

  • The Classifieds: Where in the world is Sofa?

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Send it to Waldo's for noobs. Carmen Sandiego belongs in the kiddie pool. The name of the game for deep-diving members of <Kumpania> (Turalyon [US-A]) is "Where in Azeroth is Sofa?" You see, <Kumpania> GM Cowpies is no couch potato -- he's got "Sofa," his alt, running all across Azeroth to find the ultimate hiding spot for a hide-and-go-seek contest awarding the lucky winner a cool 4,000 gold. Each day, contestants poke through clues posted on the guild forums and make their best guesses in guild chat. "If the guess is close enough to his location, he logs into the contest toon," explains guild officer Mellyne, "and if you're in line of sight, you win." A few sample clues: Sounds like a CLASSIC from 1973. When you figure out what these have in common, it will help you down the road: Benjamin Franklin, Ronald Reagan, Joan of Arc, John McCain, Hellen Keller, David Letterman, Phil Collins, Carol Burnett, Michelangelo, Barack Obama. It would be hard to put a square peg here. ... If I face NW of my location, I feel the bitter sting. You must "listen" and be "turned on" to get some clue as to my location. Sound like fun? <Kumpania> members think so, too. Despite a winner last week, everyone had so much fun that Cowpies/Sofa is starting another round with an all-new location and all-new clues. "We're not a raiding guild, we're a social/leveling guild that occasionally makes a Naxx run," Mellyne says. "This contest does wonderful things for us, bringing members together and getting them on our website. Even for the folks not participating, it's truly funny to watch everyone making their guesses." Kudos to Cowpies for donating the time, prize money and creative energy to make this four-year guild tradition such a resounding success. (And by the way, Sofa's location from the photo above is listed at the end of this week's column.) Let's crack open The Classifieds ...

  • The Classifieds: The incredible Incredibles meetups

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Send it to MMOs aren't MMOs unless you're doing plenty of the MMing part -- and <The Incredibles> of Boulderfist (US-A) are doing an incredible job at an incredible amount of just that. This incredible guild (can you tell we think they're incredible?) is one of those gregarious guilds that organizes annual real-life meetups. With publicity posters (like the portion of last year's poster, above). And hotel welcome packages. And WoW-themed meal menus. And custom-made golden statuette awards (à la Oscars) for guild volunteers. And, and ... and don't forget the custom-designed, WoW-themed beer labels. Yup, these folks from Arkansas have pretty much thought of everything a guild meetup could do, have or celebrate. We'll be talking more to <The Incredibles> next week, starting with a World of Warcrafts look the onslaught of creativity that goes into their event materials. Then on Tuesday, 15 Minutes of Fame will peek farther into the meetups themselves, plus the camaraderie and people behind the events. In the meantime, we have a huge batch of Random Acts of Uberness, community news and guild recruiting this week, so let's get busy and crack open The Classifieds ...

  • The Classifieds: Against all odds

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    Welcome to yet another Fox Van Allen edition of The Classifieds, your weekly news roundup from the WoW community. Being a shadow priest, it's difficult to keep a wholly optimistic spin on the week's news, but that's what Fox promised Lisa Poisso he'd do when he covered her shift. Still, needing to inflict Misery somehow, he's sprinkled this week's edition with links to Phil Collins songs -- and not even his Genesis stuff either. If you have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share, send to to It's not easy playing World of Warcraft on a server where one faction has a massive advantage over the other. Take the Zul'Jin (US) server for example -- Horde outnumbers Alliance by about 3:1. The Alliance winning Wintergrasp on a server as unbalanced as Zul'Jin is a rare occurence -- there just aren't enough Alliance players showing up to give their faction a shot of winning. Recently, however, the Alliance has seen a resurgence of their PvP fortunes -- they're starting to win Wintergrasp against all odds. Why? A huge chunk of the credit goes to one person: Hellsbargin <Guild Display Error>. As it is explained to us: In the last week, Alliance has pretty much had Wintergrasp on lock down. Hellsbargin will sit in Dalaran drawing attention to the fact WG is about to start through normal means, like trade chat and yelling. But he's also gone the extra mile to draw attention. He's spent well over 6k gold in fireworks, flares, and clusters to make a highly visible display outside of Alliance quarters. He shapes an arrow pointing through the doorway with lights set up inside like a landing strip leading to the WG portal. I thought it was amazing how much effort he's put in to just getting people interested in doing the event, and how much a little enthusiasm can do to provide a win and keep it going. More news, uberness, and yes, even more terrible, terrible Phil Collins. All after the break.

