
LEGO Star Wars II demo impressions

LEGO Star Wars II, put simply, is a lot of fun. I downloaded the demo this morning and found myself playing it until lunch. If you've got room for a simple, lighthearted game, it's definitely worth checking out. Read on for a breakdown of the demo and my impressions.

The demo sets you in the middle of the infamous Mos Eisley segment of Episode IV, just prior to entering the cantina. Right off the bat you're given control of Obi-Wan (Old Ben) Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, C3P0 and R2D2. The droids are pretty much useless in combat, but are essential for opening certain doors -- a mechanic that will pop up for many of the characters. Of course, what immediately stands out it the comedic and child-like nature of the game. Please keep in mind that child-like is a good thing here. There are plenty of chuckles to be had throughout, whether you're laughing at the cut scenes, or just smiling when you build your own AT-ST (chicken walker). The combat is mindless, but fun. I'm a little underwhelmed by the light saber combat. It's not quite as cool considering that the blasters are much more effective. If force powers weren't essential to complete certain sections -- or if Jedi weren't so inherently cool -- you might avoid Obi-Wan altogether.

What surprised me most about the demo is the sheer amount of stuff to collect and do. You can literally spend hours digging up all the secrets to be found. For instance, can you find all three carrots in the first section? Why are there carrots, you ask. I have no bloody idea, but it made me titter like a school girl every time I found one. Of course, there are other more impressive secrets to be had, such as unlocking characters for use in the demo. Even more impressive, you can discover codes to unlock characters in the full game as well. Once you're done playing through the demo proper, you can even get a taste of the free play mode, which lets you mix and match parts from each character to create your own. Want to make a bounty hunter with Leia's bikini and Chewbacca's head? No problem.

This demo is great. That's about all that can be said. It's got lots to collect, plenty to find, and a good sense of humor. If it doesn't at least intrigue you about the full game, we submit to you that your soul is cold and unfeeling, and that you might be better served by downloading the trailer for The Darkness.