

  • Bornakk confirms WotLK gear reset

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We've suspected this all along, but now Bornakk has confirmed that yes, when the next expansion comes out, we'll all be turning in our epics for green gear once more. (And via MMO Champion, here's a comic that explains just what you're feeling right now). As he says, the whole point of a subscription MMO is that you need to keep playing to be awesome, and so new, more powerful gear is exactly where Blizzard wants to go.On the one hand, this is actually a great thing. I just finally brought my Hunter alt through Hellfire Peninsula, and it was terrific to run a few quests and all of a sudden have what used to be raid level gear. And as Bornakk says, another reset in Wrath of the Lich King will accomplish the same thing for new players then (including Death Knights, ahem, so if you're reading between the lines as much as I am, that means that Death Knights will probably start before level 70, because they too apparently will be coming through the 70-71 gear transition). It is great to do the starter quests in a new expansion, and quickly get brought up to speed with some of the best gear in the game.However, now that this is known, does it mean the gear you earn now is worthless? I don't think so-- while the old endgame was almost all about gear, there are so many epics now and so many ways to get them that the game is much more about how you play rather than the gear you're playing for. Sure, we'll all end up stashing our epics away for a green quest reward from the Borean Tundra, but we'll always have Karazhan and Gruul's, right?

  • Why there won't be a flood of death knights

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    Many people are predicting that "everyone" will make a new death knight character when the new expansion is going to come out -- so many that the world will seem full of them. While it is true that everyone may very well try out the first couple levels of the new death knight hero class, it's not true that every server will be overrun with them. Here's why:The addition of death knights to the game is in many ways like the addition of blood elves and draenei in The Burning Crusade. Many people made new characters just to see the new zones, but many others wanted to level their mains through Outland first. Many of those players who tried out the new races only played up to a certain point and then stopped to go back to their main characters. We never saw a flood of draenei and blood elves outnumbering all other races of Azeroth, and for the same reason we will not see a flood of new death knights. There are different things to do in the expansion, and different people make different choices about which to do first. There may be a contstant stream of new death knights, maybe even a river sometimes, but death knights will just feel like the newest kid in the WoW class, not a plague of locusts infesting the entire town.There's also a huge difference between trying out a death knight, and choosing one as your new main character. Wherever death knights start out in the world may be a crowded area for a while, but most players won't ever level them out of that starting zone. Unlike the Jedi in Star Wars, death knights are only one of many types of characters in Warcraft. Besides, the death knight play style and thematic mood simply isn't going to appeal to everyone, in the same way that most WoW players today do not play warlocks, notwithstanding the fact that warlocks are undoubtedly a powerful class. Most players prefer to do healing, shapeshifting, stealthing, ranged shots, totems, or any number of other abilities that death knights will never have, and they will stay with their favorite classes and play styles. Some players, like myself, probably just won't like their armor decorated with skulls all the time.

  • Breakfast Topic: Icy pets

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    We've asked what sorts of demons warlocks wish they could summon, as well as what sort of animals druids wish they could shapeshift into. Hunters, too, are due to get an influx of new sorts of pets to tame in Wrath of the Lich King, and already I'm wondering what they'll be -- it's not actually so easy.To my mind, most of the tamable creatures up there would be icier versions of pets we already have, which are native to Azeroth. Outland had so much more potential in terms of new and exotic pets, yet Blizzard only gave us a few new types, then went and left most of them without any appreciable abilities. Why would anyone tame a spore bat, or a nether ray, when neither of them can train in certain necessary abilities? Why enable these pets if taming them would be so useless? Some people love the dragonhawk, but the only pet from outland everyone agrees was a popular success is the ravager, though it's a bit ugly for my tastes.So, because it's fun to daydream and speculate, lets imagine what sorts of new pets we'll get to enjoy in Northrend! This means not just wolves and bears with extra spiky icicles or something -- truly new pets we've never seen before. Can you come up with something particularly icy?

