

  • Armored Bloodwing, Blossoming Ancient now 35% off

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    If you've been wanting to add to your mount or battle pet collections, now might be the perfect time to do so. The Armored Bloodwing and the Blossoming Ancient are on sale for 35% off this week in both US and EU shops. The Armored Bloodwing on its own is pretty cool -- it's the only bat mount players have access to. As for the Blossoming Ancient, it's not only a nice addition to any pet battle team, it also changes its appearance according to the seasons. Players looking to purchase the pet or mount should check out either the US Shop, or the EU version. For US buyers, the pet is now $6.50 and the mount is $16.25, and for EU buyers, the pet is EUR 6.50, and the mount is EUR 13.00. But if you want to take advantage of the sale, you might want to hurry -- the prices are only good through June 3.

  • Wowhead Profiler tool updated with talents, glyphs

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    The Wowhead Profiler tool has now been updated to list talents and glyphs for characters, both in main and secondary specs. This is in addition to the massive amounts of information it already provides -- mount and pet tracking, transmog information, quest information and much more. I have to admit I hadn't given the Profiler much of a look until today, and I'm shocked at what I've found. Wowhead is known for its massive database of everything under the sun available to be found in World of Warcraft. Quests, achievements, items, NPCs, armor, pets, mounts, you name it -- if it exists in game, Wowhead has it listed. But the Profiler is a little different from Wowhead's usual style of database tracking. Players can look up their character, or other characters, and load them into the Profiler for an in-depth look at what that character has done, and what they've yet to accomplish. So how exactly is that useful? What makes the Profiler, in some cases, a better alternative than the armory?

  • Blizzard update on missing mounts, pets

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Sharp-eyed players may have noted the absence of several mounts and pets missing from their collections upon the release of patch 5.4.7. Mounts and pets obtained from the Scroll of Resurrection and Recruit-A-Friend programs had suddenly vanished from existence. While Blizzard has released a hotfix intended to address the issue, some players are still missing pets and mounts -- and Blizzard is currently working on resolving the issue. CM Orlyia provided a further update on the situation. Orylia Hello all, As many of you know starting yesterday we became aware of an issue that some mounts and pets had gone missing after the patch. This included the mounts/pets awarded from the Recruit a Friend and Scroll of Resurrection promotions, purchased mounts/pets as well as a several others. A hotfix was able to be applied yesterday that should have allowed most accounts with the RAF and SOR mounts to regain access to them. Another hotfix was applied late last night in order to resolve the issue with purchased pets/mounts. This resolution did not have the same impact it did in testing, so many are still missing their purchased pets and mounts as well as several random pets listed in our breaking news. You do not currently need to submit a ticket or otherwise contact our support staff about this, they are unable to assist directly with returning any missing mounts/pets. Please know this issue has our full attention and we continue to work to get it resolved as quickly as we can. We will provide what updates we can as we receive them. Thank you all for your patience. source In short, although it might be tempting to fill out a ticket for those beloved missing pets or mounts, doing so really isn't going to get you anywhere -- the support staff can't directly assist with that particular issue. If you've noticed missing mounts or pets from your collections, sit tight for now. Blizzard is actively working on the issue, and we should see it fixed soon.

  • Get your low level battle pets up to 25 with this guide

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Leveling a new pet from 1 to 25 can be a time-consuming slog -- but it doesn't have to be. Though you'll need to start with a few solid level 25 pets, you can let two max-level pets carry you while saving your third slot with a that needs the experience. Then, just fight your way through high-level pet trainers with this guide from Adventures in Poor Taste. The trick is in having the right level 25 pets so you can win battles without having to rely on your third, under-level pet. The guide walks you through the ideal pets for the job -- you might want to hit up their guide to the 7 best beginner pets while you're at it -- and gives you a play-by-play for what to expect from all of Pandaria's pet trainers (plus a couple of extras). So what are you waiting for? Break out your Safari Hat level your way up to the 30 max-level pets you'll need to enter the Celestial Tournament. Good luck!

  • Scattered Shots: Hunter pets we'd like to see in our stables

    Adam Koebel
    Adam Koebel

    Every Thursday, WoW Insider brings you Scattered Shots for beast mastery, marksmanship and survival hunters. This week, your host Adam Koebel, aka Bendak will be discussing potential new hunter pets in Warlords of Draenor. Blizzard seems to have really enjoyed teasing hunters this expansion with the Dire Beast spell. Dire Beast is a talent which summons a random beast to fight for you for 15 seconds. Each zone in Pandaria has three different beasts it chooses from, and there are several instances where it will summon a beast which you're currently unable to tame. The most notable examples being the pterrorwings on Isle of Thunder and the gulp frogs on Timeless Isle. There's also several beast families which have been in the game for a long time but remain untamable. Occasionally, these are added in a new expansion, such as the basilik and water strider in Mists of Pandaria. As a pet collector, I have high hopes that we'll see both old and new pet families added in Warlords of Draenor to fill our stables. Let's start with a family of beast so obvious that they already have a unique spell attributed to them in the game.

