
Weird Revolution Mockup #2: The Vacuum Nun

We thought it would be good for a laugh to look back at some of the Revolution controller designs that crept onto the Internet back when the system was nothing but a codename, a promise and a cheeky smile on Satoru Iwata's face. These are the Revolutions that weren't...and thankfully so.

Today's mockup quite obviously resembles a vacuum cleaner, and so it is with great difficulty that we resist making equally obvious "it sucks" jokes. We'll try and be more creative. Though this attempt takes on the actual console and not the controller (or...does it?) it's still pretty bizarre. And by "bizarre", we mean "crap". Perhaps we're just not looking deep enough, not seeing the wonderful functionality this design provides. Okay...we see...a nun in there somewhere. Seriously, we see the extremely wide and pale face of a nun, preserved beneath a dainty black habit. Her blue, disc-devouring mouth is a bit frightening, however, so perhaps we should fall back to the vacuum cleaner image. Or better yet, we'll compromise: It's The Vacuum Nun.
