

  • Patch 4.1 hotfixes for May 11

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    While everyone's up to their ears in the patch 4.2 PTR testing content, today we've got some hotfixes for the live game here in patch 4.1. Today's hotfix post, courtesy of Zarhym on the official WoW blog, covers a variety of small changes, mostly addressing system errors and bugs. Players using the Mobile Guild Chat app should no longer get error messages stating that they aren't in a guild. Mail that's sent from the auction house should no longer display incorrect information about the transaction; this includes transactions from the Mobile Auction House as well. Players should no longer get stuck or crash while in a battleground or arena queue. Follow after the break for the full list of hotfixes.

  • Patch 4.1 hotfixes for May 4

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Everyone's so excited about the pending PTR for patch 4.2 that we've forgotten all about poor, neglected patch 4.1. Don't worry, Blizzard certainly hasn't -- and today, we've got another round of hotfixes posted by Zarhym (community manager) at the official Warcraft blog. In addition to the usual small fixes, there's a welcome fix to account-bound items, and for characters who have switched factions recently: The issue preventing some players from mailing account-bound items to other characters on the same realm and account has been addressed. If you're still experiencing the issue, try logging on to both characters before sending the mail. Players who have recently switched factions should now be able to properly get quests for Children's Week. Call to Arms rewards should now be displayed in the dungeon finder UI while the player is in the dungeon. Follow after the break for the full list of hotfixes.

  • Patch 4.1 hotfixes for May 2

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Tonight, we've got another round of hotfixes courtesy of Zarhym (community manager), who posted them to the official Warcraft blog. Along with what should be a welcome change to Zul'Aman for healers, there are a handful of class changes related to one particular raid encounter: In Zul'Aman, Akil'zon's Static Disruption will no longer chain if players are more than 5 yards apart. Not only that, but he'll only cast it every 12 seconds, up from 5. Healers rejoice! Death Knights can now cast Death and Decay correctly on Cho'gall's trapdoor. Druids will note that Efflorescence's effects will now heal targets standing on Cho'gall's trapdoor. Paladins can now cast Consecration on Cho'gall's trapdoor. We've really got it in for Cho'gall's trapdoor. Follow after the break for the full list of hotfixes.

  • Patch 4.1 hotfixes for April 29

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Hotfixes! Get your hotfixes here! Spicy hot and right off the grill. Don't be shy, ma'am! Notable changes: Akil'zon, the eagle boss in ZA, will be summoning Amani Kidnappers less frequently, but they have more health. Nitro Boosts won't kill you any more. Satchel of Exotic Mysteries will have a greater chance of dropping a companion pet for players.

  • Patch 4.1 hotfixes for April 27

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    We've got a new list of hotfixes this evening from Community Manager Zarhym, fresh off the official Warcraft blog. Today's list of hotfixes addresses a few issues with Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman, a welcome tweak to conquest point accumulation and a few class tweaks as well. In Zul'Aman, the range on Amani'shi Flame Caster's Fireball Volley has been reduced to 35 yards. In Zul'Gurub, High Priest Venoxis' Toxic Link now has a 100-yard range, instead of being infinite. BoE items obtained in Zul'Gurub can now be mailed, traded, sold, and bought back as intended. Players will now receive 180 conquest points for an Arena win up to the weekly cap and 400 conquest points for a rated battleground win up to the weekly cap. Follow after the break for the full list of hotfixes.

  • Patch 4.1 hotfixes for April 26

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    A brand new patch means a brand new list of hotfixes. The first round of hotfixes for patch 4.1 have arrived courtesy of Zaryhm on the official Warcraft blog. These first few hotfixes address a few class bugs, as well as a couple of tweaks to Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman, including the following: In Zul'Aman, the Plucked debuff applied during the Akil'zon encounter should no longer persist after he's killed. In Zul'Gurub, Zanzil's cauldrons will remain active once he's been defeated, allowing the party to survive the Zanzil's Graveyard Gas phase. Players shouldn't be getting stuck on the retrieving character list or be unable to enter instances when the Optimize Network for Speed option is disabled anymore. Follow after the break for the full list of hotfixes.