  • New charity Battle Pet coming to the Pet Store soon

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    A new Battle Pet is headed to the Blizzard Pet Store soon. The Alterac Brew Pup, pictured above, seems to be slated for release in the not-too-distant future. According to a page found by the fine folks over at Wowhead, the Brew Pup, like other Battle Pets in the past, will have a percentage of the proceeds from its sales donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The page also mentions that the cost of the Battle Pet will be $10 -- which is the standard rate for pets on the store. Although the purchase page was briefly visible in the Blizzard Store -- long enough for Wowhead to nab a screenshot, it has since been removed. This could be for any number of reasons: they may have simply jumped the gun on making the page available, might have just been testing the layout, or may have some changes to make to the listing page. Regardless, we now know where that perfectly adorable new Battle Pet will be found -- and now it's just a matter of patiently waiting until it's released. For more information on the Battle Pet and its abilities, check out Wowhead's Battle Pet database.

  • Breakfast Topic: Gotta catch 'em all

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Let me just admit it: I have a collecting problem. That's not to say I'm very good at collecting -- right now I'm working towards Mount Parade very, very slowly -- but once I start collecting something I have an urge to collect everything. (Or, in internet vernacular, "ALL THE THINGS.") For a while, this made hunters the perfect class for me, because being able to pick out pets pleased my inner collector but the fact that there were only a limited number of stable slots meant I wouldn't wind up collecting every creature in the game. But now with tons of stable slots, when I play a hunter I'm inclined to spend most of my time hunting the perfect pet. And while I used to (mostly) ignore non-combat pets because it seemed dangerous to get started collecting them, with pet battles they're a lot harder to ignore -- and with 1000 pet slots to fill, I really do want to catch them all. But if I start trying, will I ever find time to do anything else in game? It's a conundrum that I still haven't solved. So tell me, readers -- do you have a collecting problem? How do you manage the urge to catch 'em all?

  • Breakfast Topic: Zookeeping

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Have you been on a World Safari to catch every battle pet in the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland, Northred, and Pandaria? If so, you've recently been given the chance to finally receive your Zookeeper title with the seasonal Qiraji Guardling pet arriving in Azeroth last week. So tell us, young zookeepers, have you caught your Qiraji yet? Or has, perhaps, this lengthy achievement has tried your patience until you've given up? But even if you've given up, it may still be a good idea to go out to Silithus and pick up this pet: that way if you decide to pick up collecting again, you won't have to wait until summer to get another one. Unfortunately for those who didn't pick up a Snowy Owl over the winter, the Zookeeper title will have to wait another year. But whatever your situation: how are your zookeeping adventures going?

  • How 5 minutes AFK cost one WoW player 476,000 gold

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    We've all been there: leaving World of Warcraft running on our computers while we've run off to grab a soda or take a bio break. However, most of us return to find our characters safe and sound just as we left them. Not so for WoW-player 1104, who returned to his desk to find that most of his 476,000 gold was missing in action. The culprit? His 6-year-old son, who went on a pet shopping spree, picking up the rarest -- and priciest -- pets on the auction house. It could have been worse, of course: clearing out gold isn't nearly as bad as clearing out a real life bank account, as kids have done accidentally with in-app purchases in mobile games. But still, getting half-way to the gold cap is nothing to sneeze at -- it represents a lot of time and effort, if nothing else. So what's a WoW-playing parent to do? 1104 couldn't really blame his son, but does think this might be a sign that it's time to walk away from WoW. On the flip side, he could also take up pet collecting: he's bound to be off to a great start!

  • Comprehensive Battle Pet database from Alt:ernative

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    The Godmother over at Alt:ernative is a collector of the highest order, and so found herself being constantly asked by friends, guildmates, and even complete strangers like the author of this piece how to go about obtaining various pets for the pet battle system. So, rather than rest on her laurels, she went ahead and created the Minipets Database. What is the minipets database? It's a database of the 500 battle pets, and where to get them from. It also includes information on what type the pet is; so aquatic, flying, critter, beast and the like. And of course, it lets you know the pet's rarity, whether it's tradeable, and whether it can battle! The Godmother is also in the process of adding pictures and co-ordinates for every single pet in the database, but for now she's included enough information for the would-be pet collector to gather as many pets as they see fit. This is always going to be a work in progress as more pets are added and the Godmother fulfils her Pokémon philosophy and updates the database, but for the keen collector this is already a great resource. Join us after the break for the Godmother's Q&A about the database!

