
Panasonic DLP projector recall

Electric shock

Consider this our "good deed for the day" because quite frankly, we don't want any of you getting fried by a faulty DLP projector! Two Panasonic models are under recall: PT-D5500U and the PT-5500UL. Apparently, if the lamp circuit touches the shield case, the unit becomes ungrounded. If that happens and you touch the back metal unit, your nose lights up like the old "Operation" board game. ["Don't touch the sides!"]

If you have either of these units, you might consider calling Panasonic at (888) 411-1996 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on a weekday. My guess is that the Panasonic customer service folks watch oodles of prime-time HDTV programming and don't own PVRs. That's what I call commitment; to HDTV that is.