

  • Sharp's WS011SH Windows Mobile superphone in the wild

    Sometimes -- all too often, in fact -- devices simply don't live up to their carefully selected and prepared press shots, but yeah, we're pretty sure that's not the case here. LetsGoMobile recently had a peep at Sharp's lovely WS011SH Advanced/W-ZERO3 [es] on the floor of IFA, and seriously, it seems to look every bit as good in the wild (if not better) than it did in Sharp's own materials. With a 3-inch WVGA (yes, wide VGA) touchscreen serving up Windows Mobile 6, you can sorta think of it as an HTC Vox on performance-enhancing drugs -- the only difference being that we stand zero chance of ever seeing this 'round here on account of the PHS radio designed for Willcom service in Japan. Tragedy, ain't it?[Thanks, David]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Sharp's WS011SH: nothing like Microsoft's leak, but still cool

    So the Sharp device we thought Microsoft had accidentally leaked a day early yesterday actually looks nothing -- and we mean nothing -- like the actual handset, though what they ended up unveiling is still crazy cool. The Sharp WS011SH Advanced/W-ZERO3 [es], which we believe may be the most complicated name for a phone ever conceived, is the latest in a line of Windows Mobile-sportin' phones for Japan's Willcom; like its predecessors, the WS011SH doesn't disappoint, packing in Windows Mobile 6 Classic, numeric and slide-out QWERTY keypads, a 3-inch wide VGA display, WiFi, and 256MB of onboard storage with microSD expansion. And, oh yeah, it's only 50mm wide and 17.9mm thick. Willcom customers: we hate you (not really, it's just our extreme jealousy talking).[Via the::unwired]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Sharp's W-ZERO3[es] / WS007SH: WinMo 5 Pocket PC hotness, redefined

    While we loved the specs on Sharp's W-ZERO3 / WS003SH, let's just say that its plastic, chub of a case was seriously short on swank. Now check the W-ZERO3 [es] / WS007SH hotness which our brethren at Engadget Japan got the jump on this AM. Developed under that same partnership with Sharp, Willcom, and Microsoft, the new WS007SH variant keeps the Pocket PC flavor of Windows Mobile 5.0 and 416MHz Intel PXA 270 proc but brings a second, standard phone keypad to the mini, sliding QWERTY. They even managed to squeeze that same VGA resolution into a smaller, 2.8-inch screen while keeping the best of the rest: 128MB flash (60MB allocated to the user) and 64MB of SDRAM, miniSD expansion, USB, and 1.3 megapixel cam. All this and she still manages to slim-down from 70 x 130 x 26-millimeters and 220-grams to 56 x 135 x 21-millimeters and 175-grams. Ok, no WiFi or Bluetooth yet folks, but these, like a Japanese OneSeg expansion pack for digital TV on the go are currently under development and will certainly increase the bulk. Available only in Japan starting July 27th for ¥29,800/¥36,800 (or about $260/$321) with/without a one-year contract. Many more pics, including the OneSeg TV expansion after the break. [Via Engadget Japan]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Sharp W-ZERO3 spawns new variant

    Our esteemed colleagues holding down Engadget Japanese have uncovered the WS004SH, a refreshed version of Sharp's would-be Universal killer, the W-ZERO3. Internal flash is up from 128 to 256MB (giving the user about 197MB of that to play with), and MSFP is now included out of the box. The real draw here for existing owners, though, are the new colors: pearl white and gunmetal gray. The back of the new model's body will feature the "Intel Inside" logo, reportedly the first time it's ever been used on a portable device. Now put a "Centrino Duo" logo on there right next to it, and you can consider our flight to Japan booked.

    Chris Ziegler