

  • The Firing Line Exclusive: Tribes Ascend utility pack giveaway

    Like Tribes: Ascend? Like the Soldier class? If you answered yes to those questions, Massively and The Firing Line have an exclusive giveaway that you're going to love. We've teamed up with Hi-Rez Studios to bring you the Soldier utility pack, which is an upgrade item that grants an additional grenade slot and additional health (don't worry, balance fans; your Soldier avatar will sacrifice a bit of his energy pool when the pack is equipped). How can I get my hands on this fine item, you ask? It's as easy as clicking on the giveaway button after the break. After you've secured your code, boot up your Tribes client and select "extras" from the in-game menu followed by "redeem promotion." Enter your code in the box and then click over to your Soldier class to swap out your new pack!

    Jef Reahard
  • GDC 2012: The Firing Line talks release dates with Tribes Ascend's Todd Harris

    It's been a crazy week at GDC, and though I've already gotten the skinny on both PlanetSide 2 and DUST 514, there's more on the way when it comes to online shooter news. Yesterday morning I headed over to the Hi-Rez Studios booth on the main show floor, where COO Todd Harris had some exciting news to share with fans of the firm's Tribes: Ascend title. The free-to-play shooter will officially launch on April 12th, and Hi-Rez has also released a new parody trailer that pays homage to Dead Island and shows off the perils of the dreaded "llama capture" (if you're a Tribes newb, just know that speed equals survival when it comes to flag-grabs). Join me after the cut for some Tribes-related chit-chat as well news of new content on the way for Global Agenda.

    Jef Reahard
  • The Daily Grind: How many MMO betas are installed on your machine?

    Oh man, betas! There are so many nowadays that I have trouble keeping track. Not only that, but my attitude towards actual betas and "marketing" betas has softened somewhat. It used to be that I wouldn't touch a pre-release MMO with a ten foot pole. They were buggy, laggy, and frankly they spoiled my launch-day joy by wiping any progress I'd made during the testing phase. Now, though, many firms allow your beta characters to live on post-launch, and most late beta phases are more about stressing the servers and getting the game in the public eye than they are about system testing and bug reporting (which, let's face it, isn't much fun even when you're being paid). Right now I've got TERA, Tribes: Ascend, and a couple of other hush-hush MMO beta icons on my desktop. What about you, Massively folk? Are you a beta fiend, and if so, how many do you currently have installed? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

    Jef Reahard
  • The Firing Line: Why you should be playing Tribes: Ascend

    Skiing! Jetpacks! Pew pew! Yes, kids, Tribes: Ascend is officially in open beta, and that means you no longer have an excuse. Hi-Rez Studios threw open the doors this morning, and despite the fact that the game's closed beta exceeded all expectations and hosted over 300,000 players since its November kickoff, there's always room for more.

    Jef Reahard
  • Tribes: Ascend beta open to all on Feb. 24

    So far, 300,000 have played Tribes: Ascend in its closed beta state, Hi-Rez Studios COO Todd Harris revealed. But Hi-Rez wants more players and this Friday, the Tribes: Ascend beta will be open to all. Before the launch of the open beta, Hi-Rez will add some additional maps and customization options to Tribes: Ascend, plus a new game mode: Arena Deathmatch. These will all be added in a patch coming, well, before Friday, we guess. Hi-Rez hasn't really said when the patch will be live.If you're worried about player progress, don't sweat it. Your progress and unlocks will carry over to the open beta. %Gallery-148239%

    David Hinkle
  • The Firing Line Extra: Tribes' Todd Harris on class customization and base gameplay

    Today's a big day for fans of Tribes: Ascend, and it's also a big day for Hi-Rez Studios, the Atlanta-based indie firm behind the upcoming online shooter. You see, today is patch day, and while that's not terribly unusual (Hi-Rez has updated the Tribes beta client early and often since the start of closed testing last November), the latest tweak is a bit of fan service that will likely bring smiles to the faces of franchise die-hards waiting in the wings to see what becomes of their baby.

    Jef Reahard
  • The Firing Line: Thousand-player dogfights and more PlanetSide 2 conjecture

    Welcome back to The Firing Line, boys and girls. Last week I talked at length about PlanetSide 2, and despite the fact that I'm apparently unqualified to do so according to some folks, I'm going to do it again this week. How do ya like them apples? Anyhow, that's not all I'm going to talk about, as a couple of other online shooters made news over the last seven days. Most of you know that I can't pass up the opportunity to mention Tribes: Ascend, and oh yeah, would you believe there's an aerial combat game that supports 1,000-player dogfights?

    Jef Reahard
  • Hi-Rez only working on Tribes: Ascend for now, MMO and singleplayer could come later

    Hi-Rez Studios had big plans for the Tribes property after picking it up a few years ago, and hoped to revamp the single-player game with Tribes: Ascend, and develop the franchise into a full-fledged MMO. Things have changed since then -- Hi-Rez's COO Todd Harris says, "right now our Tribes dev team is working only on Ascend." Speaking to PC PowerPlay, Harris described Ascend as borrowing heavily from the earlier, fondly remembers Tribes games. Focusing solely on an action game means Hi-Rez could make sure to "get the movement and physics and combat feeling right." Some settings and weapons from the first game will return, but there will be new content, new weapons, and frequent releases of cosmetic items ("much the way League of Legends does in the MOBA genre," says Harris). Both the MMO and single-player content are possibilities for the future, Harris adds, but Tribes: Ascend is the focus for now.

