
Webooti: the uber-simple computer


Okay, so while we fancy ourselves big nerds over here at Engadget, we realize there are actually people out there who aren't on constant lookout for ever more droolworthy computer hardware (though we don't understand them). We've got room in our hearts for the non-tech-savvy, and we love them to bits, but we're still gonna give them computers as gifts. Luckily, we can bestow something that won't scare them by giving the gift of webooti, an ultra-simple PC designed for the technically frightened. And they're right: with a Pentium II 300Mhz, 128MB RAM, and 8GB hard disk, that thing cannot possibly frighten anyone. Plus, it's called "webooti," and if that's not completely harmless, we don't know what is.

[Via Pasta and Vinegar]