

  • Sonim's rugged XP3300 Force does not blend

    Our old friend Tom Dickinson is back with a brand new edition of Will It Blend?, but it seems his ultra-destructive Blendtec blender has met its match -- the equally rugged Sonim XP3300 Force we tested at MWC. Now, Sonim doesn't have a perfect track record, and Tom definitely let the smoke out here, but apparently the leftover wreckage was still functional. Better luck next time, blender!

    Sean Hollister
  • The iPhone 4: it blends

    Another Apple product launch, another episode of Will it Blend? No cheating this time as far as we can tell, but the production values have certainly gone through the roof for the inevitable iPhone 4 edition and yes, just like everything else they've put in a blender, it blends. See for yourself after the break. [Thanks, O'Neill]

    Donald Melanson
  • Will it blend? iPad edition (update: he cheated!)

    Getting sick of the iPad? Then let our old friend Tom Dickinson do what he does best. If you've somehow missed all of his Blendtec videos in the past, be warned that they aren't for the faint-hearted gadget fanatics -- especially this latest edition where Tom forcefully folds the pad to fit it into his gadget muncher. When you're ready, march on for some "pad smoke" after the break. Update: Commenter ernie pointed out that the aluminum back was missing when Tom folded the iPad. Come on, Blendtec, just blend the metal already!

    Richard Lai
  • First Look: Will It Blend? for iPhone and iPod touch

    Apparently I'm not the only person who loves to watch the Blendtec "Will It Blend?" videos on YouTube. The company reports that the video series has had over 100 million views so far, making it one of the more successful viral marketing campaigns.Now you can see the top 20 "Will It Blend?" episodes in all their high quality color glory, thanks to a new app of that name. Treat yourself and friends to the thrill of Tom Dickson (right) feeding an iPhone 3G into a Blendtec blender in higher quality than you've ever seen it before. Other favorites -- iPod, glow sticks, and Chuck Norris, to name a few -- are included as well. What's great is that you don't need a 3G or Wi-Fi connection to download these wonderful videos, as they're built into the app. The US$1.99 app (click opens iTunes) will soon feature the ability to blend anything in your iPhoto Library. It currently updates with new videos on a regular basis, and features links to all other episodes in the classic series. The developer, iAppsNow, is offering the app on sale for only US$0.99 through the end of the year.What would you blend if you were Tom Dickson? Let us know!

    Steve Sande
  • Will It Blend? iPhone 3G edition

    No, really, will it? We're on pins and needles here. Sure, the original blended up fine, but with all the G's in this thing, perhaps not even the mighty Blendtec can reduce it to rubble. Video is after the break. Oh, and for extra bonus points, check out the fake Belgian edition, also after the break. Yeah, we said Belgian.

    Paul Miller
  • Grand Theft Auto IV featured on Will It Blend

    Update: Apparently, this particular blending mystery was solved a while ago -- however, Tom Dickson promised us a free Blendtec blender if we brought it up again. We apologize for our unquenchable thirst for outrageously overpowered kitchen appliances.Considering that Blendtec's doomsday device has already proved its ability to obliterate bricks, fake diamonds, small buildings and many large breeds of dogs, it should come as no surprise that (spoiler alert) it can chew through a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV with ease. What is surprising is host Tom Dickson's incredibly short fuse -- apparently, when something provides him with the smallest amount of displeasure, it finds itself on the business end of the appliance's screaming blades. For the sake of Tom's children (who likely have perfect grades and manners out of fear of a liquefying punishment), we remind the charismatic host that with great blending power comes great blending responsibility.

    Griffin McElroy
  • Will it Blend beats Halo 3... by blending it

    It's a fact: most of life's problems can be solved by blending (or, was that bending?). Either way, Tom Dickson of "Will it Blend" fame has apparently been playing Halo 3 with his grandchildren, and getting his ass skillfully handed to him. His solution? Take their copy of Halo 3 and blend it. Gee, you're a helluva guy, Tom.Of course this video raises some obvious questions. Why wouldn't you just blend the case too? Wouldn't it be cooler to blend the Collector's or Legendary Editions? And, perhaps most importantly, why is Tom playing an M-rated game with his 4 and 5-year old grandchildren? That knock on the door, Tom? It's everybody's favorite attorney.

  • Guitar Hero III featured on Will It Blend

    Where will it stop, Tom? When will you and the other mad scientists at Blendtec draw the line between the advancement of science and the study of the dark appliance arts? Liquifying a bundle of glowsticks is one thing, but putting an X-plorer guitar (from one of the rip-off Wal-Mart Guitar Hero III bundles) on frappé is a horse of a twisted color (though we admit we were curious what guitar dust looked like, and whether or not we would be allowed to breathe it).It's worth noting that even after being put through the Blendtec gauntlet, the X-plorer still worked better than the Rock Band Stratocaster. Zing!SPOILER ALERT: It blends. It always blends.

    Griffin McElroy
  • Found Footage: iPhone blends

    You might want to have the children go to bed before you watch this video. Those kooky cats at Blendtec, the minds behind 'Will it Blend,' have decided to answer that age old question, 'Will an iPhone blend?'Clearly, the iPhone will blend but this is something you have to see for yourself.Thanks to everyone who sent this in.

