

  • Put your money where your mouth is

    Andrew Russo
    Andrew Russo

    With EVE continuing to amaze economic researchers due to the complexity of its economic system, I decided it would be a good idea to unload my turrets, dock, and see what it was all about. I created a trader, trained up a little, and began to wrap my hands around any resources I could hog.I was extraordinarily excited to see how my trading schemes were unfolding. I had cornered the market in a distant part of space and found a niche for hybrid turrets in empire. Wars were brewing, weapons were loading, and I was there to supply the means for the universe to unload a torrent of lead, light, and explosives. With my low sec hangar out of stock I assumed sales were going well. However, something was wrong with my inventory in empire space. There was nothing in my hangar. Just as I had suspected; outbid by a penny.