
The bag that won't forget its contents

RFID bag

If you're the type who doesn't mind RFID tagging just about everything you own (it you're not, we'll let it slide… for now) then you may soon find yourself stuffing the wallets of some very clever scientists from MIT. Their RFID-enabled bag has sensors that will let it know when its being picked up—it scans to make sure you've got what you brought, and has a voice synth delcare (as it were), "Cellphone: yes. Wallet: yes. Keys: no!" Of course, this might get a little tedious for an afternoon if you've lent your keys to your locked-out roomie, but hey, anything that makes it easier for us not to think is just fine. They're also planning on adding a version that checks the weather to make sure you've brought an umbrella. Science marches on.

[Via textually]