
Firmware 1.3 update information (incomplete)

So, we've received dozens of e-mails about the magical PS3 update that occurred late last night. What does it do? Can you finally grill burgers on the PS3? Not really. One of our readers, known only as Colin, has helped us out in discerning what the update entails. Also, we were given a link to a site that also gives a decent list of what happened. Let's take the tour, shall we?

  • At 1080p, the video thumbnails are nearly twice the size they used to be, making them far easier to see.

  • Maybe other icons are larger too?

  • When you auto-detect your HDMI video settings on a 720p/1080i TV, the PS3 automatically goes to your highest resolution (so, 1080i).

  • Still no background downloading. Sorry about that one.

  • The Backup Utility: you can now back-up your PS3's internal hard-drive onto an external one.

  • BD/DVD settings: you have the option to select Automatic, RGB, or Y, Pb/Cb, Pr/Cr for HDMI Video Output format

  • You can now register the Bluetooth Blu-ray remote control... or something.

  • Under the "Display" heading, you can check and uncheck all the resolutions your TV has the ability to display.

That's all for now. If you find something else, leave a comment!

[thanks to everyone who sent this in! Really, to everyone!]