
Six seconds of Good Morning America in HD

Good Morning America

If you don't have HDTV, or simply don't watch Good Morning America, this one's for you. HD Beat reader Eddie G. recorded a clip from the newest show to go high-def: ABC's Good Morning America. We showed a few screen captures last week, but here's a 1280 x 720 full motion clip. The file is 11.4 MB and is only six seconds long, but it provides an idea as to the clarity and wide field of vision that HDTV provides. It also illustrates how much storage a compressed HD video can require!

While you can't quite read the logos on the coffee mugs or view the time on the host's watches, you see a definite clarity that SDTV is incapable of displaying. One thing you can read are the single words from the display in the building outside. Oh, and Mr. Planter looks pretty crisp too! Additionally, the widescreen format easily fits the four hosts all in one shot; no need to have different camera shots depending on who's speaking.

If you've never seen the show in high-def or you only own analog or SDTVs, how does this look to you?

[Thanks for the clip Eddie! If you're ever in our 'hood, drop over from HDTV viewing or gaming!]