
A postmortem on Accordion Hero (with a little info on Guitar Hero, too)

Accordion Hero game controller prototype

Just in case you missed the Guitar Hero parody Accordion Hero reported here on Joystiq a week or two back, Gamasutra has now posted a tongue-in-cheek postmortem on the squeezebox simulator. It's cheeky.

You'll learn not only "that accordion players get all the girls" (with female players, of course, getting all the guys), but you'll also get a handle on some detailed developer data such as the number of accordions broken during development (none) and the number set on fire during the same period of time (twenty-three).

For those of you who'd rather learn the real history behind Accordion's obvious inspiration, you can check out the relevant Behind the Music feature on Guitar Hero with its creators Harmonix and RedOctane below. At least that'll give you a better idea of how many controllers from "a Japanese guitar-playing simulation [presumably Guitar Freaks]... ended up in an impromptu parking lot bonfire" before all was said and done. (Hint: it's a number a lot closer to one hundred.) Glad the new controllers work.

See also: