
Hands-on with the Samsung YP-U1


We had a little something on the site yesterday about the YP-U1, but just a few hours after we posted that up we actually got a chance to get hands-on with the new flash-based MP3 player at Samsung's Christmas in July 2005 event (apparently no one had the heart to tell them it's already August now). Samsung's rep was pretty straight up about how the YP-U1 is their response to the iPod shuffle, which is the sort of candor you don't always get from a megacorp. Anyway, five minutes wasn't enough time to really put this thing through its paces, but you could tell right away that YP-U1's big selling point is its 128 x 64 pixel mini LCD (another nice feature is the built-in hinged USB plug, which means there's no cap to lose). They're going to selling the 512MB version for $99.99 (which is what Apple charges for the 512MB shuffle), with the 1GB version priced at $149.99.




The YP-U1 in black.