
  • GayGamer explores the Comix Zone

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We don't see many features about individual Virtual Console games, which is kind of a shame. We love talking about old games, and we kind of thought other people did too. And since we can't download demos, it's beneficial for bloggers to talk up their favorite VC games and let people know what's good, or even what these games are. That's why we're highlighting this article on Comix Zone over at GayGamer. While their recurring feature isn't always going to be about Virtual Console games (it's about comics-related games), we're happy to point you to it now that it is. And don't forget to check out our own Virtually Overlooked feature every Thursday for the best Virtual Console games that aren't Virtual Console games yet. And let us know if you've found some in-depth VC game features!

  • Super Mario Bros. in less time than it takes to warm up a Lean Cuisine

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Looking for a way to waste time with the Virtual Console? Well, if you do this right, you won't be wasting much time at all. This Super Mario Bros. speedrun performed by Andrew Gardikis takes only five minutes. In comparison, the Super Mario Brothers movie is 20.8 times longer. The coolest thing about this speedrun is that it makes use of Mario glitches inherent in the game, but seems to be done without save state assistance. That means that it's theoretically possible to replicate it on your Wii or your NES. Oh, but only if you're awesome. And just to rub it in a little, only Andrew Gardikis has proven to be this awesome. Sorry, everyone else, including ourselves! [Via Game|Life]

  • Square Enix hasn't sipped the Virtual Console Kool-Aid

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    It seems that Square Enix isn't quite convinced about the whole Virtual Console thing. In an interview with Nintendo Dream magazine, Square's Shinji Hashimoto was dubious about the prospects for Final Fantasy games on the Virtual Console, stating that the Japanese audience (which is, of course, the audience that matters) needs physical media for their games. And like the responsible, friendly, consumer-oriented company that Square Enix is, they are happy to provide physical copies of Final Fantasy games. Over, and over, and over, and over again. Of course they don't want to sell a $5 copy of NES FF1 when they've got the PSP remake coming out.We aren't that upset, since they've already released the best game in their library (in Japan and Europe, at least). Go ahead and argue with us. You know Actraiser is way better than Final Fantasy.[Via Game|Life]

  • What's coming to the Virtual Console?

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    With all the rumors that get flung around willy nilly in the world of games journalism, you might find yourself wonder what could be and what is to be in the world of the Virtual Console. Perhaps you think a game is coming that hasn't even been rumored to, or your hopes of receiving a rumored title are so high as to counteract the slim possibility the game actually will grace the Wii's download service.The good folks at Game|Life have done us all a solid in compiling together a list of every rumored and confirmed VC game. In taking them all and creating a simple list, they've crafted a nice one-stop shop for all your Virtual Console needs. So, if you're wondering what's coming or can't quite remember if that game was confirmed in your dreams or reality, head on over and give it a look.[Thanks, Capt. Castellanos; via Joystiq]

  • The $1 GameCube and other yard sale steals

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Yard sales are one of the few places where you'll find items people hate so much that they'd trade them to you for a quarter. But they can also, as Cheap Ass Gamer reminds us, be a place to find some video game steals. Now, as spring has sprung in the U.S. and yard sales dot suburban streets, CAG has left a pan of hot, freshly-baked yard sale finds on their digital windowsill for you to drool over. Most tantalizing: The above cluster of 10 mint NES games like Castlevania II: Simon's Quest and Bayou Billy for the low, low price of $8, less than two NES games on the Virtual Console. Then again, you don't have to wake up at 7am to buy games on the VC, so it's really a matter of priorities. If you weren't aware that "Early bird gets the worm" is the only axiom yard sale nuts hold dearer than "I'm not going to pay more than two dollars for this Monopoly game," you're probably going to need CAG's helpful yard sale tip wiki as well. Happy hunting!

  • VC Monday Madness: Gradius III leads the attack formation

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    In little over 45 minutes, anxious downladers looking to get their digital fix via the Virtual Console today will have a choice between three different titles. First up is the side-scrolling space shooter Gradius III on the SNES, followed by Wonder Boy in Monster World for the Sega Genesis and Battle Lode Runner on the TurboGrafx16. The details: Gradius III (SNES, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) Wonder Boy in Monster World (Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii Points) Battle Lode Runner (TurboGrafx 16, 1-5 players, 600 Wii Points) Do you plan on downloading any or all of these games? As usual, be sure to stop back later for our wrap-up post

  • Gradius III, Battle Lode Runner, Wonder Boy fight it out on the Virtual Console

    John Bardinelli
    John Bardinelli

    Today's Virtual Console releases bestow upon our Wii systems a little Lode Runner action, more sci-fi space shooting, and a colorful side-scrolling action RPG. And because video games are indistinguishable from real life, soon you'll be overwhelmed with powerful urges to steal gold, pilot a spacecraft, and go on a quest to rescue a princess and fight a gigantic mushroom named Myeonid.The following games will hit the Wii Virtual Console at 9 a.m. PST, which is noon EST and 4 a.m. on the South Pole. Gradius III (SNES, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) Wonder Boy in Monster World (Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii Points) Battle Lode Runner (TurboGrafx 16, 1-5 players, 600 Wii Points)