  • WotLK is one of Yahoo!'s most anticipated games of 2008

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Wrath of the Lich King made Yahoo! Games' list of 10 anticipated games in 2008. It's the only expansion on the list, and it stands proudly alongside other legendary intellectual properties like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Halo, Fallout, and Grand Theft Auto.It's definitely unusual for an expansion pack to make a list like this; that just goes to show you how extraordinary World of Warcraft is as a cultural phenomenon. Now if only I knew when this blasted expansion might be coming out, I could stop sitting around and fantasizing about playing as a Death Knight. No, wait ... I'd still be doing that anyway.

  • CVG interviews Jeff Kaplan on Wrath of the Lich King

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    If you're itching to hear any kind of information on Wraith of the Lich King, then here's a great fix for you. CVG asks Jeff Kaplan what we can expect of the forthcoming expansion from Blizzard, including everyone's favorite fallen hero Arthas. Addressing the fear that everything in the expansion is going to be covered in ice and snow, Kaplan assures that Blizzard has plenty of variety in locales. One example he gives is the Howling Fjord, which is modeled after the Redwood Forest in the Pacific north-west.

  • Blizzard developers excited about WotLK PvP-only zone

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    We've known for some time now that Blizzard's upcoming expansion to World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, would introduce new dynamics to the PvP game. Siege weaponry, destroyable buildings, and other new features will be central to the conflict over Lake Wintergrasp. In a brief excerpt from an interview with the site PC Zone, CVG is reporting that the Blizzard developers are mighty enthused by possibilities of the zone.They're also quite serious about the PvP nature of the zone. Jeff Kaplan is quoted as saying 'in no way, shape or form will we support PvE players in [Lake Wintergrasp]'. This would seem to address one of the big vulnerabilities that WoW has in the face of Warhammer's upcoming launch. Dedicated world PvP areas is a feature players have been asking after for some time. It will be interesting to see what player reaction will be to all this PvP love.

  • PC Zone has Wrath PvP teaser info

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    PC Zone magazine has an interview with WoW Lead Designer Jeff Kaplan. In it Kaplan reveals details about Wrath of the Lich King PvP warfare as well as the epic feel players will experience when first entering Northrend. Sounds great, huh?Unfortunately, you have to buy the magazine today to get the entire interview. They have only released a snippet of it online to send us into a frenzy of anticipation. What we learn from this sneak peek is that the Northrend PvP zone, Lake Wintergrasp, will be about the size of Westfall and will be all PvP. No PvE objectives in it at all. It will also be a static zone, not instanced. He also mentions that it will have destructible buildings and siege weapons, which we knew from his Leipzig interviews. Not much new there other than the size comparison to Westfall.Kaplan also talked about learning from the Hellfire Peninsula experience. This entry point into the first expansion wasn't epic enough. The design team wants to raise the bar for Northrend. We know from earlier interviews that entry into the expansion will be split. The Alliance will grab their sword and the Horde will get their own damn battlecry and both head into either Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra. How Blizzard is going to raise the bar is still a mystery.Argh! More infoz, please! If anyone gets their hands on the magazine, send us a tip with details. We'll happily give you credit.EDIT: Clarified entry points for both factions.[via World of Raids]%Gallery-5525%

  • EBGames has fun with WotLK listing

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Reader Kevin G (thanks!) sent along a tip about EBGames having some fun on their listing for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. As you can see (we've saved the listing for posterity above), the entry jokes about the listed 11/03/08 release date being unofficial, and determined by overpowered warlocks rolling 20 sided dice. The price, listed at $40, is also made up, and they say that if the price jumps by more than $1,000, they're all headed off to the Caribbean. Considering how many copies Burning Crusade sold this year, yeah, no kidding.It's nice to see that EB is up for having a little fun with an unannounced release date. Good for them.