  • The Classifieds: Coming out of the closet edition

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    The Classifieds is a weekly roundup of news from around the WoW community. Your host for this week is the ever-so-shadowy Fox Van Allen, filling in for a vacationing Lisa Poisso in exchange for an undisclosed sum of pirate treasure. As always, if you have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share, send it in to If there are 50 ways to leave your lover, then there must be at least 100 different ways to leave a guild. There's the middle-of-an-argument /gquit, the log-on-in-the-middle-of-the-night-so-no-one-sees-you /gquit, the passive-aggressive /gquit, and of course, the I-illegally-sold-my-WoW-account-on-Craigslist-to-buy-a-ten-year-old-dirtbike /gquit. I think I have a new favorite, though: The tauren-trapped-in-a-night-elf's-body /gquit. Milkmenot (Boulderfist [US-H]), formerly Slimbones (Uldaman [US-A]), wrote one of the most creative goodbye notes to his guild that I've seen in a long time: I have a confession I need to make, it's something that has been bothering me for quite some time and I need to get it out there. I've been having these feelings. It started out just around town in Dalaran when I would see this Tauren going by. Our eyes would meet, just briefly, and all these feelings would well up inside. I'd try to follow her, intrigued by her curves and horns, but then she always goes into that Horde-only area and I would get booted out. So I'd hang around the entrance there just hoping to sneak a peek. The rest of the goodbye note -- and so much more -- is available just after the break.

  • The Classifieds: Beat the heat with the Ironman Instancing Challenge

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Send it to Looking for a refreshing, silly and utterly engaging way to slip through a sweltering summer of pre-expansion doldrums? We have just the thing: the Ironman Instancing Challenge. Ever heard of naked Deadmines races? It's like that -- on steroids. Here's the best version of this event we've yet seen, from <The Risen> (Thorium Brotherhood [US-H]): Start with your character completely naked in Ragefire Chasm. Using only the gear you pick up during these runs, clear your way through every 5-man instance in WoW. You can Ironman alone or with a group. Eventually, groups become necessary. Any class abilities (like pets) are available at all times. Any mats needed to use class abilities/buffs are also fine. Screenshot every final boss you kill; it's on the honor system. All kills should be accomplished according to the gear rules of Ironman Instancing. You are welcome to farm instances for gear -- but again, you can only use gear picked up during Ironman Instance runs. You cannot instance with anyone not participating in the Ironman contest. The winners are the first five people to successfully clear every instance. <The Risen>'s prizes include a special guild ranking for the winners -- a guild tradition and year-round reminder of the fun. Send us your best screenshots from your own Ironman Instancing Challenges and we'll share them here in The Classifieds. And speaking of, let's crack open The Classifieds ...

  • The Classifieds: Old school a go-go

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Email Is it just us, or are players revving up the retro vibe to record RPMs? From retro and classic raiding to world PvP events, players are chasing away the pre-expansion blues by rocking and rolling some classic Southshore-Tarren Mill action. Case in point: a massive mix-up on Anachronos (EU-A) being organized for next weekend by <The Stormwind Crusaders>. "The aim of this event is to enjoy this epicness one more time before Cataclysm flushes Southshore away like Atlantis," write event organizers, "and of course for the generation of players who kinda missed the epic fights in the old days. (Yeah, I had to force some guildies to Google 'Southshore vs. Tarren' because they didn't understand that it's 100% wow cult!)" Organizers are hoping players from both factions will transfer or whip up a new death knight to come relive the epic tug-of-war battles of old on June 11 from 21:00-23:00 server time. Check the official realm forums for more details. As often as we discuss zones and aspects of the game that will be changed in Cataclysm, it hadn't yet occurred to me for some reason that the epic Southshore/Tarren Mill battles of yesteryear will be forever wiped from our slates. If you never had the chance to submerge yourself in the madness back in the day ... Yeah, this is worth a pool of tears to drown your sorrows in. Talk about pure, addictive, adrenaline-fueled fun ... My first character became a Knight-Lieutenant, in fact, off kills made in the fields outside Tarren Mills. My brother-in-law and I would roust each faction from their respective homes every weekday afternoon to kick off the action, tempting them out with the prospect of an easy kill on the two little clothies scuttling along the roads. ("Easy"? Not for a second; we knew every dirty trick in the book.) I heartily endorse more recreations of these tug-of-war epics before Cataclysm alters the killing fields playing field forever. Let's crack open The Classifieds ...

