
Cheap goodies from NH Japan

NH Japan DV-5

NH Japan, having just come out with the MPM-201 and 202 video players we featured the other day, has announced a slew of new stuff. Some of it, like the camera USB drives, looks a touch generic, but there are a few interesting picks: The DV-5 pictured right is a 3-megapixel MPEG-4 video/still camera with a 2GB drive; the DV-588 is a midsized 5-megapixel camera with a 3X optical zoom that should sell for a reasonable Y30,000; and there's a currently vaporous 2GB audio player called the NH-2000 that supposedly has a Bluetooth headset with it (we hope they mean the whole thing can be recognized as a Bluetooth headset as per the Diva GEM). NHJ still aren't making the kind of stuff that you can really brag to your friends about, but they're steadily getting there.