  • Holiday pets will no longer be soulbound in patch 4.3

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    Sinister Squashlings. Oh my God, you guys. I wound up with so many Sinister Squashling pets during Hallow's End. They were a curse. A nightmare. Only the first one you get holds any value; each consecutive one that drops for you is simply a chore to delete. And since the drop rate of the pet was buffed through the roof, it seemed like every other candy grab or Headless Horseman attempt this year landed me another one. If you're anything like me, a quick search of your bags will reveal five of the damn things you thought you deleted but apparently never did. Well, if that's the case, then we have good news for you: Holiday pets like the Sinister Squashling, the Feline Familiar, and the Captured Flame are seeing their bind on pickup disclaimers removed in patch 4.3. The means any leftover Squashlings currently in your possession can be unloaded on the Auction House in few weeks' time. And come Winter Veil, any excess pets you get can be similarly saved and later sold. We haven't heard anything official yet from Blizzard about the change (hat tip to MMO-Champion for datamining this), but it seems like this is the first step toward the Mists of Pandaria dynamic of having all WoW pets be tradeable. Brace yourselves for what could be some of most exciting updates to the game recently with patch 4.3. Review the official patch notes, and then dig into what's ahead: new item storage options, cross-realm raiding, cosmetic armor skinning and your chance to battle the mighty Deathwing -- from astride his back!

  • Guardian Cub pet now available for purchase

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    The Winged Guardian Cub, a source of contention and discussion since it was announced, is now available for purchase on the Blizzard Pet Store. Unlike previous pets, the cub is not account-wide; when you purchase the cub, the store will ask you to pick an account and character to deliver the pet to. Pets are sent via in-game mail from Breanni and are locked to your character for 24 hours. After that day is up, the pet becomes tradeable for anyone that wishes to do so, and you can sell the pet on the Auction House for gold at that time. I have to admit, for being such a source of derision, the little guy is terribly cute -- especially when he breaks into idle animations, batting random moths around with unbridled glee. Whether you're looking to sell the pets on the Auction House, trade them to a friend, or simply learn them for your own, you can pick them up for $10 at the Blizzard Pet Store now.

  • Celestial Steed mount and Lil' XT pet to be sold on the Blizzard store

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Early this morning our staff uncovered pictographic evidence of the Celestial Steed and Lil' XT Pet being sold soon at the Blizzard Store. The image is no longer in their front page rotation, but likely it won't be gone for long. We don't know any details. That's all there is to say on that. So any speculation about price, functionality, etc... it's all just that. Speculation. We do know, however, that this is the first mount being sold at the store; and the first useful in-game item you can directly buy with real world money (if you don't count the mounts from the WoW TCG game). Video of the steed after the break.

  • Patch 3.3.3: Account changes for Murkimus

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Gladiators, rejoice! Or at least those of you that participated in the 2009 Arena Tournament -- Murkimus, gladiator murloc extraordinaire has been changed as of today's patch. The pet, which was previously only available on whatever character you used the code with, will now apply to your entire account. So if you claimed your Murkimus on one character, be prepared to receive a surprise in the mail on your other characters when you log in. Watch your fingers, that spear is sharp. Here's the full announcement: Bashiok With the release of patch 3.3.3 those who received the Murkimus pet for their participation in the 2009 Arena Tournament will notice that the pet is being changed to apply to their entire account and all associated World of Warcraft licenses. If you previously claimed a Murkimus code for one character on an account this change will mean that all characters on that account, as well as characters on any other World of Warcraft licenses registered to the same account, will receive a Murkimus in their in-game mailboxes. With this change you'll finally be able to play any of your characters, stand up defiantly, and exclaim "I'm Murkimus!" source So Gladiators, enjoy your pet -- on whatever character you'd like. I'll be over here, wishing I'd participated in it!

  • Patch 3.2.2 PTR: Core Hound pup probably shouldn't look this cute

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    MMO Champion continues their pursuit of all the cute and fuzzy pets to be found in the Patch 3.2.2 PTR files. This time, they have a datamined video of the Core Hound Pup. This little guy isn't quite as active as the Pandaren pet, but he still manages to be way cuter than a slavering hell beast has any right to be, rising up on his hind legs and barking. It's sort of like your favorite puppy from your childhood, expect this one slobbers lava and may give you third degree burns if you pet it. Like the Pandaren pet, we don't yet know where, how, or even if we'll be able to get this pet in game. A lot of speculation places it as a possible Cataclysm CE pet, perhaps as a choice along with the Pandaren and Lil' KT. We'll have to wait and see,and for now, be content with watching it frolic about on datamined videos.2n - 1 go left, 2n go right. I don't see enough DoTs! More DoTs now! Are you ready for the return of Onyxia? With the Brood Mother being revitalized as a 10 and 25 person raid, you'll need to be sure you know everything that's coming at you.'s Guide to Patch 3.2.2 will make sure your set for the next patch!