  • The Classifieds: More raiders than ever pushing through end-game content

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Email Has the stacking buff in Icecrown Citadel done its job opening up end-game raiding to more players than ever? Signs point to yes. An analysis posted at LoreHound shows that the progressive ICC buff (Hellscream's Warsong and Strength of Wrynn), which is currently pumping 20% more power into raiders' total health, healing done, damage absorption and damage dealt, is also puffing up the number of guilds chugging through what's currently the toughest raid instance in the game. The report is chock full of progression statistics, shining a light on content accessibility. Its conclusion: Raiding in Wrath, including features such as progressively stacking buffs and encounters with interchangeable difficulties, has ripened to a mature model that is friendly to both hardcore and casual raiders. Read the details at LoreHound (thanks for the tip, Rhabella!). Let's crack open The Classifieds ...

  • The Classifieds: Retro and classic raid listings

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Email Last week, we sent out a call for raid listings of groups that do retro raiding (with raiders of instance-appropriate level and above) or classic raiding (adhering to strict level and gear caps appropriate to the instance content). While we only received a few listings, these represent groups that are actively welcoming new retro and classic raiders. Retro/classic groups, we know you're out there -- send us your details so we can list you! In this pre-expansion lull, there's never been a better time to catch up with all the old raid content you've never before seen, from Molten Core to Sunwell Plateau. Check out our classic/retro listings after the break, plus this week's shout-outs for Random Acts of Uberness, guild recruiting and more. Let's crack open The Classifieds ...

  • The Classifieds: One million gold in his pocket

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Email The road to level 85 will be paved with gold for one lucky guild being financed by a member who's earned 1 million gold in the past six months. Reader Villainus managed to crank his bank account up to 1 million gold last week. His ultimate goal? Sharing the wealth. "I'm not selling anything, not advertising on my site ... just did it for the challenge," he wrote to "My plans so far are to help my guild power level to 85 for Cataclysm with basically unlimited funds. :)" Villainus' entire savings project took six months and began with 1,000 gold, a rudimentary understanding of the Auction House, no addons and no stock of items. On the blog where he documented his work in progress, he noted these facts along the way: Averaged 46,080g per week in profit 1500+ active auctions at any one time Largest single day gain: 51,781g Largest single day loss: 18,254g Single Iceblade Arrow sales: 16,374g Rare and epic spellthread profit: 81,313g Gold earned from GDKPs: 28,312g Gold spent at GDKPs: 71,210g Vendor pets profit: 19,448g Largest profit from a single item: Ring of Rotting Sinew 9,512g Largest % profit from item: Plans : Titanium Razorplate 3,308%, 80g to 2,646g Most expensive item purchased: Deathbringer's Will 17,000g Most expensive item sold: Mechano-hog 15,210g Gold lost to AH 5% fee: 64,712g

  • The Classifieds: The customer service is not a lie

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Email Nozart of EU Aggramar-H has been enjoying his realm's delicious customer service -- yes, enjoying it! -- after recently asking for GM assistance from a character named Glados, named after the end boss of the game Portal. "I got level 10 and went in WSG and lost almost instantly," he reports. "A player had capped the flag three times in a go and won in exactly 4 minutes; according to other players, this had happened previously through out the day. So naturally I made a ticket to report this, and this is the GM's response." See the screenshot above to find out the sweet resolution – we'd say the customer service is not a lie. More from around the WoW community after the break.

  • The Classifieds: Lord Valthalak lives again

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Email We meet again: The Spirit of Lord Valthalak, a nasty-tough boss summoned in Upper Blackrock Spire as the last step of vanilla WoW's Dungeon Set 2 quest line, has been popping up in the most unlikely of locations on multiple realms over the past few days. He doesn't seem to be around on any of the realms I play on. Reader Garrett sent in this screenshot as his contribution to the puzzle. A realm-specific bug, a new bug with the amulet that the few players who have one are discovering -- or something more cataclysmic? Stealth amulet-poppers, reveal yourselves ... Let's crack open The Classifieds.

  • The Classifieds: This guy's hogging all your luck

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Email The RNG does not hate you. It's just been spending all of its quality time this week snuggling up to Taedran of US Silvermoon-A. "I've been having a strange week," Taedran confesses. "Physically, IRL, I've been really sick and feeling awful, but in WoW ... It's as if God is smiling upon me, because there are a few items I have been farming for every chance I get, items that I have been farming for, for more than a year. These items are: Swift Razzashi Raptor from Zul'gurub, Orb of the Sin'dorei from heroic Magister's Terrace, Shard of the Fallen Star from AQ40 and quite a few others! This week has fulfilled all my dropping wants! And to top that all off, my guild just beat Lich King, and so we are all Kingslayers now. And guess what Lich King dropped? The only item I want off of him -- the healing mace. And I won it!" This is the point at which we should probably all gather 'round and clap Taedran on the back, congratulating and wishing him well ... It's just that I think I have something in my eye, and I really don't have a free hand, anyway. I have to keep pounding this need button over here -- unless I make the right sequence of rolls (I'm going for 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42; I read 'em on this weird metal hatch out in the middle of Sholazar Basin), something bad is going to happen ... Something that might keep me from prying my fair share of loot out of the grip of that filthy rotten fleabag gloriously lucky bloke, Taedran ... More news from around the WoW community, plus recruitment and Random Acts of Uberness, after the break.

