
Chill out with ChillArt


So it us or is like everyone trying to turn their HDTV set into some functional artwork? I thought it was pretty cool at first, but now it's like a giant game of "we have a neat product too!" For the sake of any new readers that didn't see our pieces on the Roku ArtPacks, the frames for your Panasonic PDP, or GalleryPlayer we now present ChillArt.

I'll bet you already guessed that ChillArt is another audio-video approach to extending your digital set. Only one problem: it's not HDTV since ChillArt products are on DVD. In fairness, they aren't marketed as high-def, but they are targeted at flat panel displays; anyone else see the confused customer buying these and thinking they are high-definition?

The DVDs are soothing and relaxing with beautiful scenery and music; call me crazy, but I'll just pop in a Yoga DVD for the same effect, plus get the added benefit of exercise and flexibility! For those that want to be mesmerized by scenery on DVD, feel free to click the link.