

  • TUAW TV "Not so live": Remotes, cases, and keyboards

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Both today and next Wednesday, I'll be away from my messy studio during TUAW TV Live. But that doesn't mean that fans of the show have to go without their weekly fix. I've whipped up a couple of nice HD episodes that you can watch in my absence. What's the topic of today's show? Well, think of it as the Apple version of the Home Shopping Network, since I'm demonstrating a bunch of new devices - the cool Peel Universal Remote Control, the not-so-cool Apptwee Ri remote, the new iChair case for iPhone 4 and the flexible and water-resistant Scosche freeKEY Bluetooth keyboard. You won't need to jump over to Ustream to watch today's show. Instead, just click the read more link at the bottom of this post to see the video in all of its HD glory, or visit YouTube for more viewing options. If you need a chat with the rest of the TUAW TV Live regulars to make it through the week, why not scoot on over to the TUAW TV Live Facebook page and see what's going on. You can also subscribe to the video podcast to watch this and other episodes at your leisure. Many thanks to Uri Kelman for creating the temporary logo for the show!

  • TUAW TV Live: In-depth iPad app demos for your viewing pleasure

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Thanks for joining me here on TUAW TV Live today. Whether you're just watching the show or taking full advantage of the chat room tool, you're sure to have a lot of fun. Live demonstrations are always a challenge, and today I'm tempting fate by demoing several iPad apps. Provided the technical bits work properly (and I am making sure I have a fallback plan), I'll be your guide through several fun, useful, and even educational iPad apps that you may not have been aware of. To watch the show from your Mac or PC, click the Read More link at the bottom of this post. There you'll find the livestream viewer and chat tool. Use the chat tool to ask questions or make comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if you're a passanger, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat with the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although chat will be unavailable. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, refresh your browser until you see the live stream. Those who miss the live broadcast can view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: iPad app deep dives

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    What a great day! Apple has responded to the "locationgate" controversy in a nice, logical PR blast; the mythical white iPhone 4 will be available starting tomorrow, and here in the Northern Hemisphere it's really starting to look like spring. It's also Wednesday, which means that later this afternoon you can join me for an hour of fun, tech talk and technical blunderings on TUAW TV Live. On today's show, I'm going to take a deep dive into a handful of iPad apps. I'm not going to tell you what those apps are, but let's just say that they're fascinating and take advantage of the iPad hardware and user interface in very good ways. As usual, I'll be starting the show at 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT / 10 PM BST) sharp, and we'll take a few minutes to chat before the demos start. To join in on the chat and watch the live streaming video, drop by TUAW about five minutes before the start time to get your instructions on how to participate. If you're unable to join us for the show, remember that you can always subscribe to the video podcast and watch the show at your leisure in your iTunes or your other favorite podcatching app.

  • TUAW TV Live: Results call preview and this week's Apple news

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    When you're a huge force in the world economy, people tend to pay attention to how well (or how poorly) you're doing. That's why TUAW is covering today's Apple Q2 2011 results call with a special liveblog at 5 PM EDT, and that's also why TUAW TV Live is on the air two hours early today. During today's show, I'll discuss the expected news from Apple, after which you and I can have a nice chat about the news from our favorite Apple hardware and software vendors. Note that we're still using the traditional Ustream tools this week. From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. (If you're having trouble viewing the stream there, you can go directly to the Ustream page for TUAW.) If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you see the live stream. For those of you who are not able to join us for the live edition, you'll be able to view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices.

  • TUAW TV Live: A special early edition at 3 PM EDT today

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    I was looking forward to combining today's Apple Second Quarter 2011 Results Conference Call and TUAW TV Live into one incredible show -- until it was pointed out that I'd need Apple's prior approval to do so. As a result, TUAW TV Live is going to be kicking off two hours early at 3 PM EDT (Noon PDT) today, and we'll be hosting a liveblog for the financial call at 5 PM EDT. Part of the show will be a look at the prognostications of Wall Street on what we'll probably hear from Apple today, while the rest of the hour will be dedicated to a discussion of this week's Apple news and what's new in the world of Apple hardware and software. I'll still be using our regular Ustream tools this week for the broadcast. To join in on the chat and watch the live streaming video, drop by TUAW about five minutes before the start time to get your instructions on how to participate. If you're unable to join us for the show, remember that you can always subscribe to the video podcast and watch the show at your leisure in your iTunes or your other favorite podcatching app.