    Scott McNulty
  • Will it Blend: the iPhone smoothie

    For many of us, during all the hype, rumors, and speculation concerning Apple's iPhone, there was one question nagging at the back of our minds, one question that had gone unanswered until now: will it blend? Well rejoice friends, because the day of reckoning is upon us. Those with heart conditions might want to sit this one out; the rest of you can find out if the iPhone blends after the break.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

    Evan Blass
  • Will it freeze? i-mate JAQ takes a chilly beating

    We won't say it's for certain just yet, but we've got a sneaking suspicion that the now-infamous Will It Blend series of destruction videos has created a monster. In a zany spinoff of the violent series, an i-mate JAQ is dealt a chilly beating as a presumably deranged individual ponders if it will "pass the freeze test." The snazzy smartphone was placed in frigid waters and then frozen block solid, only to be bashed repeatedly once it returned from the freezer. As with most of these cases, the JAQ didn't exactly perform admirably, and in fact, it failed to ever turn on again. So if you don't mind seeing perfectly good electronics go to waste, or you'd just like another bright idea to try yourself, be sure to hit the read link for the ominous video.

    Darren Murph
  • Will it Return?: Best Buy refuses to exchange blended camcorder

    You gotta hand it to those sadistic bastards from Will it Blend?: not only have they struck viral marketing gold by playing to our innermost voyeurs, they clearly have a wicked sense of humor, as evidenced by their futile attempt to return the completely obliterated camcorder that got sacrificed in the last segment. Luckily for us, Team Blendtec decided to secretly tape their exploits (video after the break), and while the salesdrones do seem slightly shocked at the product and ridiculous story that goes along with it, they certainly do Best Buy proud by keeping their cool during a clearly provocative encounter. There's also a lesson to be learned here: not only does the regular manufacturer's warranty (and the BB return policy) laugh in the face of such situations, if you thought that the flimsy "extended service contract" you bought covers gadgets in powdered form, well sir, you'd be out of luck.[Thanks, El_Capitan]

    Evan Blass
  • Will it blend: video camera tapes its own death

    If you're the anthropomorphic type, this video won't sit too well for you, since basically our blender spinning pal has a video camera witnessing its own death in this latest "Will it blend" video -- which conveniently gives us an first hand experience of the blending process. However, if you just like seeing various gadgetry getting ripped to shreds, we think this'll suit you quite nicely. Check it after the break.

    Paul Miller
  • Will it blend? Novell's IT smoothie mixes Vista, SUSE and Apple to gruesome effect

    We enjoy a good "Will it blend?" episode just as much as the next YouTube addict, and this one takes the meme to new heights. Tom Dickson is on the scene to entertain Novell BrainShare attendees with an IT infrastructure smoothie. Naturally, this involves a copy of Vista from Novell's best buddy, a SUSE figurine, Apple Mighty Mouse and a can of Red Bull. The addition of "blades" adds a bit of suspense, but the end result seem to match IRL interoperability quite nicely -- we keed, we keed! Peep the video after the break.[Via Digg]

    Paul Miller
  • Will it blend: oh crap, I forgot to put my phone on silent! edition

    Forgetting to put your phone into silent mode can often have embarrassing consequences, the scale of which depends on your setting and the quality of your ringtone. Say, for example, your Rocky theme ringtone goes off in the middle of an anti-boxing lobby group meeting. That's at least a 9 on the ringtone embarrassment scale, but as this video from WillItBlend.com shows, it's definitely not the worst combo that you could encounter. The host of the show, Tom Dickinson, really doesn't like it when phones go off during a shoot: especially when he's trying to blend something as unlikely as a crowbar. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what comes next, so peep the video after the break and ogle as Tom turns some phones into bricks into dust.

  • A blender + an iPod = great entertainment

    It appears as though groups like SmashMyiPod just got one-upped by the likes of the Will it Blend crew. I've never seen these guys before, but they sure do seem to have a love for blending modern trinkets and technology. Their latest victim was an iPod, and boy did this bring new meaning to the phrase 'from dust to dust.' Will it Blend is actually a company that seems to be using these 'don't try this at home' videos as a not-so-viral (since they're up front about who's behind them) marketing stunt to sell their blenders, but who cares? That 4th gen iPod gets sliced and diced in less than three seconds!

    David Chartier
  • Will it blend? If it's an iPod, you betcha

    Considering the recent console launches, we've seen plenty of bizarre episodes of folks demolishing their precious goods just to get a few laughs, a bit of hate mail, and their 15 minutes of fame. But ole Tom Dickson over at WillItBlend.com added a touch of kitchen know-how to his rendition by squaring up various items with the oh-so-sharp blades of a Blendtec blender. Needless to say, the iPod didn't stand much of a chance, as it was thoroughly devoured in a matter of seconds, turning a once useful DAP into nothing more than shrapnel and dust. While we're fairly certain this isn't what Apple had in mind when it patented a blended display / interface, maybe all those metallic chunks wouldn't be too bad mixed in with your choice of fruity goodness -- click on for the delectable vid.[Via digg]

    Darren Murph