
Unified EU license for online music stores

EU music licensing

Despite the seemingly "anybody can do it" style music stores that seem to pop up every three or four minutes, the fact of the matter is that licensing music for online sale is still a pain, especially in the EU where there are 25 freaking countries to keep track of. It took Apple a year and a half to get their EU store up, and the Yahoo! music service still isn't selling to our buddies across the pond. Well it shouldn't be as much of a problem anymore; the European Commission has just announced that they've come up with a single license that covers all 25 member states. No more ring around the rosy with a bunch music execs to get everything legit. This would seem to prove once and for all that the whole one world government thing seems to be paying off over there, at least for the artists who can now finally receive royalty checks instead of wading through territorial red-tape to get their .000034 percent cut.

[Thanks, Joe]