  • Patch 4.1 PTR notes updated for April 12

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    The patch notes for the Patch 4.1 PTR have been updated once again, bringing us the official word on the change to daily valor rewards, a helpful change for those left abandoned in dungeon finder groups, buffs to cat druid AoE, and more!

  • Patch 4.0.6 hotfixes for March 29

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    There's another round of hotfixes on the way, according to a post released on the official WoW blog. Today's list is short and sweet and should please the people annoyed about exploits in Tol Barad. Zarhym Dungeons & Raids The Bastion of Twilight A bug has been fixed that could cause Flame Strike during the Ascendant Council encounter (Heroic difficulty) to target an existing fire patch, instead of creating a new one. Guilds The guild perk "Have Group, Will Travel" no longer allows players to summon guild mates inside dungeons, raids, Battlegrounds, or Tol Barad when the battle is in progress. It will also not function while the player is on any transport. Quests & Creatures Uldum Hostile NPCs are no longer present at the Temple of Uldum once the cutscene from picking up "Harrison Jones and the Temple of Uldum" finishes playing. source World of Warcraft: Cataclysm has destroyed Azeroth as we know it; nothing is the same! In WoW Insider's Guide to Cataclysm, you can find out everything you need to know about WoW's third expansion, from leveling up a new goblin or worgen to breaking news and strategies on endgame play.

  • Patch 4.0.6 hotfixes for March 24

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Another round of 4.0.6 hotfixes has been released on the official WoW blog. This time around, it's a relatively short list that focuses mainly on dungeons and raids from both the current raid tier and previous raid tiers as well: In the heroic Cho'gall encounter, Fester Blood will no longer sometimes cause Cho'gall to stop consuming fire elementals. In Blackwing Descent, Magmaw will no longer cast Tantrum as long as he has a target in melee range. In Blackwing Lair, Razorgore does not evade when attacked immediately after being released from the orb. He should also no longer reset when the orb controller is interrupted. Continue after the break for the full list of hotfixes.

  • Patch 4.0.6 hotfixes for March 16

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    We've seen plenty of hotfixes for the patch 4.1 PTR, but it's been awhile since we've seen any hotfixes for patch 4.0.6. A new round of 4.0.6 hotfixes was released on the official WoW blog, with plenty of fixes to Blackwing Descent, including the following: Atramedes will no longer sometimes snap back to his starting location as he finishes casting Sonic Breath. Maloriak's Scorching Breath should no longer incorrectly share its damage among pets. To offset what would be increased damage per player as a result of this fix, the damage dealt by the ability has been reduced on heroic difficulty. The Omnotron Defense System encounter has had its health reduced by 15% on heroic difficulty, and the damage of Incineration Security Measure has been reduced. Follow after the break for the full list of hotfixes.

  • Patch 4.0.6 hotfixes for March 1

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Just two short hotfixes today. I know many players will be pleased with the latter of the two. Hotfixes PvP Flag carriers in rated Battlegrounds now take 25% more damage from all magical and physical attacks. The 25% additional damage from carrying the flag stacks with the Focus and Brutal Assault debuffs. Flag carriers in normal Battlegrounds are not affected by this change. Quest & Creatures Tol Barad Peninsula The quest "Walk A Mile In Their Shoes" has not always been correctly awarding players with quest credit after completing the escort event. This quest is being temporarily disabled and removed from the achievement criteria for Just Another Day in Tol Barad. This fix will require a realm restart to take effect. source World of Warcraft: Cataclysm has destroyed Azeroth as we know it; nothing is the same! In WoW Insider's Guide to Cataclysm, you can find out everything you need to know about WoW's third expansion, from leveling up a new goblin or worgen to breaking news and strategies on endgame play.

