

  • Neo-Geo & MSX to join Wii VC (in Japan)

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Neo-Geo and MSX are dusting off their parts and going for some of that virtual pape', joining the swarm of out-of-retirement consoles on Wii; the two will debut this spring in Japan (and likely worldwide shortly thereafter). Nintendo has already confirmed Eggy (Eggerland?) and Aleste (both 800 Wii Points) for MSX, but has yet to list any Neo-Geo titles. Additionally, more third parties want in on the Virtual Console enterprise, including G-Mode, Pony Canyon, Spike and (obviously) SNK.Both new VC formats have the to potential to bring notable franchises to the download service, including Neo-Geo's Fatal Fury, Metal Slug, King Of Fighters, and Samurai Showdown; and MSX's Bomberman, Castlevania, Contra, Dragon Quest, Elite, Final Fantasy, Gradius, Metal Gear, Puyo Puyo, and Wizardry.[Via CVG]

  • Japanese Virtual Console gets two new systems

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    var digg_url = ''; Japanese Wii owners are quite the lucky folk, as word hit today that the Wii's Virtual Console service in Japan will be getting games for the NEO GEO and MSX systems. Games for those systems will be available to Japanese consumers come this Spring, so there is still a bit of waiting. No word has hit on whether these systems' games are going to be available to Virtual Consoles outside the region, but we hope that's the case as it could pave the way for more systems to appear on Nintendo's digital downloading service.[via CVG; thanks prof-KOS!]

  • VC Friday: Riots in the streets

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Today's news: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time hits the Virtual Console in Europe, and every gamer in Japan and the U.S. shakes their fist and curses Nintendo. What a coup! It seems like things are really hot and cold for Europe when it comes to gaming. Usually, gamers have to pace around, waiting for games and systems that are months delayed, but when you guys get something early, it tends to be pretty awesome. So ... you downloading it today? OoT isn't cheap by VC standards, but is that much to pay for what many consider to be one of the best video games of all time?Today's releases: Kid Icarus -- NES -- 500 Wii points The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -- N64 -- 1000 Wii points

  • Holy crap: Beyond Oasis confirmed for VC, some other Sega games too

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    You read that headline right, Beyond Oasis (which spawned the, we think, better sequel Legend of Oasis on the Saturn) is headed to a Virtual Console near you some time in the future. Whether you share our opinion or not is without relevance, however one cannot argue with the fact that Beyond Oasis was one of the best action-adventure, let alone best overall, titles to grace Sega's Genesis system.Of course, the game is not alone, as Sega has announced that it will be joined by Sonic Spinball, Sword of Vermillion and Vectorman. This begs the question: what other Genesis titles are you hoping will grace the Virtual Console or, like us, are you thinking it's about time we see some Sega CD games on there? Do you think we would be charged more Wii Points for Sega CD games?

  • Vectorman of Vermillion: Spinball Oasis for Virtual Console

    Jared Rea
    Jared Rea

    In the grand tradition of Xbox Live Arcade having one title announced, here comes the competition with four announcements in one. The Wii's Virtual Console will be seeing four games from Sega sometime soon and while they're not all winners, there is some good news.The good news is that the tragically under-appreciated Beyond Oasis will be making its way to the Virtual Console. The bad news is so is Sonic Spinball, Sword of Vermillion and Vectorman. Unless of course you enjoy them. In that case, congratulations! At 800 points each ($8.00), they're all somewhat of a hard sell, but Beyond Oasis is certainly worth a download if you never got a chance to play it before. Others like Vectorman, on the other hand, are proof that nostalgia can be quite the mistress.Coincidentally, all of these titles have been available on GameTap for quite some time.%Gallery-1764%

  • For the authentic Virtual Console experience: old Sears catalogs

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Now for a reminder of what gaming looked like when the Virtual Console was a collection of actual consoles: these scans of old Sears Roebuck catalogs almost have us printing them out, circling the TurboDuo, and sending the page to our parents just in case they still need any Christmas shopping ideas for Christmas 1992.These catalogs looked cheesy to us back then too, but there's really a magic about them that is lost in game retail materials these days. Maybe it's just because the early 16-bit "system wars" were one of the most amazing periods in gaming history. Which side did you take in Genesis vs. Turbografx-16?[Via NeoGAF]

  • Virtually Overlooked: Snatcher [update 1]

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Update: screens!Welcome to our new weekly feature, Virtually Overlooked, wherein we talk about games that aren't on the Virtual Console yet, but should be. Call it a retro-speculative.This week, we'd like to talk about Snatcher, a Sega CD game from Konami released in the US in 1994. The game was also released in Japan for the MSX2, PC8801, PC Engine CD-Rom, Playstation, and Saturn.Why the game hasn't been announced for Virtual Console yet: Not too long ago, the obvious answer to this question would have been "because it is a graphical text adventure." Luckily, however, the DS has changed that, bringing an era where graphical text adventures are the subjects of rabid fandom. What hasn't changed is that Snatcher is a Sega CD game, and Nintendo has made no announcements regarding support for CD systems. The size of the files may be prohibitive, although it would be possible to save space by compressing the sound and music.

