
Blizzard Working on Multiple Games, Including Another RTS?

Maybe it's the fact that Blue only releases games seemingly once a millenia (I think we're almost finally approaching Starcraft: Ghost'soriginal release date), but it seems like there's nothing Blizzard's fans love more than rampant speculation about what they're up to next.

In that vein, we present the news that Blizzard has updated their Employment Opportunity board once again this past weekend, this time looking for "a talented level designer with experience building levels using any popular 3D Real-Time Strategy game toolset." Did you hear that? "3D Real-Time Strategy"? That almost sounds like it could be Starcra-- nah. Or maybe the next round of Warcra-- nahhhh. Or you never know, Blizzard could even be working on a completely new type of genre, something that combines its success with WoW with its strategic past. Could you imagine a Blizzard MMORTS? It could be anything! Isn't speculation fun?

Adding to the fun is another press release that Blizzard dropped today stating that the company will "strengthen its current development efforts by refocusing key members of its console team on other projects within the company." They didn't say much more than that, but I'm guessing it means Starcraft: Ghost is taking even more of a back seat than it had before. The only good news is that the press release also stated that the company will eventually tell us everything we need to know, about all future projects, at a future time. And when it comes to speculation fuel, it doesn't get much more vague than that.