 off-contract price is still subject to change (read: drop), those anxious to get in early can pre-order one as we speak. Loose estimates have it shipping in a week or two, but we noticed that the handset was go for in-store pickup in most B&M locations near us. Oh, and don't forget the "Great Financing Offer" as you checkout -- with a sticker pushing seven bills, you'll probably need it.[Thanks, Brian] %Gallery-43145%

    Darren Murph
  • Sprint Treo Pro spotted in the wild, specs and all

    Thanks, Best Buy -- we owe you one another. Yet again, we're getting our first real live look at a recently unveiled Sprint handset courtesy of the big box retailer, and this time it's the CDMA version of Palm's Treo Pro. We're also being blessed with a look at the specs sheet, which shows Bluetooth 2.0+EDR, 512MB of storage (300MB available to the user), a two megapixel camera (with a digital 8x zoom and video capture), removable 1,500mAh Li-ion battery good for five hours of talking, a microSDHC slot, microUSB 2.0 port, 3.5-millimeter headphone jack, WinMo 6.1 Professional, a 528MHz Qualcomm dual-core MSM7501A CPU, 320 x 320 touchscreen, EV-DO Rev. A support, 802.11b/g WiFi and built-in GPS (standalone and assisted). So, aside from the cell radio, it's pretty much the same Treo Pro we've grown to know and kinda-sorta love. No price was posted, but it's not like Sprint hasn't already told us -- have fun in the gallery below![Thanks, Roel]%Gallery-43074%

    Darren Murph
  • Sprint Treo Pro officially unavailable again -- for now

    We've received official word from the good folks at Sprint that the Treo Pro wasn't supposed to be posted today, hence the unceremonious removal of every last trace of the thing within hours of its unveiling. According to the company, the phone will be sold just as soon as it makes it through the "customary testing process," but it's any guess how much longer they think that's going to take at this point. All told, it probably wasn't the way Sprint had hoped to take the wraps off, but let's be honest, we knew this was coming for a hot minute now -- we just want the Buy link, guys. See the full statement after the break.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Palm's Treo Pro now on sale at Sprint for $249.99

    We begged and pleaded for an official announcement back when we saw this beauty all boxed up, and comically enough, we're still waiting for that release. Nevertheless, Sprint has quietly hosted up the long awaited CDMA Treo Pro on its webstore, giving those with an unquenchable thirst for more Windows Mobile something to lust over. For whatever reason, this thing is being priced at $249.99 with a two-year contract ($549.99 free and clear), though we get the feeling that figure will be dropping mighty quickly. Let's just go ahead and call it the Pre effect.Update: Looks like Sprint's pulled the Treo Pro page from its site already, so they're either not quite ready to hawk it yet or we're looking at the quickest discontinuation in consumer electronics history.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]%Gallery-42889%

    Darren Murph