  • No patch 2.5 planned

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Patch 2.3 launched relatively recently, 2.3.2 is on the PTR, and 2.4 is presumably pretty far from PTR still. As it turns out, that is expected to be about it in the way of pre-Wrath patches, according to Eyonix. 2.4 will introduce the Sunwell Plateau, an outdoor zone, including a 5-man dungeon and a 25-man raid at a harder-than-T6 difficulty level. There will probably be the now-usual assortment of class balance changes, new crafted items, and new daily quests as well, and being an outdoor zone, Sunwell Plateau will probably have some regular quests and a faction of its own as well.Does the fact that there's no patch 2.5 planned mean anything about how close Wrath is? I'd say there's probably not much connection. If Blizzard knew that it was going to be, say, a year before the expansion, then yeah, they'd probably plan for another content patch. But seeing as how Eyonix saw fit to add "Time will tell, however" on to his post, I'd say we can't infer much more than that they don't expect the expansion to take a ridiculously long time. My prediction is next March, because that's when my birthday is and it'd be a nice present.

  • Breakfast Topic: Place your bets...

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Early this year first heard, in a post-BC interview, that Blizzard planned on launching an expansion a year. Having another expansion out in January 2008 seemed like an incredibly loft goal, but this was Blizzard, and if they promised us release dates, that must mean they were really certain of them. However, it wasn't long before Blizzard started backpedeling on the idea of yearly expansions, clarifying that they only "wanted to try" to bring out yearly expansions.So here we are in December 2007, nearly a year from the launch of The Burning Crusade, with absolutely no idea when Wrath of the Lich King will launch. So today I'm asking you -- when do you think we'll see WotLK released? %Poll-6884%

  • Blizzard wants feedback on your class

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    With Wrath of the Lich King looming on the (far) horizon, it turns out that Blizzard may actually care what you want in it! They've just opened feedback threads for every class on the official forums, asking players to list one or two sentences about their top three problem areas, and their top five problem talents/spells/abilities for their class, along with what talent trees you tend to invest in and what sort of content you play most (PvP, raid, solo, etc.). It's a highly structured format, and you're also instructed not to engage in discussion with other posters or put suggestions on how things should be improved. Just point out what you have a problem with.The posts note that when they feel they have collected enough feedback, the threads will be closed, so make sure you get your opinion in before that happens. Here are the links for the various classes on the North American forums: Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior. And here are the European links: Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior. It's possible that all the players speaking their minds have brought down the forum servers, since I can't get them to load, but I'm sure they'll be back presently. And you may not be allowed to have discussion in the Blizzard threads, but feel free to use the comments on this post: what's wrong with your class? What do you think they should do to fix it?

  • Doomguard & Infernal getting buffed

    John Himes
    John Himes

    Yesterday, a player posted on the official WoW forum asking about the current state of the Doomguard and Infernal Warlock pets. It's a hassle to learn how to summon these demons, requiring the completion of multiple quests for each, and summoning them requires reagents, including the death of one of your party members (for the Doomguard at least). With all these requirements, one would think the pets would be worthwhile, but their cost and unpredictability (they have to be continually enslaved, which is on diminishing returns and may break at any time) make them worse than the normal Warlock pets.Eyonix answers the original poster, saying that the devs are concerned about these pets and will buff them sometime in the future. That "future" may be the next expansion, but this is a better answer than the class has received on the subject in a long time. To the best of my knowledge, previous answers were something along the line of "These spells may have situational uses and will not be changed from that role". Now there is once again hope that these cool and iconic (watch the original WoW cinematic, if you don't recall) Warlock pets will become more than simple novelties.