  • TUAW TV Live: Big hardware, cool apps

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    To me, there's nothing more fun than hearing the doorbell ring as a box is delivered by my friendly FedEx, UPS or USPS driver. More often than not, they're delivering a piece of hardware or an accessory for me to test, and that makes a lot of days seem like Christmas morning. The rest of the time, the TUAW staff is braving a flood of app announcements, many of which are for really incredible apps. That's why today's TUAW TV Live will feature some live app demos, and I'll also be showing you some of the hardware that's in the studio awaiting review. From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you see the live stream. For those of you who are not able to join us for the live edition, you'll be able to view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: Apps, big drives and monster mics

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Today on TUAW TV Live, I'll be demonstrating some apps, showing off a big (6 TB) external drive and talking about the Blue Yeti Pro microphone. I also have some new and unique products to show off that I'm not going to tell you about until this afternoon. Why? Because one of them is under embargo, and I also want to keep viewers in suspense. The show will begin at 5 PM ET / 2 PM PT / 10 PM BST and run about one hour. To join in on the chat and watch the live streaming video, drop by TUAW about five minutes before the start time to get your instructions on how to participate. If you're unable to join us for the show, remember that you can always subscribe to the video podcast and watch the show at your leisure.

  • TUAW TV Live: An appointment with the Doc

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Looking for a way to spend an hour and hopefully learn something new? Today on TUAW TV Live, me and Doc Rock are going to throw out some topics to discuss, plus we'll give you our opinions on everything Apple. I've got some new products that have been delivered to the TUAW TV studios, so Doc and I will hash out the pros and cons of these and other items that are new to the Mac, iPad, iPhone and iPod world. We've also come up with a selection of new apps to toss around for your viewing pleasure. From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you see the live stream. For those of you who are not able to join us for the live edition, you'll be able to view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM: Steve and Doc Rock speculate and prognosticate

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Live from Highlands Ranch, Colorado and Honolulu, Hawaii, it's TUAW TV Live. Today my special guest will be Doc Rock, who was the gracious host of a huuuuge TUAW Meetup on April 3, with a bunch of the HiPad (The Hawaii iPad Users Group) members and a Parrot AR.Drone quadricopter. Doc is always a joy to chat with, and today we'll be covering topics ranging from the future of book publishing to iOS-connected toys. Since we both like to talk a lot, there are probably a thousand other directions that the conversation can go. The show will begin at 5 PM ET / 2 PM PT / 10 PM BST and run about one hour, although knowing Doc and I, the show could be a bit longer. To join in on the chat and watch the live streaming video, drop by TUAW about five minutes before the start time to get your instructions on how to participate. If you're unable to join us for the show, remember that you can always subscribe to the video podcast and watch the show at your leisure.

  • TUAW TV Live: The "keep Steve entertained" episode

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Good afternoon, everyone -- it's time for another episode of TUAW TV Live. As noted, I'm on a trip this week. While it's been a great time for me to write TUAW posts and move ahead on a book revision, it's been a relatively boring time for me while my wife attends conference sessions. That means it's your opportunity to keep me thoroughly entertained this afternoon as I broadcast from my undisclosed secret lair. How can you do that? Come up with some fun or controversial topics that we can discuss today. From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you see the live stream. For those of you who are not able to join us for the live edition, you'll be able to view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: Open topic Wednesday

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Today's TUAW TV Live will be coming to you from an undisclosed location in a hotel room somewhere in California. As such, I'm operating on a much slower network and without all of the support equipment that I usually have at the TUAW TV Studios. We're going to have some fun this afternoon, though -- if you provide the topics, I'll respond the best I can. Think of this as an open mic night at your local bar, except you won't get to sing, and there's no alcohol involved. As usual, we'll be starting at about 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT / 10 PM BST). At that time, drop by TUAW and I'll have full instructions on how you can watch the live streaming video and participate in the chat. If you can't join me this afternoon, be sure to subscribe to the TUAW TV Live podcast through iTunes.

