

  • Due for more Polymorph options

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here's a good idea from the forums: more sheep choices! Polymorph was one of the most beloved spells in the Warcraft RTS games, and so players were thrilled to see it come to World of Warcraft, and even more thrilled when two other variations on the spell were learned: instead of sheeping, players can either polymorph pig or turtle with two learned spells from quests or drops in the game.But since the introduction of Zul'Gurub, we haven't seen any other options for mages in game. And there are plenty to choose from by now-- Polymorph: Ravager, Polymorph: Clefthoof, or Polymorph: Elekk would all work great. Polymorph: Willy would even be lots of fun. Oh, and yes, as players in the thread say, since we're headed to Northrend, Polymorph: Penguin would not be out of order in the next expansion.Blizzard has done a pretty good job of taking mounts, both flying and ground-based, towards a little horizontal progress-- giving more options on one level instead of setting up a few options over multiple levels. But hopefully Polymorph will get a little love, too-- even though mages are the only ones who benefit directly, my guild has always had fun making sure our mages have all the Polymorph options possible.

  • Breakfast Topic: Best boss fight

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Straight from the forums: What's the best boss fight in the game?Personally, having been up through Gruul, I remain a big fan of Jeklik in Zul'Gurub-- it's got just the right mix of old fashioned tanking, AoE, and (eventually) all-out chaos that a great boss battle should have. People are saying that C'thun is a classic, but like most players, I've never had the chance to see him. In terms of five-man bosses, the quality on those really jumped up in Outland. I'd say Heroic Capacitus is fun, with the positive/negative mechanic borrowed from Thaddius. And Sepethrea's little Tron room in the Mechanar is a good time, too.But I'm probably forgetting quite a few good ones. What is the best boss fight in the game?

  • Breakfast Topic: Are you tired of Trolls?

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Not the Internet kind, the Zul'Aman kind. I don't know about you, but visiting yet another troll based instance isn't ringing my bell. Maybe it has to do with my 15 level grind from hell in Stranglethorn Vale back in the day. Or some bad wipes in Zul'Gurub.Either way, I want to experience something new. Not something old with better loot. Plus, as Phaelia at Resto4Life pointed out, the better loot may not be worth the public humiliation.What do you think? Are you happy to revisit a classic World of Warcraft themed dungeon like Zul'Aman, which, despite its looks, has new mechanics and bosses or are you yearning for something new like Sunwell Plateau?

  • Breakfast topic: There is only Zul

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Zul'Farrak vs. Zul'Gurub vs. Zul'Aman.Bronko on the forums says "if the mobs were of equal level... go!" but I can't tell if he means which we like better or which would win in a throwdown (my hunch thinks "throwdown," since that would be so much more interesting to see). So let's answer both.I haven't played Zul'Aman yet, so it may be amazing, but I think I might have to agree with Bornakk-- the stairs in Zul'Farrak are pretty epic, especially for their level. Then again, Zul'Aman will probably have at least one or two events like that, so I'd be partial to the troll city in the Ghostlands in that case. And ZG is definitely a great 10 man 20 man (boy it's been a while since I've been there), too-- Hakkar's whispers, all the different bosses, the funny little in-jokes ("Ding!" "Grats!" is a classic, as is Nat Pagle's fishing spot), and the different animal areas make it a great instance. Hopefully Zul'Aman will match up.And in terms of a throwdown, as players note in the thread, the Blood Drinkers in Zul'Gurub make things harder for everyone else. Will the trolls from ZF and ZA know to down the other bosses before Hakkar? Or can anyone, for that matter, stand up to the might of Zul'jin himself? So who wins, ZA, ZF, or ZG?

  • Get a Pet: Son of Hakkar

    Paul Sherrard
    Paul Sherrard

    I know you've seen this pet. It seems like every hunter at 60 is trying to get this crazy red Wind Serpent. If you head into Alterac Valley, you're practically SWIMMING in Wind Serpents! No? Well, if you're not, you soon will be. The Son of Hakkar is the best pre-Outlands pet, or so I'm told. I wanted to know more, so I hit up some fellow hunters to get the low-down, and find out how to get this elusive yet wondrous beast into my stable. I talked to Forge and Taerek, and they've let me know that yes, the Son of Hakkar really is the best pet going into the Outlands. It does great damage, it has Lightning Breath 6 (the mother of all Lightning Breaths?), and actually holds its own as a tank. We were actually taking out Dukes in Silithus using 2 hunters, 2 Sons of Hakkar, and my paladin to heal. Using the guide below, I was actually able to single-handedly (with a guildie to group me into a raid group) head into Zul'Gurub and get my very own Son of Hakkar. It took me two tries, it only took Taerek one. Let me know how you do. Video and Instructions are after the jump.