  • The Classifieds: The dwarf your man could smell like

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Email Isaiah Mustafa's got nothing on Pigironpete from <ZeGuild> (US Sentinels-A), especially when it comes to guild recruiting ... in the shower? "It's been a running gag for weeks to imitate the new line of Old Spice commercials over Vent," writes Pigironpete. "Tim Buckley, artist of the Ctrl+Alt+Del webcomic, made up a little .gif for the guild's amusement while he was avoiding doing his taxes." Watch the whole animation for the full effect (although in all honesty, I think I'll probably just click that first link up there one last time ...). Join us after the break for more news from around the WoW community, plus recruiting, looking for guilds, Random Acts of Uberness and more.

  • The Classifieds: The superheroes of ICC

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on news from around the WoW community. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? Email Sure, tough guy ... You're progressing just fine through Icecrown Citadel -- but do you look like a superhero in the process? The forum design for <Skeleton Crew> (US Uldum-H) makes reading about kills almost as fun as being there. Tipster Bella gives credit for the concept to <Agony> on US Ysera from the Sunwell era. Color us impressed! (Oh, and it appears that <Skeleton Crew> is recruiting right now, too. If you're looking for a mature group with a sense of style that's pushing well into heroic ICC, follow the link above and check them out.) This week's uber collection of Random Acts of Uberness, plus guilds looking for members and members looking for guilds, and more from the WoW community, after the break.

  • The Classifieds: Fun stuff to do with a dragon

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on guild happenings, raid progression rankings, player milestones and more. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? E-mail Bored between ICC raids? Looking for some fun to pass the time until Cataclysm? Why not three-man Onyxia? Three players from <Under the Influence> and <Alliance Regulators> on US Kul Tiras-A recently took down the 10-man version of the ol' girl herself. The eloquently named Humandude and his partners in crime, Mastarjuice and Darkdaemon (two paladins and a 'lock), pulled out the kill in 25 minutes after nine wipes and buffs including scrolls, drums, flasks and their own group buffs. "Our strat was to have the warlock focus on the big adds while occasionally seeding down the whelps," Humandude reports. "Consecration and our tank's Seal of Command DPS tank spec took care of the majority of the adds. Our warlock, after (we killed) the big add, took a few shots at Onyxia and dotted her up, then went back to his focus fire and Seed rotation. On a side note, he was destruction, because we needed replenishment." More on the Onyxia take-down plus several other feats of meta-gaming magic, this week's massive set of Random Acts of Uberness, our new looking for guild section and more, after the break.

  • The Classifieds: Of pugilists, gaming research and LFG

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on guild happenings, raid progression rankings, player milestones and more. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? E-mail We've got a little bit of everything in this week's The Classifieds: a player who leveled to 80 as a pugilist (unarmed/fists only), a research study seeking your input on gaming's effects on existing relationships, and the debut of our LFG feature for players still searching for the right guild fit. We'll get to those and more -- but first, what's rapidly becoming your favorite feature around these parts, the Random Acts of Uberness ... Sampaguita, <Ordo de Lupo>, US Nesingwary-A "Three of my guildies and I were running random heroics the other day, and we zoned into Forge of Souls with Sampaguita as our fifth player. This particular group, still in the process of gearing up, was having a little trouble handling the larger trash groups. We wiped once on the way up to Bron. Sam was incredibly encouraging and patient, helped us with strategy, and kept up a steady stream of humor in chat to help us not lose our nerve. Bron dropped Nighttime, and everyone rolled Greed, and it went to one of my guildies. Sam mentioned that it might be fun to have to play around with, and my guildie handed it to Sam in trade. Sam offered to pay some gold for it, but my guildie said no big deal. ..."