  • The weekend in Warcraft: December 1 - 2, 2007

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Weekends are usually fairly quiet for World of Warcraft news, but on Sunday we had a flashy announcement: Blizzard's parent company, Vivendi, is planning to merge with Activision. The new company would be called Activision Blizzard, bringing Blizzard's success to the forefront of the corporate image. But while it may have been the biggest thing to happen this weekend, it's certainly not the only thing. Azeroth had epic mounts. Outland had epic flying mounts. What will the gold-sink be in Wrath of the Lich King? Your monthly reminder to head over to Aeris Landing to pick up your Consortium membership benefits! Massively already has its commenter icons, but WoW Insider has its own batch of WoW themed icons for you to use for your comments -- and if you like them, they'll work here, too. Get a fresh glimpse of the scenery in Wrath of the Lich King with these new screenshots found on the European site. Two Bosses Enter goes into round two of its ultimate boss showdown with a fight between Sapphiron and Mandokir. Matt Rossi explains how to lose in Alterac Valley. All the World's a Stage discusses overcoming game mechanics in your roleplaying. (Or where was that bird you killed hiding the epic sword he just dropped?)

  • New WotLK screens

    John Himes
    John Himes

    A couple of days ago the European WoW site updated their Wrath of the Lich King page with a couple of new screenshots. If you're like me, any chance to devour new information about the expansion is welcome. You can see the first new shot at the top of this article and I've included the second below.The first shot looks like a different angle of an area we've seen in previous pictures. There doesn't seem to be a lot we can glean from this photo, but you can see a Forsaken town in the far distance. If I had to guess from the terrain, I'd wager that we're looking at one of the starter zones, the Howling Fjord. What do you think? See anything I'm missing?

  • Breakfast topic: What will be WotLK's gold sink?

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    One of my guild's officers has taken up the dubious practice of "farming for Wrath of the Lich King." He has epic mounts for all his 70s, all the recipes he could ever want, and enough spare cash to pay alt support for an army of gnomes, but he's convinced there'll be some big, 20K or so gold sink in the new expansion. The gold sinks for WoW have always been epic mounts: the epic ground mount in vanilla WoW, and the epic flyer in BC. I'm not sure what it could be for WotLK. I can't see that many people would spend a ton of money on PvP structures, which leaves a couple of options. There could be extremely expensive forms of character customization, such as tattoos, wings, or other adornments. There could be guild housing (finally.) My guildmates suggested that it will be submarines shaped like "sharks with frickin' lazer beams" and underpants "with rockets on the front", further confirming that my guild's sense of humor is stuck in 1997. What do you think the gold sink will be when WotLK finally emerges from its cocoon?

  • More Wrath screenshots

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Two new screenshots have appeared in the Wrath of the Lich King gallery over at WoW Europe. The above looks like another shot from Westguard Keep. This is another shot from New Agamand, a Forsaken town in the Howling Fjord. While neither shot is offering anything we haven't seen before, they are definitely serving to tease us pretty badly. %Gallery-5525%

  • BlizzCon Hoax [Updated]

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Evidently attendees of BlizzCon have begun receiving emails claiming that Wrath of the Lich King Beta will begin in only three weeks. According to Bornakk, these emails are a hoax, and the original statement provided regarding such a beta still holds. There is currently no WotLK beta, and should one be in the works, there would be an announcement on the official site. As always, please remember to be especially cautious when asked to provide any account information. Do a search to find out if anyone else has received the same requests, and under what circumstances. If you are concerned about keylogging programs, refer to our guide on protecting your system.Update: Despite the fact that the rumors, and emails, have been floating around for a little while, Bornakk's official response came yesterday.

