world cup


  • HDTV Broadcast preparations for 2006 FIFA World Cup

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    After a harsh lesson learned during the Winter Olympics, we now know that the quality of our international HDTV viewing is almost totally in the hands of the host broadcaster. In the case of the upcoming World Cup action in Germany, those appear to be very very good hands.Check out Host Broadcast Services official website for more details on how they plan to showcase high definition this summer (whether or not people in Europe have HDTVs to watch it on), Also be sure to take a look at thier Widescreen HDTV FAQ. With a minimum of 20 high def cameras on each match producing the action in 1080i/50, we should finally have a good reason to watch the other football.

  • HDTV shortage hits pre-World Cup Europe

    Matt Burns
    Matt Burns

    Oh boy. There is nothing worse then angry soccer football fans that could not get tickets to the games in Germany. Then add in an apparent shortage of HDTV over in Europe just before the start of the World Cup and you have a disastrous combination. There has been such a big hype about HDTV and there are new companies launching their high definition just for this event. Just image you going out to buy a HDTV for the Super Bowl and they didn't have any to sell you? How would that make you feel?Has any of our European readers noticed this shortage?

  • BBC testing high-def

    Matt Burns
    Matt Burns

    Hey you over there in the UK! The BBC has confirmed that they are starting trial HD broadcasts in June. They're going to run the signal for a 12 month period on three different broadcast mediums. The first is through SkyHD and the second via Telewest cable. The last part is for a few hundred over-the-air users in London.  This is a closed trial for a select few. So viewers can expect to watch Rome and Bleak House in HD real soon. BBC just might have coverage of the World Cup as what would an European HD announcement be with out the World Cup sneaking in here someplace!

  • HDTV invades Holland

    Matt Burns
    Matt Burns

    Holland's borders are getting ready to fall to the hands of high definition. The country is about to get their first taste of HDTV with a sports and a  movie station appropriately named Sport1 and Film1. Crazy names eh?In case you've forgotten there is a large sporting event that is oh so popular world wide. The World Cup is the most watched event. (period) Most European countries are launching their own high-def stations as this year's World Cup matches are going to be HD for the first time. Sport1 is set to launch in early June; hopefully before the June 9th start of the games.

  • World Cup? Super Bowl? Cheap prices? What is it?

    Matt Burns
    Matt Burns

    What are you waiting for? We talk about HD and you read it. Are you part of the statistic that states people take about 16 months to buy a TV? I know what it is: Sports. You simply need more stations with more high definition sports on it. That has to do it for you. 2006 is going to be loaded with sports programming. Check this out.Early February, Detroit is going to host the Super Bowl and it is of course in high definition. Later that month the Olympics are set to take place in beautiful Italy. Question: do you think they will do a fly over of Detroit as they do during the Olympics to show off the hosting city/country?