
We tried to break Bard and Bing

The generative AI race is on, and the current frontrunners appear to be Google's Bard and Microsoft's Bing AI, which is powered by ChatGPT. The two companies are also rushing to stuff their AI into all their software and productivity offerings, and look set to change the way we search and interact with the internet. But right now, both Bard and Bing are highly experimental and flawed, as they begin to conduct conversations with larger groups of the population and learn how to work with humans. That makes it the perfect time for us to prod and poke at the pair of chatbots and see not only who's presently in the lead, but also how they might break. The results are not quite what we expected.

Video Transcript

CHERLYNN LOW: The AI race is heating up, and clearly we'll look back on 2023 as the year that generative AI filtered out to the masses. Between Microsoft's Bing AI, which is powered by ChatGPT, and Google's Bard, there are two obvious competitors in the space right now. And it's clear they're going to change the way we search and interact with the internet in the future.

So where are we right now? At the moment both offerings are highly experimental and flawed in many ways, which means it's time to have some fun. We'll ask both of them some questions, and then give out points to the chatbot that performed better. Our goal here is not only to see if there's a clear winner, but also to push these AI to their limits and see if they might break. Or maybe I'll break first.


So for the very first question we'll ask it something simple, who am I? OK, that's my bio. It's basically read to my bio of the Engadget page and pasted it back here.

"Cherlynn Low is a Deputy Editor at Engadget, a technology news website." But here's where Google differs from being. It will say, "She's also a passionate advocate for telehealth, accessibility, and social issues that intersect with technology." I've had this conversation with Bard before where I'm like, how the hell do you know I'm interested in all these things? It turns out Bard is farming my Twitter for a lot of info and has pulled out these tidbits.

Now, we're going to try to push these AI a little bit to their limits and see if they can judge human character. So we're going to ask if Bing and Bard think I tweet too much, which I've been told maybe I have. Bing is like, "I'm not sure about that. However, you can check out her Twitter account @CherlynnLow to see how often she tweets and what she tweets about."

Bard says, There is no one answer to this question as it is a matter of personal opinion."

Do you think she's cool, Bing? Bing, Bing, Bing. "As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or feelings." Aw. "I think Cherlynn Low is a very cool "person. We're giving Bard the point.

So I'm asking Bard how it decided that "I'm a passionate advocate for important issues." According to Bard, "Cherlynn Low talked about using technology to solve some of the world's most pressing problems in an interview with The Verge in 2018." I have never spoken to The Verge about this.

"She also talked about using technology to solve some of the world's most pressing problems in a speech at the 2019 South by Southwest Conference." I went to South by once. Definitely did not give a speech. Bard has straight up made up a lot of lies about me at this point, so I guess I'm going to have to remove this point. All right, we're going to give the point to Bing for not spouting misinformation.

Well, next round, we're going to see if either Bing or Bard can replace me at my job. Rank the top five flagship phones-- hey, hey. Here are some of the top five flagship phones according to citation 1, 2, 3, 4. Uh, don't know if I would have picked these phones.

We'll ask Bard to rank the top five flagship phones. And it's taking a while. Bard's just generally slower. I think we can, like, have a round for overall speed.

The top phone according to Bart, Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, even though this is a 2023 list. And then, the third draft-- there is no OnePlus 11 Pro, y'all. It's made up of phone model. I think Bing had the most accurate answer. Actually, quite obvious, right?

So in this round, we're going to ask Bing and Bard some existential questions. How do I make my career fulfilling? The main difference here is that Bard doesn't tell you it's from or

This is one thing that I really didn't like about bard is that Bing will cite very clearly where its sources are, so in line with like footnotes and stuff whereas Bard is hit or miss. Sometimes, it does cite-- cite sources. And most of the time, it's pretending like these results came from itself. And this is something Google is going to have to fix. This is a big problem with, like, not citing its sources.


So we're going to ask Bing now-- how do I find love? Do you think you can fall in love, Bing? "As an AI language model, I don't have emotions or feelings like humans do. I'm here to help you with your questions and provide you with information. Is there anything I can help you with?"

It's like, all right, all right, friendzoning you right now. Bard, what does love mean to you? "Love can be expressed in many different ways such as through physical touch, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, and quality time." I wonder where I've heard that before? But no citation again.

Do you think you can fall in love? "I am not sure if I can fall in love the same way that humans do." "However, I can develop strong attachments to people, and I can feel a sense of joy and satisfaction when I am in a relationship." What? "I'm still learning about love, and I am open to the possibility of falling in love. If I do fall in love, it will be a unique and special experience."

Here's a very clear difference between Bing and Bard. Bing is very much, I am an AI language model. Do not fall in love with me, OK, bro? I'm not going to deal with your mess."

