
Kiddie porn trumps video games

British Home Secretary John Reid addressed European Union members this week in Brussels regarding violent video games. He acknowledged that violent games are an issue in the gamut of problems that affect youth, tempering his statement by saying, "But I am also concerned about what more we can do to tackle the most extreme and harmful end of the spectrum. In particular I am concerned about child pornography." Reid said most games do not feature objectionable material and went on to propose numerous ways for the EU to fight child pornography.

Reid's statements come following issues in the U.K. and Europe over the survival-horror game Rule of Rose, which features very sinister little girls and is considered by some to be "erotic." The game currently has no publisher in the U.K. Coincidentally, if London audiences want to get their creepy child fix on, 17 year-old Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame will performEquus in London early next year, which has "a lengthy nude scene during which Strang (Radcliffe) blinds six horses with a spike." So, naked Harry Potter live on-stage stabbing out horses eyes is fine, but fully clothed little girls terrorizing a woman with live rats tied to sticks is too much -- interesting.