

  • Umbrella Chronicles aptly named [update 1]

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    See, when the Resident Evil for the Wii was announced as the Umbrella Chronicles, we thought, great! An overarching story about everyone's favorite zombie-producing conglomerate. And we're getting that (in a sense), but it turns out that we've been fooled ... here, "umbrella" means "that which covers all" and chronicles seems to stand for "a little rehash of a lot of story."That's right, folks -- the so-exciting ReWii may not be that exciting after all. Instead of an all new game or a straight up remake, Umbrella Chronicles will feature four chapters that recover old ground from games 1-4, and some Wiimote functionality has been tossed in like a drizzle of chocolate atop a subpar sundae.While it will no doubt be interesting to see the long and winding story of Umbrella told in this fashion, it still feels like a copout. Capcom is throwing us a bone so that we remain dedicated to their series. Where's our game? Where's our chance to blast all new zombie heads? If we get it, it won't be soon. For now, we'll cling to the old idea that good things come to those who wait. But if they make us wait too long, we may be storming Capcom ala the torchbearing villagers in RE4. [Via Joystiq][Update: The teaser trailer has hit the net and is after the break.]

  • Capcom's Resident Evil consolation for Wii: 'best of' compilation?

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Games Are Fun has posted a grab bag of new Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles details. As speculated, the Wii exclusive will play out like a "best of," revisiting scenarios from past games, including Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil Zero, and Resident Evil 4. Gameplay will be similar to RE4, but tweaked to complement the Wiimote (Quick Time Events will call for specific motions, etc.).While Umbrella Chronicles will no doubt reveal certain key elements of the series' overarching plot, we can't help but suspect that the game is a cop out -- a chance to make a quick buck on an enhanced remake compilation. In other words, our concern is that Capcom's focus in on Resident Evil 5, which is not currently Wii-bound, and that Umbrella Chronicles will end up a cheap, gimmicky offshoot. Hopefully, Capcom can prove us wrong when it officially unveils the title at TGS in the coming days.

  • ReWii confirmed as Umbrella Chronicles

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    And that's really about all that has been confirmed for Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. Here's what we do know, and it's not much: the game is categorized as "action" (you don't say) and Kawada Masachika, who handled the port of Resident Evil 4 from the 'Cube to the PS2, will be the lead producer. The game also appeared briefly in the Wii preview video that we've been cooing over all day. There are a lot of rumors flying around about the game, naturally. Some people think it's at least a partial remake of the remake of the original Resident Evil (that's a lot of remaking). There's word of an established voice actress lending her pipes to Jill Valentine. And some people say it may even -- wait for it -- have some zombies. Now that's news.Speculate your fanboy hearts out and we'll bring you information as it comes. [Thanks to everyone who sent this one in!]

  • Umbrella Chronicles: Wii's Resident Evil or memoirs of a flying nanny?

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    CVG reports, via Famitsu, that Capcom will name Wii's upcoming Resident Evil title 'Umbrella Chronicles,' suggesting a focus on ruthless biotech company Umbrella Corporation -- or instead, a connection to the flying English nanny known as Mary Poppins. How's it go? 'A spoonful of sugar helps the T-virus go down' ... er ... something ...CVG suggests, with reservation, that Chronicles will trace Umbrella's sordid past leading up to the events of Resident Evil 4 and will attempt to tie together certain elements of previous Resident Evil titles. As such, Chronicles would likely feature key locales from past games -- and perhaps new ones, like #17 Cherry-Tree Lane. Capcom is expected to blow the lid off 'dis sucka at TGS. Stay tuned -- we'll be there.