  • See the Virtual Console's future on one tidy page

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We've recently heard plenty of confirmed titles that are on their way to the Wii's Virtual Console, but with all the hot game releases to contend with, who can keep digital games straight? Thankfully for the lazy, Game|Life has done the work for you, compiling all of future possible/definite VC releases into one coherent package, organized by the system the titles originally appeared on. The site has even taken the time to source each of the titles, so you won't go buy the points card for nothing.Even if you've been following the VC feverishly, you're sure to find one that you've missed, or at least forgotten about. If we were to pick one that we simply can't wait for? Oh, we'd probably have to go with Zombies Ate My Neighbors, though Milon's Secret Castle is looking mighty tempting to the masochist in us. If there's one bad thing to be said about the list, it would be that it's sort of a depressing reminder of how much cash we're going to have to spend in the near future. Sure, those awesomely rich Wii aficionados reap sweet rewards, but what about those of us who aren't crazy about $5 for an NES game?

  • VC Friday: Math wars

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    This week, Nintendo's putting a little Star Fox action on the Virtual Console, but we're not calling it that. No, no, thanks to silly trademarks, it's Lylat Wars. Whatever name you use, it's still one of the greats among shooters on Nintendo systems, and it's a nice cap to all the other shooters they've released. It's no surprise they're only releasing one other title alongside this one. What is that game? Well, long before Brain Age, we had Donkey Kong Jr. Math to make math fun, and now you can have it on your Wii. Math and monkeys apes -- can there be anything better? Donkey Kong Jr. Math - NES - 500 Wii points Lylat Wars - N64 - 1000 Wii points

  • Virtually Overlooked: Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Welcome to our weekly feature, Virtually Overlooked, wherein we talk about games that aren't on the Virtual Console yet, but should be. Call it a retro-speculative. Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode isn't exactly a great game. In fact, it's more like an awkward agglomeration of a lot of not-that-great games into one game that is mostly mediocre. But somehow, out of its many imperfect elements, it manages to deliver an impressively James-Bond cool story that motivates players to continue the experience.

  • SNK's Ben Herman chats up the VC

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Ben Herman, who already let us know that we could expect Neo-Geo games to pop up on the Virtual Console service, came back from his short interview hiatus to discuss SNK and the upcoming support of the Neo-Geo system. While Ben couldn't give us an exact date on when this is all going down, he did manage to cast away our doubts that the company wouldn't stick to a consistent release schedule with its titles, much like we've already seen come from the Virtual Console, promising to provide a steady flow of titles once the floodgate has been opened. Sadly, the games will cost us though, as Ben confirms the price will be a bit higher than the current price tag of SNES titles. As of right now, games for the Neo-Geo system are slated for a worldwide arrival on the Virtual Console service this Summer.

  • Hudson confirms Bonk's Revenge for Monday's VC update [update 2]

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Sure, we knew the game would be coming, but we had no idea as far as what date it would arrive. Well, it turns out Hudson is kind of heart, as their Virtual Console section of their website details Bonk's Revenge as being released this Monday. Now, we've had VC updates in the past where we were only given one game, so let's hope that Bonk's second adventure isn't left all alone this Monday.Anyone interested in downloading this game?See also: Wil Wheaton loves the VC[Via digg]Update: Neglected a word in the post. All is fixed. Thanks, Dan Russell!Update 2: Wow, talk about dropping the ball. I updated the post and didn't even fix it! It has been corrected now.

  • Wil Wheaton loves the Virtual Console

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Geek hero, Weblogs, Inc. buddy, and, yes, former Wesley Crusher Wil Wheaton has discovered the Virtual Console, and like all reasonable people who have just been given access to Alien Crush, he likes it! In a column on the generally-not-safe-for-work SuicideGirls website, Wil traces his NES experiences, taking us back to a time when people voluntarily played Kung Fu. After playing a demo NES in a store, he attempted to persuade his parents to purchase a system, calling it "...probably the most advanced computer that will ever be made."Naturally, when the Wii came along and gave him another crack at The Legend of Zelda and other NES classics, Wil was more than pleased to share the games he grew up on with his stepson. We love to hear good things about the Virtual Console, and we're also glad Wil chose to play NES games in his youth instead of nefarious mind-controlling puzzle games. This is probably the most heartwarming article we've ever read on a porn site.

  • VC Friday: It's all about Sega

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Well, if you just happen to be in Europe and are nursing an irrational hatred of Sega (hey, who knows?), then this is not the week for you. Just forget about the Virtual Console and go cycling through the countryside. If, on the other hand, you happen to be a big Sega fan, then rejoice! This one's for you, cause it's all about the Mega Drive.Out today on the VC:Sonic Spinball -- 800 Wii pointsThe Story of Thor -- 800 Wii pointsVectorman -- 800 Wii pointsWill you be dropping large blocks of Wii points on any of these, or will you take a pass?

