
Today's hottest game video: It burns when I Wii

Today's (close to the) hottest game video is from the three slot, since number one is still Stephen Colbert and the Wii, sitting pretty with 139k views, trumping last night's video showing the incredible range of the Wii-Mote. So that bring us to number three, It Burns When I Wii.

Yep, you didn't read that title wrong ... It burns when they Wii. Nice! Although burning or not, this video is far too long. Playing Wii on a projector might burn, but come on man, don't make us go through the entire experience with you. You could have kept this at a respectable minute long, instead we're clawing for the fast-forward button because this one feels like a Peter Jackson extended edition, except without all the hobbits of giant gorillas.

We'll give 'em this, the Wii does look mighty nice on a projector. Burning sensation optional.