  • Arcane Brilliance: Patch 4.1 PTR for mages, (very) early edition

    Christian Belt
    Christian Belt

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Arcane Brilliance for arcane, fire and frost mages. This week, we discuss the upcoming patch 4.1, which hit the PTR in the wee hours of Thursday here in the North Americas, sending WoW bloggers everywhere into an early morning, sleep-deprived fit of feverish typing, followed by a deep and possibly fatal sugar and caffeine coma. For those who were lost, we mourn you -- but not for long because we gots deadlines, yo. So yeah. In case you've been stranded in some Mesopotamian nation or another without internet access for the past few days, we've got a new patch on the PTR. It's not the most earth-shattering patch we've seen, but for some reason I'm just inordinately excited about it. I woke up this morning with dreams of raptors, tiger/panthers, and armored bears fresh in my mind. I was quite sad when Zul'Gurub vanished from the game, but every time I flew over that part of Stranglethorn Vale and saw that the ancient troll city was still there, empty and tigerless, I felt a surge of hope that until the structures themselves vanished, the instance wasn't truly gone. Just the idea that Blizzard is willing to take old raids and turn them into heroic 5-mans for me to churn through in my daily valor point farming efforts is a cause for celebration. Though old 5-mans get new life whenever you level a new alt through the old content, no single part of the game falls into misuse more completely than obsolete endgame content. To see some of it repurposed in such a relevant way, well ... I'm just giddy. Like a schoolgirl, only male and 30ish. Similar outfits, though. Cough. So there's a lot there to look forward to, you may be saying, but what about mages? I come here to read about magecraft and also to hear about how warlocks drink their own urine. Where's the info on the parts of the patch that are specific to me? I hear you, reader who I just made up. Read on, and we'll talk all about the few but significant mage changes we can expect in patch 4.1.

  • Upcoming healer changes

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Neth has just announced some healer changes that will be rolling out in a hotfix soon (likely later today; stay tuned here, and we'll post when the new list of hotfixes is released). The two big things to come out of this are: Power Word: Shield cost is going up by 33%. This nerfs disc priests. Shaman's Purification now increases healing effectiveness by 25%, up from 10%. The full statements are as follows: Nethaera Since the release of patch 4.0.6, we've been keeping an eye on healers and how they are performing and are currently in the process of making some additional adjustments. Priests The cost of Power Word: Shield is being increased by 33%. While we wanted Discipline priests to be able to utilize this spell more often and with better results, we also did not want it to be the main spell (and often the only spell) used while in groups. We don't find this to be a particularly compelling playstyle and have found that it encourages players to avoid using other spells such as Penance. We believe that using a shield in a tight moment is totally appropriate, but we don't want it to be incredibly efficient to do so with more frequency than that. We realize that by making Power Word: Shield slightly more expensive for Discipline priests to cast that it might cause Holy priests to avoid using it. To that end, we are adding mana savings into the Body and Soul talent. The tooltip will not reflect this change until a future patch, however. Ideally, Holy priests should not notice much of a change to the Power Word: Shield costs. Shaman We are also applying a hotfix for Purification for the Restoration shaman passive from 10% to 25%. We think that shaman healing per second is not as competitive with other healers and while we hoped to bring down Holy priest and Holy paladins (in particular) in 4.0.6, which we did, shaman still appear to be behind. In this case, it is simply easier to buff Restoration shaman rather than nerf everyone else or rebalance the encounters. In Addition - Restoration Druids and Restoration Shaman We agree with the sentiment among some players that Restoration druids and Restoration shaman are lacking in the healing cooldown department. The shaman buff and Power Word: Shield adjustment above should bring all healers reasonably close in terms of throughput. The decision on who to bring then might end up being dictated by the strong cooldowns offered by paladins or priests. This isn't the kind of thing we can address via a hotix, but it is something we are looking at for the next major content patch. As always, we appreciate your continued constructive feedback and will do our best to keep you informed of ongoing developments. source And finally, Nethaera says on the ETA of the changes: Nethaera We anticipate having these in relatively soon (possibly as soon as sometime today). We'll do our best to let you know once they're in and we'll be updating the notes on the Hotfix thread as well. source

  • Sapphiron and Malygos hotfixes

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Just in time for everyone's raiding tonight, Lead Encounter Designer Daelo has announced two important hotfixes that have gone live.Sapphiron and Malygos both should now be working as intended.Sapphiron's Frost aura has been hotfixed to return to levels that we've all seen previous to patch 3.0.8. This means there should be 1200 damage every 2 seconds in the 10-man version, and 1600 damage every 2 seconds in the 25-man version. Note however that the tooltip is incorrect, in that it says the damage occurs every second. According to Daelo this will be fixed in the next client patch (and no, there is no indication of when that is).As for Malygos...