  • Newcomers in the WoW community

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    Most games have a beginning and an end -- if people want more, the developers produce a sequel. But games like WoW are different, of course, because everyone is paying by the month in order to play together, and the developers are constantly adding some new content revising the old. As time goes by, though, a rift appears between people who have been playing a long time and people who are just getting started. Not only does the game development company have to make some hard decisions about whether it's more important to keep people playing every month or to get new people to start from the beginning, but the old players have to figure out how the new ones are going to fit into the social system they've developed.The Burning Crusade tried to appeal to both sorts of gamers, with added content for both ends of the player community, but Wrath of the Lich King is taking another direction, with most of its content only for people who are ready to leave Outland behind. But the patch 2.3 changes reveal a different strategy for attracting new WoW players: rather than adding new content to attract new players, Blizzard can just make the old content faster, more streamlined, and get new players into the new higher-level content more reliably. Will this keep new players coming? Does Blizzard even need new players, financially speaking, or are they content to just try and keep all the existing players subscribing for as long as possible? Either way, a more vital issue is at stake: As the WoW community has gotten older, we have noticed some old-time WoW players like to complain about "noobs" a lot, in a way that doesn't leave any room for new people to join in on the activities. For a newcomer, it feels like an exclusionist attitude. The "noobs" are running around in all the wrong gear, using all the wrong strategies, precisely because no one has interacted with them enough for them to learn how things are done here. Some aspects of WoW are not at all easy or intuitive, and it's counterproductive to blame the noobs instead of reaching out and lending a helping hand where appropriate.

  • The more things change...

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    Most of us have heard by now that the next expansion will bring the ability to change your appearance somewhat, and some people out there may be thinking "What was I thinking when I created my character, Uglybub? Finally, with Wrath of the Lich King, I will at last be able to get rid of this electrfied hair and frowny face! Then I'll change his name to PrettySmoochCakeLove too!" As much as we might love to dream, it's not yet clear how much of your character's appearance you'll be able to change. Should Blizzard enable you to change everything about your character's appearance any time you might wish to?According to Blizzard's current thinking, you will be able to go to the local barbershop and have your hairstyle changed -- probably facial hair and earrings too. You will be able to go to the local dance studio -- yes that's right, a Dance Studio in the World of Warcraft -- and learn new dances. But the devs believe that plastic surgeons just haven't caught on in Azeroth or Outland yet. "Plastic surgeons?" You cry out, "Who said anything about plastic surgeons? I just want to be able to change my facial expression! What's the big deal?" And yes, of course you are right, but your facial expression is tied to eyecolor, nose shape, and everything else about your face. Those things shouldn't be changeable ... or should they?Is Blizzard right or wrong on this issue? Now that we've got name changes and we're getting hairstyle changes, it's got me wondering, where do you draw the line? Redoing your hair, or turning that frown upside down is one thing, but going from dark skin and brown eyes to pale skin and blue eyes (with lots of wrinkles) makes your character look like someone else altogether. Is infinite customizability something we really want? Does a certain degree of consistency offer any other advantages?

  • A new class, why not a new race?

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    The DK is coming in WotLK, adding another class to the mix along with the concept of Hero Classes. In a forum post yesterday players voiced their desire to play new races in addition to having access to the Death Knight class. Looking at it logically, it only makes sense that since the first expansion brought us two new races we would see new classes in the next one. It's like a new-content see-saw. But some of us don't look at things logically, and I can totally understand this too. I mean, yes I want to play nymphs and Pandaren and Worgen. I would also like to have a viable MageTank set that gives me enough armor to stand up against Illidan. Oh, oh and infinite mana. And a pony. It simply isn't going to happen.My concern is not that we aren't getting new races. I am worried that adding only one class will toss things out of whack. When TBC was announced, they let us know that the Horde would be able to play paladins, and so for balance they added shaman to the Alliance side. Balance is the key word here. When we have Death Knights added to the game, there will be only one Hero Class, albeit available to both factions. I get the feeling that this will throw off the balance more than they realize. Not so much because there will be another tanking class, but more because Blizzard cannot anticipate how players will actually play the character. Sure it's a tanking class, but if players start using it as a DPS class despite the best intentions of the devs, things could go badly.Considering the magic-centric storylines in Northrend, I would feel more comfortable if they added the Archmage along with the Death Knight. Adding the Archmage would allow players to play a mage of any race, opening up a whole new world of role play possibilities. Or how about the Demon Hunter? With so much going on in Outland, couldn't we use an anti-Illidan to clean house, so-to-speak? What do you think? Is Blizzard making a mistake by adding only one class into the game?