  • TUAW TV Live: How would you improve the Mac OS?

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Today on TUAW TV Live it's all about the chat. I've sent out a tweet requesting input on what people think are features that are ripe for improvement in the Mac operating system, and we'll be bashing around some of those ideas in a free-for-all discussion about our favorite OS. As usual, I have some fun new apps and accessories to show you as well, so we'll have a fast and furious hour together. From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you see the live stream. For those of you who are not able to join us for the live edition, you'll be able to view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM ET: Dissecting the future of Mac OS

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Mac OS X is now over 10 years old, and we're already beginning to see signs that Apple might merge the desktop operating system with the fledgling mobile OS -- iOS. We'll see some evolutionary changes in Mac OS X later this year when version 10.7 "Lion" hits the Mac App Store, but there are a growing number of people who think that Apple needs to make a revolutionary leap to a new computing paradigm. Today on TUAW TV Live, we're not going to try to design a future operating system, but one of the topics will be a discussion of things you'd like to see Apple take on in the near future. If there's an area in the Mac operating system that you think could use a major improvement, let me know before the start of the show by tweeting me at @stevensande. As usual, I'll have some fun demonstrations of new or revised apps, and you can expect to see some new goodies that have arrived here from some of the top Apple accessory manufacturers. You can join in on the live streaming video and chat here at TUAW at 5 PM EDT / 2 PM PDT / 9 PM GMT. I'll see you then. If you can't join us this afternoon, be sure to subscribe to the TUAW TV Live podcast through iTunes.

  • TUAW TV Live: A demo-packed episode

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    On rare occasions, I find myself struggling to fill one hour of live streaming video. Most of the time, I end up with just enough material to make it through TUAW TV Live with no problems. Today, it's going to be a challenge to see if I can pack all of the demos into 60 short minutes. I will demonstrate, in no particular order, the iRig Mic ($59.99) and its associated software, the iPad 2 versus the original iPad (side by side!), Zite (free), Chicken Balls HD ($2.99), GarageBand for iPad ($4.99), Flare ($9.99 intro price) and Bento 4 ($49 new, $29 upgrade). Heck, who knows? There may be more! From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you see the live stream. For those of you who are not able to join us for the live edition, you'll be able to view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM ET: iPad 2 and Mac for you

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    There once was a blogger named Steve Who had nothing new up his sleeve Till a fresh north wind blew And he got iPad 2 Now a bad limerick he will weave Sorry about that. The title of this post rhymed, so it was impossible for me to continue writing my TUAW TV Live promo post without adding at least one little piece of doggerel. As you can tell from my awe-inspiring poetry, the iPad 2 will be one of the topics of today's show, along with several new apps that will have you hitting the App Store. The iPhone and Mac aren't going to be left out of the show; I have a sweet little iOS peripheral to tempt you with and two major new Mac OS X applications to demo. To top it off, there are some other products that have made their way to me for demonstration purposes, so it should be a full and fun hour. If you haven't joined me and the regular TUAW TV Live chat room crowd for this midweek madness, you ought to try to make it today. To watch the livestream and take part in the live chat, just drop by TUAW a little before 5 PM ET / 2 PM PT / 10 PM GMT, and I'll have full instructions on how to join in. For those of you who may be at work, asleep or otherwise too tied up to participate in the live show, we now offer re-runs in the form of a video podcast. To subscribe to the podcast and automatically receive the latest video in iTunes, click here. New episodes will appear weekly. Should you need a bit of a TUAW TV Live fix in between Wednesdays, be sure to visit the brand new TUAW TV Live Facebook page to discuss potential show topics and Apple. Thanks to TUAW TV Live viewer Uri Lev Kelman for the great logo!

