
CNET Media Center round up


Dan Ackerman has an overview of three Media Center PCs over at CNET. Two of the three have HDTV tuners, so we figure Dan's battin' .667; not bad for MLB, but we're more concerned with high-def. Neither of the two MCE's with and HD tuner are batting a thousand as they both scored a six and a seven out of ten.

We mentioned the Niveus MCE Denali edition last month in our over-the-top back to school post and it seemed to impress us more than CNET. Dudes, its got like four tuners, four GB of memory and almost a terabyte of storage! Hey, they did do a sound check that we couldn't afford [since the unit runs about $6,300!] and find that it runs quieter than nuclear sub on cruise control.

CNET also got the goods on the S1 Digital MCE Platinum, which is less than half the cost of the Niveus. It also has about half the processing power and storage space, but it's passable as an every day HTPC. It would be nice to see a better graphics card than the Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT graphics card, but you get what you pay for.