

  • Around Azeroth: Feline enthusiasm

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "Hi there! How are you? I see you're in Wintergrasp. Wanna play? I'll play with you. Gee, you're tall, but I can jump as high as you. You sure you don't want to play? I'll play. It'll be fun," writes submitter Gimmlette. " Spectacular Death and their horde sister guild, Deathtacular (both on Llane), ran a joint event in Wintergrasp to get the achievement Wintergrasp Ranger. Some SD members hopped on their horde toons and we took turns killing each other at the locations required for the achievement. Lostclaw, from SD, really got into the spirit of things, getting up in my face all the time. Dawwwww ... look at that face. How could anyone lay the smack down on that? Yeah, well, shortly after this, I whacked him with my shield. It's probably indicative of the guild mindset when we had a bunch of people having a great time killing each other." Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth, Beta Edition: The truth beneath the rose

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Did someone leave their old-school video games together in a box for too long? Because it looks like Final Fantasy's Malboro has mated with Legend of Zelda's Deku Baba to produce ... whatever the heck this is. If that yellow fog beneath its feet inflicts status ailments, I'm getting the heck out of this questing area and never coming back. Too many bad memories ... so much money spent on Remedies ... never enough time to cast Esuna on everyone. (Thanks to beta tester Eddie for the screenshot!) Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth: Go slow down

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "Spectacular Death (A-Llane) held their 3rd Annual Terrapin 500 on Saturday, August 23," writes guild leader Gimmlette. "It's five laps around Ironforge followed by five laps around Dalaran. The only rule is that you must ride a sea turtle. No other mount is allowed. Participants are encouraged to come in costume. This year's racing field was double last year's, with 12 racers. Rednekwichdr caught the racers and their turtle pets entering Tinker Town. Looks like Parlim is trying to pass Ollivor on the left. One of our members, Minaithelan, put together a video of the event. It's 7 and a half minutes long but it's 7.5 minutes of racing silliness. Ladies and gentlemen. Start your turtles." Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth: More zen than thou

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Who's the serenest monk in all the land? Thedo of Elune (EU-A) is the serenest, baby! All the ladies flock to his koans, his wings, his levitation, and his all-around aura of peacefulness and tranquility. Well, actually, all the ladies are kind of scared of him. Green, translucent, levitating ninja squid can have some difficulty getting dates. Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth, Beta Edition: Wrapping things up

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "Having been in the beta since the beginning, I've seen a lot of things," writes submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A). "One thing that strikes me is the amount of detail given to this new world. This is a case in point. I was out wandering around, having done everything I could do in Shadowmoon at level 93. The road through Talador took me past these two hippos, excuse me, riverbeasts. There was a fishing pool near them so I stopped to fish. While fishing, I took some time to watch what had been programmed in front of me. These hippos were splashing each other. I have to admit that after fishing out the pool, I watched for a few minutes because it just seemed so fun. I've seen a lot of this in the expac, from fireflies in my garrison to the names of two of the cats. (Dinah! One of the cats is named Dinah!) The attention to detail is incredible. Around every corner there seems to be something I need to stop and see. As the beta has expanded, almost every new build brings an "Ooooh!" moment. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the beta. I know there are people who find what Blizzard is doing to be dumb and are leaving, but I'm not one of them. I can't wait for this to go live if splashing hippos is any indication of what I'm going to find." Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth: They're not undead minions, they're unpaid interns

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "When my death knight retired, she turned her swords into plowbills," writes submitter Zavannah of Eternal Exiles on Saurfang (EU-A). "Finding farmhands willing to work for a technically dead draenei was hard work, so she raised her farmhands from the remnants of countless brave but foolish adventurers who truly underestimated the power of the virmen. Alan the ghoul was too shy to step forth; that's why he hides behind his master." Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth: Suspicious minds

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Pay no attention to the voidwalkers. We are priests. Do you not see our priestly garb? Be quiet and let us heal you. Just close your eyes. It will only take a moment. That feeling is not your soul leaving you body. It is the healing process. Your bones are supposed to char like that. (Thanks to not-warlocks Taikoen, Kaiapo and Heleuma of Farstriders [US-A] and Bruin of Silver Hand [US-H] for the screenshot!) Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth: The Darkmoon fishing disaster of 2014

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "What finer way to relax than trying to fish up a pony or two and some of Azeroth's larger specimens?" asks submitter Ucagru of Saurfang (US-A). "I also had the chance to do some impromptu stat taking; less than one in five people shot out of the cannon landed a bulls-eye. Seven gnomes, three belfs, one troll were harmed in the taking of this photo.* ** * I don't include undead, because they're already dead so I figure they don't count. ** One tauren also acquired a new nose piercing, but seemed to be quite happy with the look." Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth: Looking for love in all the wrong places

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Submitter Azduke of Fluffy Unicorns on Thaurrisan (US-H) is getting a little desperate to find a date for her school's Homecoming dance. The blood elves always get asked first, then whichever undead women aren't missing too many important body parts, then the pretty-faced trolls. But what of the orcs, the tauren, the goblins, and the pandaren? Surely they deserve dates too. Or they could just do what I did for senior homecoming, which is what horrible tentacle anime in my friend's basement, play Airsoft, and watch my best friend burn off all his arm hair experimenting with chemistry. Still more fun than listening to Bryan Adams songs and pretending I knew how to slow dance. Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth: Maternal instincts

