
More on that Star Wars iPod

Star Wars Episode III iPod cover

Yep, Skittles is doing a contest where they're giving away a 100 Star Wars-themed iPods, but get ready to be disappointed (or relieved if you were planning on living off of Skittles for the month of April): it doesn't sound like they were able to actually able to convince Apple to do a limited-edition iPod. Instead what they're offering is "100 Grand Prizes of STAR WARS-Themed iPods with an iSkin." Which you could probably do yourself if you just applied yourself a bit (remember when people used to do that?). Or you could snap up's exclusive glossy plastic Episode III iPod Cover, which is apparently so hyperfuturistic that they weren't able to figure out how to take a proper photograph of it; we'll have to satisfy ourselves with these "photoillustrations" that approximate its appearance.

[Thanks, Julien and Tim]

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