
Beyond Good & Evil 2 bound for Revo?

Jeuxpo has posted an article in which they state that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is not only in production, but that it will be released on the Revolution sometime in 2007. Though the mere thought of such a possibility makes our eyes water, our knees tremble and our faces contort in some sort of freakish hyper-smile, it should be noted that the article cites absolutely no source or information to back its claims up. Unhappy face emoticon!

Anyone that's finished the phenomenal original knows that the epic story of government propaganda, alien abduction and talking pigs absolutely demands a continuation, but it would be a mistake to base easily crushed hopes on a news article that's somewhat lacking in substance. Regardless, we'd be very upset if Beyond Good & Evil 2 didn't eventually arrive in some shape or form. We'll pray to Carlson and Peeters every night until it does. (If that reference is lost on you, consider this a stern warning to go and play Beyond Good & Evil. Stern, we say!)

[Via GamersReports]