
Poll results on Daily Programming

Poll Results

Aside from the two folks that don't know about our daily posts, the vast majority of voters either said "keep it" or "expand it". However, there's some hub-bub about hanging chads, so we're doing a recount. No, we're just jivin' you; we'll keep the daily posts and look to see if we can expand them based on your feedback.

In case you didn't know, you can actually subscribe and have the daily posts delivered to you via RSS. There's a whole technical explanation we could give you, but you can probably see that on a high-def PBS broadcast. Suffice it to say: you can have all Programming posts delivered to your news aggregator with this link. Why not go for the whole enchilada and drag this link to add HD Beat to your favorite aggregtor or better yet: add us to your AOL or Yahoo! home page?