

  • The Engadget Show won two Webby Awards, now we're giving away two Nexus 7s!

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    We'd like to thank the Academy and all the little people who helped along the way -- but mostly we'd like to thank you, our viewers, for helping The Engadget Show win not one, but two Webby Awards this year. That's right, our plucky little show managed to pick up two of the coveted coils, and we're frankly overjoyed. We're so pumped, in fact, that we don't want the winning to end. As our way of thanking you for the support you've given the show in the past year, we're giving away a shiny new 32GB HSPA+ Nexus 7 to two lucky winners (one for each Webby, naturally), which you can use to watch the latest episode! And once you're done with that, there's an included $25 Google Play gift card to find more stuff to watch (there are plenty more free episodes for you, once that runs out). Winners: Congratulations to Steve F. of Hollywood, FL and German T. of Douglas, AZ for winning!

  • How to Vote Joystiq in the Webbys

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We've just got a couple more days until the end of voting in the 2011 Webbys and, frankly, we're starting to get a little nervous. After a brief, shining moment in 2nd place yesterday, Joystiq is now firmly ensconced in 4th. To help you be the hero we need, we've created a helpful audio-visual walkthrough that you can find right after the break. We hope you like it. Thanks in advance for the help!

  • Vote for Joystiq in the 2011 Webbys!

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Hey friends, Joystiq here. You know how you're always saying: Joystiq, I so appreciate the news, reviews, previews, podcasts, etc. that you deliver to me daily, asking nothing in return. Isn't there something I can do for you? Would you like my first-born child? Finally, we've got an answer for you -- and it's not give us your baby (although we're happy to watch him or her now and again). All we ask of you, the planet's greatest readers, is that you vote for us in The 2011 Webby Awards. Just go to the site, sign up to vote, and then cast your ballot for us right here. Then, if you like, comment on this post and take your place on The List of Heroes™! Sure, you could tweet and tell all your friends about how badly we need their support, but we've probably asked too much of you already. Just your votes will suffice. ... And your first-born. If you want.

  • Cinemassively: Rivers Run Red wins Webby Award for Coca-Cola machinima

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    In August 2007, Rivers Run Red released a gorgeous machinima of an event held in Second Life. Coca-Cola premiered "Happiness Factory -- The Movie", and a virtual Avril Lavigne attended. We must say that she's never looked better than in this video!Now RRR is possibly making machinima history by winning a 2008 Webby Award for Branded Content for their coverage of the Coca-Cola event. With this medium growing in popularity by leaps and bounds, we hope that more mainstream awards are won. Machinimators work too hard to not get recognition for their efforts! [Thanks, Justin!]If you have machinima or movie suggestions from any MMO, please send them to machinima AT massively DOT com, along with any information you might have about them.