
Boeing disconnecting Connexion

Business travelers -- especially those who regularly fly long-haul international routes -- are not gonna be happy about this one: after reviewing the long-term sustainability of its in-flight Connexion broadband service and reportedly seeking buyers to take over the money-losing operation, Boeing has finally decided to simply scrap the service and exit the nascent market. Citing lack of interest in its pricey offering, company Chairman, President, and CEO Jim McNerney opined that "we believe this decision best balances the long-term interests of all parties with a stake in Connexion by Boeing;" though by "all parties," he probably wasn't including our many commenters who reportedly enjoyed the ability to web surf and get their WOW-on miles above the Earth. Although the news is obviously bad for investors (benefits from the lack of further investment in the service won't initially outweigh the additional charges the company now expects to recognize this year), at least "the majority of Connexion employees" will reportedly be able to find jobs elsewhere in the organization. It still seems pretty clear that there's some demand out there for in-flight communication options (well, not if you ask Verizon), but unfortunately for Boeing, being an early adopter in this market just didn't pan out.

[Via the::unwired]