  • DS Daily: On Zelda

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Remember this? Phantom Hourglass crushed every other option in that poll, and today we'd like to talk about why. What is it about the Zelda franchise that keeps you enchanted? We'd also love to hear about your favorite Zelda memories. We recently re-played the original on the Virtual Console, and rediscovering everything brought back our earliest memories of the series. It's made us half want to play through all of them again! Do you ever get that urge? And for those of you who (gasp!) aren't fans ... what is it about the adventures of Link that turns you off?

  • ESRB update: Castlevania!

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We brought you the news yesterday of some upcoming Konami wonderfulness on the Virtual Console. Well, we saw something on the ESRB website today that's even more Konami, and even more wonderful; the progenitor of a series that is dear to our fanboy hearts.Castlevania.Warning: if you've grown up on the GBA and DS "Metroidvania" games, or Super Castlevania IV on the Virtual Console, then this game will whip you like some kind of ... weapon. You know, the whippy one? That people whip things with?Naturally, we'll tell you when this game hits the shop-- probably in ALL CAPS.[Via Cubed3]

  • ABC News wants your Virtual Console questions

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    ABC News' "Be Seen Be Heard" is preparing a segment about the Wii, in which they'll be interviewing Amber McCollum, a product tester at Nintendo. In a very lazy Web 2.0 move, they're asking viewers to send in videos containing questions for Ms. McCollum. So if you have any questions about the Virtual Console, please send them in! And if you happen to accidentally, you know, say the name of the site, we wouldn't object.We personally want to know about the development process: are the games basically dumped ROMS or do they have to be reprogrammed for the Wii? If so, why? These are the best questions we can think of, because repeating "RONDO OF BLOOD" over and over again while staring intensely into a camera isn't a question.What kind of questions do you have about the VC?[Via Game|Life]

  • Import VC games possible: Europe edition [update 1]

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We recently brought you the news that Nintendo was still open to the possibility of bringing import Virtual Console games to the American Wii. In an interview with Eurogamer, a Nintendo UK spokesperson indicated that they're open to the possibility in PAL-land, as well. This possibility has added significance for European gamers, because it opens the door not only to Japanese and US games previously unreleased in Europe, but superior, faster NTSC versions of previously released games (PAL versions of which suffer from slowdown even now on the VC).So, European Fanboys, what would you like to see on the Virtual Console? Rondo of Blood? How about Dracula X? Or maybe that Castlevania game that only got released in Japan on the PC Engine Super CD Rom? The possibilities are endless.[Update 1: added a link to previous VC story.][Via Game|Life]

  • Celebrate a rapper and the VC at the same time

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Whether you're a fan of the rap music or not, chances are you've heard of Notorious B.I.G. Well, in the spirit of his song Juicy and its one random line "Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, when I was dead broke I couldn't picture this", this shirt has hit the internet for purchase. Personally, we'd buy it if we were paid in money (why did we sign a contract where our payment is pain?!), but figured those of you who love the Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console service could also get a kick out of it.

  • Hudson interviews the real-life Master Higgins

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Takahashi Meijin ("Master Takahashi") is the nickname of a longtime Hudson employee named Toshiyuki Takahashi, who became famous in Japan for his ability to tap buttons really, really quickly -- up to 16 times a second. This amazing power lent itself to videogames, naturally.After making a few TV appearances, and becoming a Hudson mascot of sorts (along with that adorable bee), he lent his appearance to videogames, too. Specifically, the Adventure Island games, which were called Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima ("Takahashi Meijin's Adventure Island") in Japan. When you play New Adventure Island on the Virtual Console-- which you should do, as soon as possible-- you're playing as a grass-skirted Takahashi Meijin.Hudson's US branch has posted an interview with this legendary figure, which is not only interesting for the novelty of being an interview with a videogame character, but because he really knows his stuff about Hudson and their history. We can't wait until they post an interview with Air Zonk.

  • Darwinia, Defcon dev hints at console releases

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Introvervision co-founder Mark Morris has told Next Generation that the company is looking into bringing a few of their titles to the home console front by way of digital distribution.Morris explained that their relationship so far with the console makers has allowed them to retain intellectual freedom in their design. Unlike publishers who try to give them money at the cost of some control of the game, the console makers are "just offering massive distribution of the games and to give [us] a return back on that. That works for us," he said.For what system and which titles is unknown -- all three of the current systems (PS3, Wii and Xbox 360) are capable of digital distribution. Morris said the game(s) would be available within the next twelve months. An earlier rumor from eight months ago suggest a partnership with Xbox Live, which makes since considering the recent Vista upgrade of Darwinia and the similarities in architecture from Windows to Xbox 360 development.Introversion is responsible for Darwinia, DEFCON, and Uplink. They are currently working on a project codenamed Subversion.[Thanks, Sam!]

