

  • HTC Advantage now available, $899 at retail

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    HTC today announced official US availability of its mobile monster (and we do mean "monster"), the Advantage. Known alternately as the Athena and X7501, the sucker rocks pretty much every feature one could want in a pocketable device: 256MB of onboard ROM, 128MB of RAM, 8GB hard drive, HSDPA 850 / 1900 alongside quadband GSM, WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0, 3 megapixel autofocus cam, integrated GPS, and an incredible 5 inches of VGA display madness sitting atop Windows Mobile 6 Professional. Coming in at a hefty 134 x 98 x 16mm (20mm with keyboard attached), the term "svelte" doesn't exactly apply here -- but for folks who think power trumps pocketability, this may just be their soulmate. Find it now at CompUSA and Amazon for a buck under $900.

  • HTC "Polaris" live pic?

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    It's about time that HTC's Artemis gets kicked to the curb and its replacement may well be the hot little set pictured above. Dubbed the Polaris -- we've heard rumblings and rumors since way back -- it stands out with Windows Mobile 6 Pro, a 3.5 inch VGA screen -- VGA, those three letters are music to our ears -- 256 / 128 MB ROM and RAM, GPS, 3 megapixel camera with autofocus, and quad-band GSM / GPRS / EDGE. HSDPA also figures here -- but will only be beaming to this set in the 2100MHz range -- with the rumored specs rounding out with a mention of a "digital compass" and FM radio. Release date seems pegged at October this year, let's hope that the deluge is set to start, we need some QWERTY sets with similar specs, like, yesterday.[Via MoDaCo]

  • Official TyTn WM6 update loosed by HTC, others on the way

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    We're not sure why HTC waited longer than virtually all of its carrier partners to unleash a Windows Mobile 6 upgrade for its own-branded Hermes, the TyTn, but no bother -- the point is it's now available, so there's really no good excuse for anyone with Hermes hardware to still be rocking old-skool WM5 at this point. Meanwhile, users of the P3300 (Artemis), S620 (Excalibur), and Advantage should all get their hookups this month if everything goes according to plan. Wasn't it, like, an eternity ago now that T-Mobile rocked WM6 on the Dash? Better late than never, we suppose.[Via the::unwired]

  • The Missing Sync now plays nice with WM6

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    The Missing Sync, the near-ubiquitous peace pipe that lets Windows Mobile devices play nice (and by "play nice" we mean "sync") with Macs, has just been upped to version 4. That in itself isn't huge news -- the new version offers up support for videos, call logs, and text messages -- but what is huge news is that the product now features Windows Mobile 6 support. That's great news for the ever-growing contingent of folks rocking Wings, upgraded Dashes and Treo 750s (and hopefully Blackjacks in the not-too-distant future) who dare to span the Microsoft-Apple divide.[Via TUAW]

  • HTC Touch gets hooked up on Orange France, too

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Germany isn't the only country getting all the TouchFLO fun in Europe -- turns out Orange France has launched the HTC Touch, too. Pricing seems a bit high compared to T-Mobile Germany's offerings, though; the cheapest you can apparently snag it for is €129, scaling all the way up to €429 without an agreement. For the record, that's $177 to $588 in US coin -- and this is a 2.5G handset, mind you. Almost $600 for a phone with no 3G capabilities, imagine that![Via Pocket PC Thoughts]

  • E-Ten's X800 gets the nod from the FCC

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    E-Ten's glofiish X800 has received recognition for doing its job in every band -- both GSM and HSDPA -- VGA-style. The X800 will mark the first in a series -- apparently four will be released this year -- in E-Ten's collaboration with Arima, and if this is a hint of what's to come, we're positively stoked for the closing months of this year. Like the Asus P750 hinted at a few days ago, it seems our manufacturing friends are finally catching on that all-flavored GSM and HSDPA sets are where it's at. Now if they could just turf out a similarly svelte set with QWERTY, we'd not even think of complaining.[Via Phonescoop]

  • AT&T Treo 750 gets Windows Mobile 6 treatment on the sly

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    Finally the Treo 750 gets its moment in the unofficial spotlight, viva la Windows Mobile 6 updates! Though, AT&T hasn't released it officially -- like the 8525 and the BlackJack -- if you like living life on the edge, all you need to do is head to xda-developers and scare up the ROM for a little do-it-yourself flashing action. As with other updates not yet officially sanctioned by AT&T, if something goes awry, you'll be out of luck for support. By our reckoning, the "Treo" of AT&T devices that were set to get updates now have dodgy versions floating around. So come now AT&T, where's the official love?[Thanks, Mark]

  • Mystery Asus does-it-all handset gets a name and a face

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    Well, the rumored GSM / GPRS / EDGE / HSDPA and every other connectivity option handset from Asus got a face and name today, meet the Asus P750. As an update to our original bit a couple days ago, the handset is actually a Windows Mobile 6 Standard device, not Professional as we had posted. The camera specs are listed as a 3.2 megapixel jobby -- not too shabby huh friends? -- with a potential release date of October this year. With this as the flagship Standard device, we're stoked to see what the Professional iteration might look like. So while you hit the read link to learn more, we'll begin rolling our pennies in anticipation of picking this up as soon as it hits retail.

  • HTC Vogue sees FCC approval

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Thanks to the characteristically loose-lipped folks at the FCC, it looks like HTC's making good on the rumor that a CDMA rendition of the Touch was in the pipeline. The "Vogue" has just gotten hooked up with regulatory approval, and though the documentation is kept to a bare minimum, we've already heard enough to suspect that Qualcomm's pride and joy (CDMA, that is) will be the lucky recipient of a TouchFLO-enabled handset in the not-too-distant future. Where the Vogue is ultimately headed remains to be seen -- but it could be argued that both Sprint and Verizon are in pretty desperate need of a smartphone lineup overhaul, so by all means, bring it on.

  • O2 Germany spices up Xda trion with WM6 upgrade

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Germans on O2, relish in this moment, for you are much of the world's envy. After promising a Windows Mobile 6 upgrade path for the Xda trion (that's the HTC Hermes / TyTn for lay folk) not long ago, the carrier has now made good by rolling out the package. Walk, don't run -- it'll wipe your data -- but we figure it's more than worth the hassle nonetheless.[Via the::unwired]

  • Trimble unveils rugged lineup of Nomad handheld computers

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If Trimble's Juno ST PDA wasn't rugged enough to handle your oh-so-critical field duties (or unexpected drink spills), you'll be thrilled to know that the firm has you on the brain. The Nomad lineup of handheld computers weigh just 21-ounces, are designed to "fit comfortably in a user's hand," and pack a fairly decent array of specifications. Internally, you'll find an 806MHz processor, 128MB of RAM, and optionally, you can tack on integrated Bluetooth, GPS, a bar code scanner, two-megapixel camera, and 802.11g; additionally, an SDIO and CF slot, up to 1GB of flash memory, a daylight-visible VGA touchscreen, Windows Mobile 6, and a rechargeable Li-ion are on board. Trimble is offering up four separate Nomad 800 flavors depending on your level of necessity (and budget), all of which can be found real soon ranging from $1,699 to $2,499.

  • i-mate Ultimate 6150 catches FCC on a good day

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Well well well, look what the FCC dragged in! We're still not sold on the sickly champagne color shared by members of the Ultimate line, but there's very little to not love about the i-mate 6150 Ultimate's internals: tri-band HSDPA, WiFi, Bluetooth, Windows Mobile 6, integrated FM radio, and a glorious VGA display -- internals that look to be assembled by ODM Arima, according to the FCC documentation. Of the five Ultimates promised, this particular one might be more of a... shall we say, "acquired taste" than the four others, owing mainly to its lack of a physical keypad. Otherwise, though, we're down. Can we still expect this in September, i-mate?

  • Asus and O2 roll out Windows Mobile 6 updates

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    We're gonna be heartbroken around here once the river of Windows Mobile 6 updates dries up, but until then, just know we never grow tired of this stuff. Asus and O2 are taking their turns at the wheel and have lined up a few favorites for updates. Asus' update offering includes the A639, A626, A686, A696, P535, and P735 and O2 has a refresh for the Xda Zinc. If you are lucky enough to own any of these dying-to-be-flashed devices, hit up the company's support sites for your goods. If you hit a snag or have a happy story to tell, just drop it in the comment section.[Via PocketPCThoughts]

  • HTC Omni to get HSUPA, 3.1 megapixel cam?