  • Virtually Overlooked: J.J. & Jeff

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Welcome to our weekly feature, Virtually Overlooked, wherein we talk about games that aren't on the Virtual Console yet, but should be. Call it a retro-speculative. Hudson's J.J. & Jeff isn't particularly obscure. But it happens to be one of our favorite Turbografx-16 games, and we really like talking about it. If Hudson really plans to release every US Turbografx-16 game, then we have to hurry up and get our longform rambles out while we can! Plus, apparently some people don't like this game, and, while they're entitled to their crazy, wrong opinions, we feel like it deserves defending.

  • Mario Bros. in ur Shopping Channel, stealing ur coinz

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    We've been privy to undocumented Wii features like the 192-Piece Picture Puzzle and the elusive Help Cat for a while now, but did you know that there's a secret Shopping Channel animation of Mario and Luigi swimming together while you're at the download screen?During a recent roundtable, the developers behind the Wii Shopping Channel talked about how they overcame obstacles with the project, which elements they're proud of, and what they hope to see implemented in the future. One little touch that the developers were pleased to include was this Minus World-esque scene of the Super Mario Bros. paddling through and collecting coins while you download games. It doesn't show up very often, so don't be too upset if you've never come across anything besides the Fire Mario animation before. We didn't even believe it at first, but Nintendo included a video with the interview transcript to prove its existence. It's a good thing they did too, or we would've gone through our life savings downloading Virtual Console titles, trying to get this alternate animation!

  • Hudson Entertainment president talks about TG16 and Virtual Console

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    As you may have guessed, we're big Turbografx-16 fans here, so Brandon Sheffield's interview with Hudson USA president John Greiner, who was with the company through that system's lifetime, was an especially good read for us. The interview is long and detailed, and covers a lot of Hudson's lesser-known franchises like Tengai Makyou, as well as the fantastic Kato-chan and Ken-chan, which we got as JJ & Jeff. It also talks about how Hudson got into the Virtual Console biz.Here's the quote of the freaking millennium for us: "We're looking know, eventually all Turbo Grafx games will be on the Virtual Console, because they're going to be emulations." Oh, no, wait, that's awesome, but here's the quote of the millennium: "We're going to work on the Turbo Grafx titles, but there were 600 some-odd PC Engine titles, and there were only 150 or so Turbo Grafx titles, so I think that if people tell us they want these games, absolutely." We cannot control our dancing. It is difficult to type at the moment.

  • Star Fox 64 arrives, Virtual Console does barrel roll

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    After last week's serious focus on kingdoms waging war, it comes as a relief to see Nintendo's Virtual Console service returning to its former status, namely that of an anarchic menagerie of anthropomorphic troublemakers. This week, we have foxes recklessly piloting spaceships, dragon's uttering foul words and mutated turtles kicking people in the face. Just who's in charge here? As you might have surmised (admittedly, the headline is a big help), Star Fox 64 (N64) tops the list of retro goodies arriving on the Wii today: Star Fox 64 - N64 - 1,000 points ($10) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - NES - 600 points ($6) Dragon's Curse - TurboGrafx 16 - 600 points ($6) All three titles are available for download now. What isn't available for download at this time, however, is an explanation as to why we're expected to shell out 100 points ($1) above the NES norm for Konami's turtle brawler. Perhaps we're being fined for that terrible pun in the last sentence.

  • VC Monday Madness: Star Fox 64 and more

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Another Monday means another week where new content is available for download on the Virtual Console service. This week, Nintendo finally hooks us up with Star Fox 64, as well as two other games, hopefully satisfying those who have not been so happy with the service recently. Without further delay, let us present the games: Star Fox 64 - N64 - 1 - 4 players - 1,000 Wii Points Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - NES - 1 player - 600 Wii Points (that is not a typo) Dragon's Curse - TurboGrafx16 - 1 player - 600 Wii Points Undoubtedly, many of you are jumping for joy that Star Fox 64 is finally available to download, something that was rumored to be happening. Make sure you come back after 12pm EDT (when the games go live on the Channel) for our impressions on whether these games are worth your hard-earned cash.[via press release]

  • Wii Warm Up: On the new VC features

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    So, not sure if you guys noticed, but overnight Nintendo updated the Virtual Console, adding something that a lot of us have been clamoring for: realistic glitches. We personally were a little turned off by the eerie perfection of the VC, and we're glad Nintendo addressed our concern by adding random graphical errors and occasional blinking screens. It's a much more authentic experience if we have to turn the console on and off a bunch of times, and clean it out with alcohol before playing.This should go very nicely with the announced wireless NES Max. We've got ours preordered! What about you all?