

  • 2.1.2: Undocumented changes

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Every patch has its patch notes listing changes. However, for reasons that are not entirely clear to me, every patch also comes with a bunch of undocumented changes, not listed in the patch notes. Thanks to WoW's tireless army of enthusiasts, many of these changes come to light, and are collected in places like this World of Raids post. There's nothing that looks terribly important to my eye; however, for the sake of completeness, it's all copied after the jump. The changes that look the least unimportant: New items have been added to SSC bosses loot tables (some of them can be viewed here) the Monstrous Kaliri [changed] to not attack people on the ground (Skettis) Fire Elemental Totem now cause guards to aggro them when dropped in neutral cities.

  • Undocumented ZG boss tweaks in effect

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    You alert players have noticed a few undocumented changes in Zul'Gurub lately. Reader Ajax (or "Ajaxthegreat," his choice, I guess) writes to say that his guild noticed tonight that the bat boss seemed buffed. Actually, that's not new as of 1.12.1-- my guild went in there a few weeks ago after 1.12 came out, and noticed exactly what Ajax did-- that High Priestess Jeklik had a little more bounce to the ounce. She's got more HP for sure, her mind blast seemed harsher to us, and Ajax's guild guesses that there's more bat spawns coming out with each wave.But the newest news is this: with 1.12.1, the bats leading up to Jeklik are now exploding again. That's right, one of the great joys of running ZG-- avoiding the exploding bats-- got nerfed on a previous patch, but apparently, according to Jenn over on lj, the bat-splosions are back. OMG run away from the bats! You have to love the exploding flying rodents.Makes you wonder if the whole non-exploding thing was really a nerf or just a bug. The only other unlisted change I can think of lately is that hitting V no longer works to find the real Jandice Barov in Scholo-- you've got to use a macro ("/target Jandice") or just hit Shift+Tab to focus on last target. Anyone else notice any undocumented mob buffs or nerfs, in ZG or anywhere else?

  • Patch 1.12: Undocumented Changes

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Another patch, and another set of changes that didn't quite make it into the patch notes. Of course, everything on the test realms is subject to change, but as it stands, this is what you will find on the test realms. This list seems to be updated regularly, so if you aren't planning on playing on the test realms, check back often to see what's happening. Most controversial of these changes seems to be a battlegrounds change that automatically adds everyone to a group upon entering a battleground - a group they cannot leave. As a healer, I am always glad to have a group in battlegrounds in order to be better able to monitor my group's health and step in as needed - but to those who preferred to gain maximum honor per kill by attacking battlegrounds ungrouped, this is the end of the battlegrounds system.