  • The Classifieds: The Glory of the Uber-Hero

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on guild happenings, raid progression rankings, player milestones and more. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? E-mail You guys really gobbled up the megadose of uberness in last week's Classifieds. "While most heroics I run are absolutely clinical (little talk, fast runs), there are still enough jerks out there to make me appreciate this acknowledgement of not only those players who make this game fun most of the time, but also those willing to recognize them for doing so," wrote Daco. "A hearty thx to all mentioned here for their uberness." jjtwalton concurred:"I can not believe how awesome this feature is. I don't end up looking at races, guilds, GearScore, progress, enchants or achievements ... Alllll I see is people doing the right thing, the good thing and having fun. It's a testament to humans in general, I guess, but I thought I would chime in with my two cents (pennies in England!) and say bravo and /highfive to the WoW community who are being so awesome." We'd love to keep it up -- and that's up to you! Send your shout-outs for the coolest players you've grouped with to Random Acts of Uberness at Please try to keep your tales to 150 words or less. In other Classifieds business, we've got a new spin on recruiting we'd like you all to try out this week, too. But first, back to the current week's Random Acts of Uberness, and one PUGger who earned what should be a new achievement named in his honor, The Glory of the Uber-Hero: Anonymous PUG leader, Emberstorm battlegroup-A "On this night, the group's tank said, 'We're going after two achievements here; is that ok?'. (I love achievements; this was fine.) During the run, it came to light that two of the team members were helping a third polish off the Glory of the Hero achievement. I mentioned that I needed a few of those sub-achievements as well. 'Show me,' the tank says. ..."

  • The Classifieds: The most uber players of the week

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on guild happenings, raid progression rankings, player milestones and more. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? E-mail Welcome to the Uber Player Edition of The Classifieds. As you know, we've been building Random Acts of Uberness, a section of the column devoted to shout-outs to the folks who've made your PUG experiences shine. With more and more submissions every week, we're inevitably approaching that time when we'll have to start editing notes for length. But not this week. This week, your stories were so inspirational, your experiences were so uberific, that we simply decided to turn over the bulk of The Classifieds to the Random Acts section and let the uberness run wild and free. "I'm not to proud to admit it: when we're short on tanks, my husband and I will let our kid tank for us -- our just shy of seven-year-old, who diligently (and with trade chat disabled and parental controls on, his toon parked in our friends-and-fam guild instead of the casual raiding guild our mains are in) ground his teeny gnome warrior up to 80," writes Haelmari of US Eonar-A. "Tonight, we and some guildies needed a random. He wanted to play. Win/win, right? "We lacked a healer. ..." The uber resolution of Haelmari's situation, after the break.

  • The Classifieds: The littlest achiever

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on guild happenings, raid progression rankings, player milestones and more. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? E-mail We're always tickled when we run across a player who's found a new way to play the game. Check out the progress, then, of young Femortality on EU Blade's Edge. The wee level 1 blood elf paladin is so young that she doesn't even merit an Armory listing, yet she's already earned a whopping 1,500 achievement points. The offspring of experienced player Nylou, Femortality has permanently blocked her XP while she slaves away over her hot achievements. Femortality's fervor was forged on a now-deleted character that she once hoped would become the lowest level character to hold the title The Explorer. "Once I got my title, I felt the thrill of doing something hard at an extremely low level, and it (was) addictive," Femortality admits. "So I decided to move on and get any achievement I can get without leveling up. I don't know how many achievements I can get in total. I do know that I want them all and that over 2,000 are possible. I am sure this character will never, ever level up." This may be the strangest toast ever, but ... Here's to never hearing that glorious ding! There's bigger (much bigger) news in the progression category this week, as <Paragon> pops off a world-first hard-mode Lich King kill in 10-man mode. Let's crack open The Classifieds ...

  • The Classifieds: The Syndicate marks 14 years of gaming

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The Classifieds brings you weekly updates on guild happenings, raid progression rankings, player milestones and more. Have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share? E-mail Kudos to The Syndicate, the oldest continuously operating online gaming community, on marking its 14th anniversary. The Syndicate includes a robust WoW Horde community on Zul'jin. With more than 625 active members, The Syndicate prides itself on a lack of turnover and drama, claiming that more than 550 of its members have been with the guild more than year. Highlights of its 14-year history: Charitable work for Youth Opportunities Unlimited, The American Cancer Society and support for deployed military personnel "Legend of The Syndicate," a book covering their first 10 years Featured in MMO documentary "Second Skin" and plans to be featured in the upcoming documentary about Richard Garriott Annual conferences attended by members, game developers and PC hardware manufacturers, including sponsorship from game developers allowing 200+ members to attend the 2010 conference A studio for Prima Games print media strategy guides Trademarking The Syndicate name and incorporating the guild Numerous consulting opportunities in MMO development Featured in more than 75 internet articles, three books, more than a dozen print magazines and numerous newspaper articles Kudos to The Syndicate on its longevity and continuing contributions to building a vibrant online gaming community. Let's crack open The Classifieds ...