  • This week on XBLA: Absolutely Nothing

    Jared Rea
    Jared Rea

    Video: GSB News: XBLA Forecast var digg_url = ''; Microsoft must be running low on original ideas as this week, Absolutely Nothing is making its way to the Xbox Live Arcade. As a sequel to the critically panned Jacksquat, you would think that Microsoft would wise up and stop trying to shove this property down our throats. Alas, in a week that has given us the likes of New Adventure Island and Streets of Rage for Virtual Console, and FlOw for the Playstation Network, Microsoft will be delivering Absolutely Nothing to your Xbox 360 this Wednesday. It's not very funny, is it? Someone should have told the folks over at the mouthpiece Gamerscore Blog that before they whipped up the video above, coincidentally, just after pulling their entry declaring that Xbox Live Arcade fans are shafted for the week. Okay, it's kind of funny, but we're still not laughing. Neither sarcasm nor serious cat (who, last we checked, was serious) can shed a positive light on yet another week of disappointment for Microsoft's download service.Do us a favor. The next time you don't have anything to offer, just give it to us straight. Don't play cute about failing to meet the demands of your audience for the umpteenth time.[Update - The aforementioned entry at the Gamerscore Blog is back up, and here it is!][Thanks, Ben!]

  • DIY: forming the Classic controller and Wiimote like Voltron

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The above was made by Chris Williams, a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, when he was fed up with the current set-up one must endure when using the Classic Controller on the Wii. The end product is something a little more manageable for those long Virtual Console sessions and causes us to wonder just why Nintendo didn't include such a thing with the Classic Controller.We've embedded another picture of the final product past the post break.

  • VC Monday Madness: post-game wrap-up 2/19/07 (update 1)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    As of right now, Donkey Kong Country still hasn't gone live on the Virtual Console and we're getting a bit upset. Deadlines are set in stone, however, and we must go on with our post-game wrap-up of this week's new titles (we'll update the post later with impressions of Donkey Kong Country). So, go on past the post break and see what we thought of this week's offerings.Update: Donkey Kong Country is available for download. We have added our impressions past the post break.

  • VC Monday Madness: Donkey Kong Country and Streets of Rage

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's that time of the week again where we all hastily jump to our Wii Shop Channel and take a look at the latest digital wares around for download. This week, we've got a handful of new titles, which should be plenty enough to tide over Wii owners for a week. These titles are: Donkey Kong Country (Super NES, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) Streets of Rage (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) The Legend of Kage (NES, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points) New Adventure Island (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, 600 Wii Points) Obviously the top two titles getting all of the attention are none other than Donkey Kong Country and Streets of Rage, but that doesn't mean that gamers should overlook The Legend of Kage or New Adventure Island. Be sure to come back later to read our impressions of this week's Virtual Console line-up.[Via press release]

  • Donkey Kong Country and Streets of Rage headline Wii Virtual Console Monday

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    This week's Virtual Console Monday sees the release of four rather high profile games of yesteryear making their way virtually onto the Wii. 16-bit superstars Donkey Kong Country and Streets of Rage, available for 800 Wii Points, are headlining the show, while Hudson's New Adventure Island for TurboGrafx16, available for 600 Wii Points, and the early NES wuxia-esque Legend of Kage, available for 500 Wii Points, are opening. We know fans are torn: both excited to hear Yuzo Koshiro's techno beats in Streets of Rage and disappointed they won't be playing as a boxing Kangaroo. Be patient, Roo fans. There will come a time when your enemies will again know the pugilistic sting of a well-trained marsupial; every blow a reminder that kangaroos are fierce fighters, not to be reckoned with ... also, they're cute.Oh yeah, so the Virtual Console lineup for February 19th, available 9am PT is: Donkey Kong Country (Super NES, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) Streets of Rage (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) The Legend of Kage (NES, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points) New Adventure Island (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, 600 Wii Points)

  • Wii Warm Up: Ahh, GoldenEye

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    With all the positivity flowing from Microsoft toward Nintendo right now via the DS, it looks like the chances of seeing a Rare title or two on the Virtual Console may have increased beyond what we initially anticipated. We're still not saying it's likely, but there may be a better chance than the proverbial snowball has in hell that we'll see a Rare game. By "Rare game," of course, we mean GoldenEye and you know it. We look fondly upon our time (lots and lots of time) with this beloved multiplayer gem. The simple joy of the grenade launcher. The force with which we cursed our best friends. The violence that ensued. Good times. Talking about it can bring a tear to the eye. But what about you? We talk about it, sure, but would you pay for GoldenEye on the Virtual Console? For that matter, do you think we'll even see it? Let's put it on the table.