

  • LG screen software left Windows PCs open to malware


    Taking a shortcut to make your software work properly is a bit like walking across a frozen lake: it saves plenty of time until the ice starts to crack. LG's currently suffering from a similar sort of oh shit moment as it learns that one of its display utilities may have exposed countless PCs to malware. In a piece for Developers Couch, Christopher Bachner has alleged that the Screen Split utility that ships with LG's ultra wide monitors breaks your computer's most basic security provisions.

  • Firefox 12 now available for download, Windows users get silent updates


    It doesn't yet include the opt-in system for plug-ins that Mozilla is working on, but Firefox users can now download an update that adds a few other new features and new tools for developers. If you've lost track, that means were now at version 12.0, and the biggest addition this time around is reserved for Windows users -- they'll now get silent updates that bypass the User Account Control prompt. Apart from that, you'll now get line numbers when you view a page's source code, along with a number of other more minor fixes and performance improvements. You can find the full release notes at the source link below.