wholesale applications community


  • Mobile app store WAC gets whacked: sells assets, is absorbed into GSMA

    After struggling for over two years to get its mobile app store off the ground, the Wholesale Applications Community has decided to give up on its efforts, selling its assets and calling it a day. Established by the likes of Verizon, AT&T and Vodafone, the GSMA has agreed to continue offering the service to its membership, although its relatively recent payments system API (an asset that's now being sold off) might prove to be one of the last additions.

    Mat Smith
  • AT&T CEO says App Store is bad for consumers

    AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson must be eating some sour grapes since his company lost its exclusive hold on the US iPhone market. During a keynote speech at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Stephenson said that platform-specific app stores like the ones run by Apple and Google are "bad for consumers," as they require a customer to purchase an app multiple times if they want to run it on different platforms. In the words of Stephenson, "That's not how our customers expect to experience this environment." Oh really, Randall? I'd say that the more than 10 billion apps downloaded on the iOS platform alone would say that your customers are more than happy with the current app purchasing model. What Stephenson would rather see are HTML5 and Web apps that are not platform-specific. Developers, in Stephenson's perfect world, would write these apps instead of using native code for a single platform and then sell the apps through the newly-announced Wholesale Applications Community -- which just happens to be an app store that will be run by carriers. AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon and Sprint are all partners in the WAC, and the CEOs of these companies are most likely losing sleep over the fact that they're not getting a cut of the billions to be had in the app sales arena. Non-native apps won't be able to take advantage of device-specific hardware features, and most certainly will not be optimized for a platform. Instead, they'll most likely be cookie-cutter apps that are targeted to the lowest common denominator in terms of hardware. [via The Mac Observer]

    Steve Sande
  • Twenty-four telecom operators unite to form Wholesale Applications Community

    Big doings over in Barcelona today. Twenty-four telecom operators, with the support of the GSMA and three major hardware manufacturers, have formally announced they will come together to form the Wholesale Applications Community. Essentially, the goal of the alliance will be to create a viable, cohesive and open industry platform for mobile app developers. Members of the Community will include AT&T, China Mobile, China Unicom, Deutsche Telekom, NTT DoCoMo, Orange, TeliaSonera, Sprint, Verizon Wireless, and Vodafone among others, and they'll be supported in their endeavors by LG, Samsung and Sony Ericsson. The total customers of the group is about 3 billion, giving WAC (our name) some considerable -- albeit theoretical for the moment -- power. The group plans to work on coming up with a standard for working across platforms over the next twelve months. WAC's website just went live a bit ago -- there's a link to it below -- and the full press release is after the break.