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "Here's a little scene that Klarisse, my tauren shaman on Argent Dawn (US-H), ran across," writes today's submitter. "Just to prove that not all members of the Horde are evil and uncaring, this kindly guardian druid ran across a couple lost, orphaned, and hungry panda cubs. She decided to adopt them and give them a good meal." Now I'm all in favor of the right to breastfeed in public, but I'm not sure that the middle of Orgrimmar is the best place to do it. All those people riding wolves and dinosaurs and mammoths through the place seems like it would be a pretty dangerous environment for nursing. Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth, Beta Edition: The chairs up there

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "I had to check out Nethergarde Keep because I heard bad things may have happened to it," writes submitter Shikí of Sojourner on Kargath (US-A). "This was indeed true, as has been seen before with the flaming-but-still-alive gryphons. However, I couldn't help notice the incredible levitating furniture that faithfully defies the Iron Horde. Who cares if there isn't a floor? The chairs will guard its memory. (I tried to sit in one of them, but it wouldn't let me.)" Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth, Beta Edition: A woman of mystery

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Who is that orc? She's so mysterious! Well, she's standing atop a bed of flowers using a branch with berries as a sword and a flower as a shield, which is actually pretty mysterious behavior for anyone who isn't a six-year-old girl or a drunk cosplayer. Still, if you have to title yourself Mysterious Orc, you might be trying a little too hard. (Thanks to beta tester Nganga of Pact of War on Silver Hand [US-H] for the screenshot!) Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth, Beta Edition: If you want a friend in Draenor, get a dog

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "Let's talk about the most important development in Warlords of Draenor from last week: Dog appeared in my garrison!" writes beta tester Riyahnasheed. For those of you who got fed up with your farm and stopped messing with it ages ago, this is the same Lost Dog who shows up in Halfhill after completing his quest and getting revered with the Tillers. "He appeared in my herb garden in the most recent build with food, a house and Murloc plushie." Maybe he just likes snacking on people's herbs. Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth, Beta Edition: I want to put on my boogie shoes

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "As a devoted follower of Vol'jin, I be determined to crush the Iron Horde underfoot," writes beta tester Feathery. "I even convinced a bored peon in Wor'var to help me wit' my aim. That don't be such a great idea, though, because he kept licking my foot. Please, can trolls get some shoes? Ya don't really want to see a grown troll resort to making puppy dog eyes, do ya, mon?" Well, it'd be less scary than those crazy female gnome eyes, that's for sure. Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth: Give us dirty laundry

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "While running some guild members through heroic Culling of Stratholme to get the Zombiefest achievement, I noticed this tucked off in a corner," writes submitter Epicurian of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A). "I realized this is something you don't see in the towns and villages in Azeroth. Do they all have electricity so they all have dryers? Or are they keeping the local economy going by tossing out all their dirty clothing and buying new? Come to think of it, we don't even clean our clothes. Day after day, week after week, month after month, stuck in the same suit of armor. It's kind of interesting that the one place where people are doing their laundry is where they are all about to become zombies." Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth: Mutant turtles that are neither teenage nor ninja

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "So I was flying the far-flung reaches of Pandaria and Kun Lai when something passed me," writes submitter Arugadh of The Brotherhood of Iron on Wyrmrest Accord (US-A). "I halted, stared, stared again ... and then dove for the screen-cap command. A flying turtle. No, seriously, a FLYING TURTLE. And no, I hadn't had too much of the Stormstout Ale. Meet Lon'Li Guju, a lonesome, sad angel of a turtle named for Lonesome George, the last Pinta Island tortoise (a species now extinct, as George died in 2012). If you emote at him, even from quite a distance away, he'll do a 180 degree turn, come flying up to you, and follow you around like a puppy." Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth, Beta Edition: Fear and loathing in Shadowmoon Valley

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    What do you think you're doing, squid boy? This is frog country. We don't take kindly to you two-legged folk in these parts. So why don't you just hearth on back home and pretend you never stumbled upon this little meeting. We'd hate to have to secrete mucus all over your equipment, blueskin. (Thanks to beta tester Jaeren of Bethrian Guard on Earthen Ring [US-A] for this screenshot!) Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth, Beta Edition: A tale of two warchiefs

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    To whom it may concern, and also the Alliance: A mysterious photo recently fell into the hands of [REDACTED], an orc rogue gathering information in the WoD beta. As you can see, it shows a Very Secret Meeting between two members of the Horde, one of whom recently escaped imprisonment in the Temple of the White Tiger. How these two Horde leaders came together and what they talked about will probably remain a mystery, as [REDACTED] confirmed all three Horde champions present at the meeting were shortly thereafter dispatched through an unidentified portal into parts unknown. There are persistent but unconfirmed rumors that one of the champions, before disappearing through the portal, was given a letter to be delivered to Alleria Windrunner. Sincerely, [REDACTED] (Thanks to our top-secret informant for this screenshot.) Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth, Beta Edition: Wreck-It Rexxar

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "So a word of advice when dealing with Rexxar: pet haters need not apply," writes beta tester Riyahnasheed. "The local Iron Horde didn't really seem to grasp this message. This may be related to the spontaneous appearance of numerous size 18 boot prints on the backsides of the orcs who had been holding Nisha captive." I'd be more scared of the giant angry bird than Rexxar, even if he is the Horde's version of Chuck Norris. (Insert Barrens chat joke here.) Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

  • Around Azeroth, Beta Edition: Birdhouse in your soul

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    "I am a rogue. Master of stealth, poisoner of blades, stealer of purses and lives," writes beta tester Roycroft of Has Candy on Wyrmrest Accord (US-A). "Like a cat, I move unseen, ready to spring, with fists full of knives. And there's a bird on my head. A cute little bird. On my head. (No rogues or birds were hurt in the taking of this picture.)" Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.