    Mike Schramm
  • The Firing Line: American aircraft and a real-life shooter

    What's happening, shooter fans? Hopefully everyone's getting ready for a long holiday weekend filled with family, food, and gaming (of course). Several interesting online shooter nuggets came across my desk this week, including a deeper look at World of Warplanes, a Firefall beta clarification, and some sexy new DUST 514 details. Also, would you believe a real-life -- and real, live -- online FPS featuring actual locations?

    Jef Reahard
  • The Firing Line: Gravity-defying gameplay edition

    Hullo shooter fans, and welcome back to Massively's weekly dose of pew pew news and views. The past seven days were quiet ones for three of the The Firing Line's "big four" MMO shooters, as newsmakers on the PlanetSide 2, Global Agenda, and Firefall dev teams were all silent. Thankfully there were a couple of cool DUST 514 tidbits to chew on, but before we get to those, I'd like to call your attention to some interesting Tribes: Ascend, APB: Reloaded, and CrimeCraft news that you may have missed.

    Jef Reahard
  • Hi-Rez releases new Tribes: Ascend gameplay trailer [Updated]

    Tribes: Ascend's closed beta period is moving right along, and Hi-Rez Studios has just released a new teaser trailer designed to offer franchise newbs a primer on what to expect when strapping on a jetpack and picking up a spinfuser for the first time. The new clip is called Focus, and it's composed entirely of gameplay footage, although some of it has been slowed down, stopped, or similarly stylized in order to afford us a better view of what's going on. Tribes' gameplay is fast, you see, really fast, and if you blink, you're liable to miss mid-air flag passes, aerial kills, and long-range trajectory shots that have to be seen to be believed. [Update]: Ascend is also gearing up to make its eSports debut courtesy of the North American Star League (NASL). The game is the "first FPS to be selected for inclusion by the NASL and will be featured as a promotional title throughout its third season," according to the Hi-Rez website. Hit the links below for more info, and don't forget the action trailer after the cut. Shazbot!

    Jef Reahard
  • The Firing Line: All the shooter news that's fit to print

    Welcome back to The Firing Line, folks. I'm still putting out a few flames from last week's how-dare-you-call-this-an-MMO smackdown, and rather than fuel that particular fire by telling you that I've been playing a lot of World of Tanks (oh, did I say that?), I figured I'd take a high-level look at what's been happening with a few of the larger MMO shooters (and quasi-MMO shooters) over the last couple of weeks. Despite my best efforts, we're still stuck with lore updates and insignificant PR when it comes to PlanetSide 2, though we did snag a few new screenshots recently. Things have also been quiet when it comes to Global Agenda and a few of my other favorite titles. Not to worry, though. Hi-Rez is moving right along with its Tribes: Ascend beta, and you can read about that and more in my news roundup after the break.

    Jef Reahard
  • The Firing Line: Defining the MMO shooter

    Hello shooter fans, and welcome back to Massively's Firing Line. Last week's inaugural column hit the ground running with a visit to Hi-Rez Studios and a preview of the company's new Tribes: Ascend title. This week I'd like to pull back a little bit and lay the groundwork for some of the things we'll be talking about over time. When I talk about MMO shooters with friends and colleagues, one of the first things mentioned is the definition of the term. Everyone knows what a shooter is (or at least what he thinks it is), and everyone knows what an MMO is (although thanks to MOBAs and the social networking explosion, the definition of the latter grows murkier by the day). Can we all agree on the definition of an MMO shooter, though? Probably not, and to be honest, that's perfectly OK.

    Jef Reahard
  • The Firing Line: Tribes impressions and a visit to Hi-Rez

    What's up folks, and welcome to The Firing Line. We've been branching out our coverage lately, first with MMO-specific columns and then with Not So Massively and MOBAs. Now we're doing something similar with online shooters. This genre is positively huge, and while there's a lot of room for debate in terms of what constitutes an MMO shooter, there's also no denying that all of the games hovering around the periphery of that designation are a lot of fun. So what will we be talking about in The Firing Line? Well, this is the part where I rub my hands together in anticipation! Naturally we'll spend a lot of time with the genre's big guns (sorry, I had to use that at least once), so I'll be playing huge amounts of PlanetSide 2, DUST 514, Firefall, Global Agenda, and the semi-obscure free-to-play titles crowding the market -- all in an effort to bring you the very best news and views from the world of pew pew.

