

  • Machine Games / Bethesda Softworks

    'Wolfenstein II' starts with a wheelchair, Nazis and a machine gun

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    A little over four months away from launch, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus already feels finished. The game takes place almost immediately after the events of 2014's Wolfenstein: The New Order, with protagonist B.J. Blazkowicz waking up from a coma aboard a German U-boat, confined to a wheelchair, his legs lame. The Nazis have long since won the war, and in 1961 they're taking their goal of world domination even further. They're afraid of the game's one-man-army hero, too. And really, after 35 years of Wolfenstein, shouldn't they be?

  • JXE Streams: Blasting robot dogs in 'Wolfenstein: The Old Blood'

    Anthony John Agnello
    Anthony John Agnello

    One year ago, Machine Games did an unbelievable thing: it made Wolfenstein relevant again. id Software's 1992 original is still fondly remembered; it was, after all, the only game in town where you could eat a bowl of dog food before blowing up Robo Hitler. The series had grown stale over the decades, though, a relic rather than an enduring institution. Wolfenstein: The New Order was a monumentally impressive resurrection with solid action on PS4 and Xbox One alongside a surprisingly moving, if simple, story. Now Machine Games is back with Wolfenstein: The Old Blood and we're playing it for your viewing pleasure on today's stream.