
Texans sue Sprint Nextel over antennae installation

Wireless Towers

Sprint Nextel: you got served! Literally. Texas lawfirm Williams Bailey filed a class-action lawsuit today in a Kansas federal district court against Sprint Nextel, claiming the wireless behemouth illegally installed cell transmitters on top of existing electricity transmission towers. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of hundreds of Texas landowners, argues that Sprint Nextel did not receive permission from the property owners to erect the transmitters, and therefore owes them unspecified compensation. Sprint Nextel responded with this rather ambiguous comment: "Sprint Nextel respects the rights of property owners and obtains proper easements and licenses for the placement of its wireless facilities." OK, if you say so. Stay tuned folks, and don't step away from CourtTV for even a minute, as this could easily surpass OJ and MJ as the trial of the century.

[Via PhoneScoop]