    Jef Reahard
  • Updated: Jump into the Tribes: Ascend beta with a key from Massively

    Tribes: Ascend has been making waves in our Not So Massively column, with plenty of fans anxious for a first look at it. We've got something for those fans this morning. The team at Hi-Rez was kind enough to send us a handful of beta keys, and we're in a sharing mood. To get and apply your beta key, just visit our giveaway page to snag your key, then download the Hi-Command game installer. Launch the installer, then log in to your existing Global Agenda account (or create a new account via the installer). Click the "Tribes" tab, hit Enter, and follow the prompts to apply your beta key. Enjoy the beta, and join us in thanking the Hi-Rez gang for the beta keys! [UPDATE: Whew, those went fast! If you didn't snag a key, you might want to watch our Twitter feed this afternoon -- just a suggestion!]

    Rubi Bayer
  • Tribes: Ascend beta starting Nov. 4

    A closed beta for free-to-play title Tribes: Ascend will launch on November 4. Those interested in participating should sign up on the game's website, after which invites will be sent in waves to selected applicants. It's also possible to guarantee a spot in the beta by pre-ordering the VIP pack. Developer Hi-Rez previously stated it would "continue to increase the number of beta participants through the end of this year in preparation for a general game release in Q1 of 2012." %Gallery-127324%

  • Tribes: Ascend now accepting beta applicants

    Did you miss out on Tribes: Ascend at PAX Prime this year? Don't sweat it, because developer Hi-Rez Studios is looking to conduct an open beta, one you can get in on within the next couple weeks. You can sign your name on the dotted line by heading over to the game's official website. The initial beta run will showcase four different multiplayer maps from the free-to-play title -- beta testers get to sample two different game types and three vehicles across these four maps, including a smorgasbord of 12 of the game's classes. And if you don't get in on the beta at first, there's still hope: Hi-Rez says it will "continue to increase the number of beta participants through the end of this year in preparation for a general game release in Q1 of 2012." Plus, like, jetpacks. Is there anything else worth patiently waiting for? We've been doing that our entire life!

    David Hinkle
  • Massively's guide to PAX 2011

    What can be said about PAX Prime in Seattle, Washington that hasn't been said already? Everyone knows that it is the largest public gaming event in North America. Attendance totaled 67,600 last year, not including press and exhibitors. And this year, even more gamers will descend on the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. The latest and greatest games -- released and unreleased -- will be available for public consumption. Developers will mill around the showroom floor, answering your questions. Not to mention that no one will look at you funny because you play video games! This year, MMORPGs really stand out in the crowd. Seattle native NCsoft has a huge presence at the convention, borrowing a theater just to showcase its games. BioWare comes armed with its heavy-hitter, Star Wars: The Old Republic. And free-to-play titles like Firefall, Lord of the Rings Online, and Wakfu promise to strut their stuff at this year's PAX. Punch past the break as Massively outlines the must-see booths for MMO fans. And don't forget the panels, including a couple of MMO spotlights for PAX Dev, the gathering of fans and developers at Sheraton Seattle Hotel on the 24th and 25th.

    Larry Everett
  • Massively's guide to Gamescom 2011

    If you've never been to Gamescom before, let's simply put it this way: It's big. Really, really big. Forget most any convention you've attended; this is likely to be even bigger. Billing itself as the world's largest games event, Gamescom sees well over a quarter-million fans, journalists and exhibitors crowd into the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany to check out hundreds of games and companies. Due to its size and worldwide prominence, Gamescom is a significant event for anyone following the MMO genre (and video games in general). There are plenty of MMO studios gearing up to share first looks, exclusive reveals, detailed Q&A sessions, and exciting hands-on demos for attendees. Naturally, Massively will be paying close attention to all of the news coming out of Gamescom this week. For those attending the convention or merely looking to keep abreast of all of the games, studios, and information forthcoming, we've compiled a guide to the hottest tickets at Gamescom as well as a comprehensive exhibitor list of MMO studios after the break.

    Justin Olivetti
  • Tribes: Ascend will be free-to-play, gameplay trailer released

    According to IGN, Tribes: Ascend will adopt a free-to-play model when it launches later this year. Developer Hi-Rez Studios plans to emulate the payment model used in League of Legends; rather than regularly offering new champions, Tribes: Ascend will offer new equipment and weapon loadouts. IGN reports that different loadouts cater to different specialties like stealth and assault. We asked Hi-Rez about its plans for the Xbox Live Arcade version of Tribes: Ascend, especially considering there has yet to be a free-to-play title on the service. Hi-Rez's Todd Harris informed Joystiq that the studio is currently "focused on delivering Tribes: Ascend for PC only." Furthermore, it seems as though initial plans may have changed, as Harris didn't even confirm that an XBLA version is officially in the works, stating, "An eventual XBLA version, and even PSN version, is not out of the question but neither will be this year." Interestingly, this marks the second free-to-play game related to the Tribes series planned for 2011. Red 5 Studios' FireFall, led by original Tribes designer Scott Youngblood, is also launching this year. In contrast to Tribes: Ascend, FireFall's free-to-play items center around aesthetic items rather than items that affect gameplay. Find a new Tribes: Ascend gameplay trailer after the break. %Gallery-127324%