
Dish 942 HD software upgrade spooling

Dish Network

Yes, it's that time again. Time for Dish to push out another software upgrade to one of their HD receiver models; the 942. Software version L2.81 started spooling yesterday, so check your "System Information" screen. I haven't seen release notes yet on the fixes, but some folks over at the DBSTalk forums indicate this may fix an issue with the 129° satellite.

I don't have this HD receiver; in fact, I just ordered the Dish 921 HD receiver because I don't need the two TV output that the model 942 offers. I'll be using the 921's built-in OTA tuner to pull in my local signals and save $6 a month. That frees up my Panasonic DTV tuner for the 27-inch HD set upstairs.

In any case, for any 942 owners out there: check back in and let us know how the upgrade affects you. We have to get Dish to start publicizing their release notes a little more. All of these "super secret software upgrades" look suspicious. C'mon Charlie, you're not giving us a warm fuzzy on these!