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM ET: Rounding up iOS apps

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Yee-hawwww! I don't live on the ranch (Highlands Ranch, CO) for nothin'. Today on TUAW TV Live, I'll be rounding up a herd of some of the latest and greatest iOS apps that have come to my attention during the past month, then trotting out that herd to the corral for your inspection (translation: I'll be doing a lot of demos of iPhone and iPad apps). If you haven't joined me and the regular TUAW TV Live chat room crowd for this midweek madness, you ought to try to make it today. To watch the livestream and take part in the live chat, just drop by TUAW a little before 5 PM ET / 2 PM PT / 10 PM GMT, and I'll have full instructions on how to join in. For those of you who may be at work, asleep or otherwise too tied up to participate in the live show, we now offer re-runs in the form of a video podcast. To subscribe to the podcast and automatically receive the latest video in iTunes, click here. New episodes will appear weekly. Should you need a bit of a TUAW TV Live fix in between Wednesdays, be sure to visit the brand new TUAW TV Live Facebook page to discuss potential show topics and Apple. Thanks to TUAW TV Live viewer Uri Lev Kelman for the great logo!

  • TUAW TV Live: It's the iPad 2 aftershow, and you're all invited

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    This afternoon on TUAW TV Live, I'll be joined by several of my TUAW compatriots over Skype as we ponder the mysteries of the new iPad 2. By the time the show's on, we will have all had time to digest the details of the iPad 2, iMovie for iOS, GarageBand for iPad, iOS 4.3 and, of course, the all important Smart Covers. You can either join us here -- there is a livestream viewer and chat room on the next page -- or over at http://ustream.tv/tuaw. Too busy this afternoon, or in the middle of a commute? That's not a problem. You can now watch TUAW TV Live past episodes on the TUAW YouTube Channel, or subscribe to the video podcast on iTunes. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you get the live stream.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM ET: iPad 2 post-announcement love

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    In case you didn't get enough high-fiber content from your favorite Apple blog today when we went live with our coverage of the Apple event, I'll be providing input and commentary later this afternoon (5 PM ET / 2 PM PT / 10 PM GMT) on the regularly-scheduled TUAW TV Live. I'll have some special guests joining via Skype calls, and as usual, you should expect to see any video or photos we have of today's event. The fun all starts here at 5 PM ET -- show up here a few minutes early to get logged into the Ustream chat tool, and we'll be starting the live feed at 5. One other thing -- if you can't watch the show live, it's now available as a podcast in iTunes. Click here to subscribe and watch the show at your leisure. New episodes will be added weekly.

  • TUAW TV Live: The Android flu cancels today's show

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Well, whatever it was that knocked TUAW Talkcast Host Kelly Guimont for a loop on Sunday night has apparently crawled through the Interwebs and infected me. After a rough night with a fever, I can barely speak, never mind get through a one-hour show without coughing every few seconds. I'm blaming the Android flu for this -- it's your fault, Google! As a result, there will be no TUAW TV Live today as I don't want my good friends in the chat room to catch the Android flu. We'll see you next week, when I'm pretty sure the show is going to be all about the new iPads. In the meantime, be sure to go out to ustream.tv/tuaw and watch some of the golden oldie episodes. Cool photo illustration by Halftone.

  • TUAW TV Live: It's the Air Club for Men

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    With all apologies to Dave Caolo, who first coined the term Air Club for Men, I had to hijack his awesome phrase for today's TUAW TV Live. Given that most of the Mac App demos on today's show will be done on an 11.6" MacBook Air, I thought it fitting to use his jocularity as a title for the show today. Some of the apps I'm planning to demonstrate during today's live show include the new sleek and beautiful email app known as Sparrow, the wonderful graphic tool Pixelmator, Splashtop Remote and possibly another new low-cost 3D graphic tool. From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you get the live stream.