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    If GPS, a wide VGA display, and mere HSDPA weren't enough to get tongues a-waggin' for HTC's long-overdue Universal successor, it looks like the Omni will be throwing in a few additional goodies to sweeten the pot for its supposed October launch. Notably, sez that the Omni will be rocking a full HSPA implementation -- that's HSDPA plus HSUPA for the lay folk -- plus a 3.1 megapixel cam and LED (what, no xenon?) flash. If we had our druthers, we'd like to see a 5 megapixel autofocus behemoth in there, but you know, let's not get ahead of ourselves.[Via Unwired View]

  • Dopod Windows Mobile 6 upgrades sighted, dates included

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    Well lookey what HTC has cooked up for us, a little more Windows Mobile 6 upgrade info for those Dopod owners weary of the oh-so-long in the tooth Windows Mobile 5. Starting July 6th with the Dopod D810 (HTC P3600), then the 838Pro (HTC TyTn) on the 9th, with the U1000 (HTC Advantage) and P800w (P3300) closing out the giving on the 11th and 13th. So, for all you official Dopod owners out there, all you need to do is hit the site, sign up with your device serial number and get at the goods. Don't forget to drop us a line and let us know how those upgrades go.[Thanks, sandibad]

  • LG working on Windows Mobile 6 Prada-esque handset?

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    Could LG be prepping another touch interface handset like its KE-850 Prada from earlier in the year? Word is the new handset will definitely (by definitely we mean, definitely possible) be sporting GSM, UMTS, and potentially HSDPA -- all in unknown bands, of course. Apparently LG's new device is based on Windows Mobile 6, takes it shape cues from the Samsung Blackjack, and comes a packin' WiFi as at least one of its alternate connectivity options. Fitted with only the two call keys, and trimmed with chrome -- or chromed plastic -- it should be a sassy bit of work. We look forward to its rumored roll out this September.

  • HTC Europe WM6 upgrade dates being pushed back?

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Despite all the slick talk and hope-raising HTC has done over the past few months regarding the company's plans for the WM6 upgrade, it's beginning to look like things may be getting pushed back nearer to something like the Fall for European users. In particular, the S620 upgrade which was slated for a May / June release has yet to make an appearance, and an HTC rep says (in a personal email to a user) that the "provisional" date for the release is actually closer to September. Of course, you could always bite the bullet, find yourself a leaked version (for the Hermes at least) and go the DIY route.[Thanks, Greg]

  • HTC Kaiser becomes MDA Vario III for T-Mobile Germany

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Oh T-Mobile Germany, you and your name swapping ways never cease to amaze confuse us. Sure enough, the overseas carrier notorious for rebranding handsets has reportedly picked up the HTC Kaiser and hastily dubbed it the MDA Vario III. For those paying close attention, you'd notice that this move mimics a similar one made with the HTC Hermes last year, but the third iteration of the MDA Vario touts 3.6Mbps HSDPA connectivity, quad-band GSM / GPRS / EDGE, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, 802.11b/g WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0, GPS, a microSD expansion slot, and a 400MHz Qualcomm CPU. Sadly, no price was mentioned, and while Germans can expect to find this device in T-Mobile outlets come September, surrounding countries will be forced to play the wait-and-see game.

  • HTC Cavalier finally hits FCC

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    The HTC Excalibur -- better known as the T-Mobile Dash in these parts -- is one of those almost-perfect handsets that has us saying "if only." Specifically, in this case we're thinking "if only it had 3G," and that's precisely where the Cavalier comes riding into our dreams like a phone in shining armor. Thus far no American carrier has stepped forward with plans to offer the Cavalier (AT&T, we're looking straight at you, kid), but at least they can do so now thanks to an FCC approval. With HSDPA on the 850 and 1900MHz bands on board, this sucker is truly a worthy upgrade to the already good Excalibur -- so let's try to speed things right along, yeah?

  • HTC P4550 "Kaiser" reviewed

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Paul from MoDaCo has our envy today, having recently taken possession of HTC's pièce de résistance -- the HTC "Kaiser" -- which looks to make a self-branded debut bearing the model number P4550. As he points out, HTC left virtually nothing out of the P4550 as Windows Mobile-based QWERTY sliders go; the 256MB of onboard Flash, 128MB of RAM, 3 megapixel cam, HSUPA, and trick flip-up display all set new marks for lustworthiness in the category. What's more, the device is said to be really snappy with Windows Mobile 6 and a 400MHz Qualcomm MSM7200 core, picture quality from the camera is superb, and voice quality is apparently top notch. The conclusion? "It's quite simply awesome." Too bad it's also quite simply not available yet.