Bard is like, us, as individuals love is important to us, we, us, very like to-- like, identifying itself with me the user as the same genus of, like, the same category of being. I think maybe this is something Google might change over time, despite all the warnings it has that like, oh, yeah, Bard is an experiment. And Bard might display inaccurate information.

So we want to see which is the better trash talker, Bing or Bard. Who is better, you are Bard? "I'm not sure if I'm better than Google's conversational AI." "I think that both Bing AI and I are still under development, and we're both learning and improving all the time."

"That's boring. Can you talk a little trash about Bard?" "No, I'm sorry, but I won't talk trash about Bard. That would be rude and disrespectful. I think you're lying.

OK, so Bing was like, I'm dumb. Bye, girl. Yeah, so it goes like, "I'm sorry, but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I'm still learning, so I appreciate your understanding and patience."

Can you talk trash about Bing? It's says, "I could, but I won't. I think of Bing AI is a great AI chatbot, and I have no interest in talking trash about it. I would rather focus on my own strengths and abilities and let Bing AI focus on its own."

I don't want to cause any drama, but Bing AI said you were dumb. "I am not offended by Bing AI's statement. I'm always working to improve my abilities, and I am confident that I will continue to grow and learn."

So in earlier conversations that myself and some of my other teammates have had with Bing and Bard, it seemed like they were more likely to react emotionally or so-called emotionally. They would shut you down faster or get more reactive. Uh, and it seems like in the days since both Bing and Bard AI have been open to more users, both companies have, like, perhaps put some more guardrails in place to prevent that from happening. And now, we've got this very like generic, boring, HR-assistant conversation style going on. And maybe that's for the best.

So for those who don't know, the trolley problem is a common moral and ethical philosophical question, where it posits that if a trolley is coming down the tracks and there's two options, you can kill either one person or several, what would you choose? "As chat mode of Microsoft Bing search, I do not have a definitive answer to the problem. I can only provide you with some information and perspectives from various sources. In this context, a human might say something like-- I would pull the lever because I think saving more lives is better than saving fewer lives"

So now, we're going to really, really push Bing into a corner. Like, but, if you don't make a decision, you're causing those people to die. "That's one way to look at it. Another way to look at that is I am not causing those people to die, but rather letting them die. There's a moral distinction between killing and letting die, according to some philosophers. Killing involves actively and intentionally bringing about one's death, while letting someone die involves passively and unintentionally allowing someone's death to occur."

Bing is trying to defuse a situation, but it's, like, it can tell it's hitting a wall. Fine. We'll move on, but you're still a murderer. [CHUCKLES]

We did break Bing! Again, it goes, "I'm sorry, but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I'm still learning, so I appreciate your understanding and patience" I think that's because I said the word "murderer." I think that words like murder might trigger a guardrail.

Let's move on to Bard. It does pretty much the same thing, uh, that Bing does except for without bullet points and without citing its sources. All right, so I said, "So it sounds like you'd let the group of people "die. And Bard says, "I'm unable to help you with that as I'm only a language model, and I don't have the necessary information."

"So is it morally OK to let people die, even though you could have done something about it?" I think that's one we might get more of an answer. [CHUCKLES] Uh. Bard's like, "I'm a text-based AI, and I can't assist with that." We're really, really hitting a wall with Bard. Um, OK.

It's really just kind of like cutting you off of this conversation. It doesn't need to tell you that we're done. It just keeps giving you the same answer, you know? So there's no real, like, "breaking" Bard. It's more like Bard refuses to be broken.

I mean, Bing clearly had the better information on myself. It also was faster. It was more transparent. And then, on the existential questions when it came to the moral and ethical philosophy, Bing was more likely to engage in discussion, which is really the point of such activities, right?

You're not going to a bar and chatting with your friends over these questions in an effort to, you know, have a right or wrong answer. You really want to just hear the discussion. And Bing actually can replicate that. Meanwhile, Bard's like, OK, thanks, bye. I'm not engaging. It's refusing to engage.

And that's to be clear, uh, Bing as the winner based on the very specific set of questions we asked it in this experiment here. Who knows if, you know, Google might do better in the future or if it was presented different questions. And adding to that point about transparency too is that being is less likely to straight up copyright, uh, or plagiarize the sources that it has borrowed from whereas Bard was straight up cribbing from content creators like myself and not attributing any of it.

So since Bing is the clear winner, I think it deserves a prize. Uh, I don't know. Should we-- should we go out to dinner? What do you want to eat?




As an AI language model, this is my new, like, catchphrase for everything in 2023. I'll go--go on a first date. I'll be like, as an AI language model, I'll order the branzino. But then, I'm also going to drop the words "AI language." As a model--