

  • Ghost Recon: AW demo headed for the XBLM

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    According to the official blog for Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (that's GRAW to you soldier) a playable demo will be coming to the Xbox Live Marketplace (and that's XBLM). When asked, in a Q&A posted yesterday, if there would be a demo coming to the XBLM they responded, "Yes there is, we are putting something special together as we speak which will be out soon." When is soon? [Thanks, Ludwig]

  • Splinter Cell 4 to be called "Double Agent"

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    According to the first official fan site, the next Splinter Cell game will be named: Double Agent. Ubisoft pulled a stealth-move, securing the SplinterCellDoubleAgent.com domain back in October, and then snuck a "Splinter Cell Double Agent" trademark registration form to the US Patent and Trademark office last month. We're still awaiting the official announcement from Ubi, but this is pretty convincing evidence. [Thanks, Adriaan]

  • Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow map editor unleashed

    Ben Zackheim
    Ben Zackheim

    Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow can now be molded at will. The map editor has been released for the modders out there. Soon we'll be able to play custom scenarios with custom maps. Here's a list of what you get in the free package: - the map editor - one package that contains the maps of Pandora Tomorrow (in editor format) - some documentations : - SCPT Map building Overview.doc - BEST PRACTICES MODELLING BRUSHES.doc - ConvertToStaticMeshes.doc (About usage of ConvertToStaticMesh contextual menu) - the maps done by users and certified by us. Please note that you can already find 2 maps done internally with this editor (Squat and Deftech2, a new version of DefTech).

  • Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow patch patches Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow

    Ben Zackheim
    Ben Zackheim

    Ubi Soft has released a small patch for their best-selling game Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, bringing the title to version 1.31. The changes are minor, but important enough to have their own patch. According to the release notes the following issues are addressed. "Corrections: In 1.3, Punkbuster disappears if the pb directory was not accessible in read/write - The spy teleportation problem has been corrected." All you really need to know is that you should download it.

  • Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow expands its reach

    Ben Zackheim
    Ben Zackheim

    Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow hits the Playstation2 and impresses Gamespot about as much as the Xbox version did. Their primary complaint seems to be that the game is too similar to the first game in the series, with stripped down levels that don't quite pull you in as much as they should. The single-player missions guide you through a Clancy-esque adventure to take out a rogue element who's secured a biological agent. The multi-player levels have some crossover with the single-player mission - the kind of touch that made the original such a great game. The review notes thta one improvement over the original is the addition of outdoor arenas, letting Fisher breathe some fresh air.