
Ben Zackheim is down on the Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS

The Nintendo DS has been out for roughly 162 hours now, and Ben Zackheim over at Joystiq delivers his impressions of his first week with the new console. He likes that Nintendo didn't skimp on the audio (which is surprisingly loud), that the graphics are better than expected, and that the DS is backwards compatbility with Game Boy Advance games, but he has some big complaints: the first crop of games don't take full advantage of its touchscreen capabilities (which is already getting scratched up the stylus), it's too big to be easily pocketable and too heavy to play for extended periods of time (eventually you need to prop your elbows up on something), and the differing resolution and contrast of the two screens can be distracting. It's all gonna come down to the next round of games which are due out next month, he says.